Suggest correction - #7410 - 2016-11-25

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    $400 17
Lose both "O"s from the end of this "forbidden" word & you're left with this soft drink

Show #7410 - Friday, November 25, 2016


Justin Bender, a technical engineer from Boulder, Colorado

Liz Hutchens, a registered nurse from Lake Wylie, South Carolina

Andrew Lee, an aspiring TV writer from West Hollywood, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $40,002)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Hoosier Hill
    $200 27
Bearnaise or A.1., for example
    $200 25
Hans Gruber's brother Simon turns up "with a Vengeance" in No. 3 in this series
    $200 24
After suffering a mortal wound in his final battle, he's taken to the mythic isle of Avalon
    $200 29
After being in charge of the Barbie line, Jill Barad was made CEO of this toy company
    $200 1
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a photo and an anatomical illustration on the monitor.) One of the most common causes of a first-degree burn is sunburn, which luckily rarely requires medical attention, as first-degree burns affect only this outermost layer of skin
    $400 9
Mount Sunflower
    $400 26
Lewis Carroll coined chortle by combining chuckle & this word
    $400 4
In 1989 this title guy had a "Last Crusade", which turned out not to be true in 2008
    $400 23
The satyr was a mythological creature that was half-human, half-this ruminant
    $400 28
In 2016 ex-Turing CEO Martin Shkreli appeared before Congress to testify about price hikes in this industry
    $400 16
Electrical burns are one result of being shot with this rhyming item
    $600 6
Mount Whitney
    $600 10
On film, Turner's canine partner
    $600 2
"III" was enough for Burgess Meredith; Mickey the fight trainer went to the squared circle in the sky in this film series
    $600 13
Type of Norse dwarf that lives in caves & under bridges (& on the Internet)
    $600 20
He dropped out of the U. of Illinois & the U. of Chicago but became an Oracle (CEO) anyway; now he's worth $51.8 billion
    $600 17
From a Latin word meaning "to wash in hot water", it's to burn with hot liquids or steam
    $800 7
Mount Hood
    $800 11
It can come before "sander" & after "Bible"
    $800 3
Michael is divorced from Kay, trying to save the Vatican financially & trying to get out of the crime biz in this series' No. 3
    $800 14
In the Homeric description, "the pitiless stone would come thundering down again" every time he pushed it up
    $800 21
Richard Plepler, CEO of this cable co., said in 2016 they have 2.7 mil. new customers, including those of the "Now" platform
    DD: $2,500 18
Major nosebleeds? No problem with this procedure in which a laser or electric probe may be used to seal off a vessel
    $1000 8
Guadalupe Peak
    $1000 12
The label of Hawaiian Punch says, "Contains 5%" this
    $1000 5
Ving Rhames & Maggie Q are on the team going after weapons dealer Philip Seymour Hoffman in this "III"
    $1000 15
Electra, the daughter of this man, avenges his murder by helping her brother kill their mom
    $1000 22
She's the former CEO of eBay who ran for governor of California
    $1000 19
This 7-letter word describes certain agents like those in cleaning products that cause severe burns if swallowed

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Andrew Liz Justin
$5,000 $2,000 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Liz Justin
$6,000 $2,600 $10,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will consist of two words--one with a double O and other without the double O.)
    $400 26
His name continues Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor; Diana mixed them up during their vows
    $400 8
Arizona's Curt Schilling vs. this team's Roger Clemens
    $400 30
In 2005 Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk got a dog, Snuppy, the world's first pooch of this type
    $400 2
This type of crane has a bucketlike attachment at the top for carrying a worker
    $400 17
Lose both "O"s from the end of this "forbidden" word & you're left with this soft drink
    $400 12
Many worldwide ring in the new year singing this poem that Burns revised & updated
    $800 25
His titles included Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
    $800 7
Mickey Lolich vs. this Cardinal
    $800 9
The 17-mile tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider is on the border between France & this country
    $800 1
The spot for the center of attention, or a Charlie Chaplin film
    $800 18
What "the game is", meaning "in progress", shrinks down to a boating word
    $800 13
At "Burns Night" dinners, one of these puddings is brought in on a platter & ceremonially sliced
    $1200 27
Nicolae Ceausescu of this country had the sobriquets "Danube of Thought" & "Genius of the Carpathians"
    $1200 3
This Dodger lefty vs. the Twins' Jim Kaat
    $1200 10
The first microscopic observation of protozoa & bacteria happened in the 1600s in this country
    $1200 4
This postseason football game was first played in 1935 to attract winter tourists to Florida
    $1200 19
A word meaning "emotionally distant" loses its "O"s & becomes a TV alien life form
    $1200 22
The Mitchell Library in this city houses a vast Burns collection that "rangers" from manuscripts to scrapbooks
    $1600 28
He was aka "His Imperial Majesty the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah" or even more humbly, "Elect of God"
    $1600 5
The Cards' John Tudor vs. Bret Saberhagen of this club
    $1600 14
The USA's oldest national laboratory is the one named for Ernest Lawrence at this university
    $1600 11
The fittingly yellow vessel seen here, or the brand of sunscreen you might wear aboard
    $1600 20
A word meaning "flowed slowly" loses its initial "O"s & becomes this British word for a letter of the alphabet
    DD: $4,000 23
The title of this 1937 novel about migrant laborers comes from a line in Robbie's poem "To a Mouse"
    DD: $3,000 29
England's Mary I & this Spanish husband were also king & queen of France & Jerusalem & did some duke-ing & count-ing too
    $2000 6
Bruce Hurst vs. Ron Darling as these 2 teams squared off
    $2000 15
Elie Metchnikoff got on a Soviet stamp for discovering these white blood cells that "eat" bacteria
    $2000 16
This cluster of small iron balls packed in a canvas tube was once used as a charge for a cannon
    $2000 21
What you do with your loved one in private becomes this object that might illuminate the scene
    $2000 24
This personification of potent potables was used in a 1782 Burns poem

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Liz Justin
$6,600 $6,200 $20,300
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

He won a Tony & later an Oscar for the same role & decades later, published a memoir called "Master of Ceremonies"

Final scores:

Andrew Liz Justin
$12,401 $0 $19,600
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,600

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Andrew Liz Justin
$13,600 $6,200 $18,600
17 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R,
2 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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