Suggest correction - #7452 - 2017-01-24

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    $200 5
This Italian word is versatile--it can mean hello or goodbye

Show #7452 - Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Loren Lee Chen, a basketball podcaster from West Newton, Massachusetts

Derek Anderson, an attorney from Falls Church, Virginia

Sean Harrington, an engineer from Houston, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
The Nobel Museum, ABBA the Museum
    $200 20
A young warthog's canine teeth eventually grow into a pair of these formidable defensive weapons
    $200 2
The girls on this cable series include Hannah Horvath, Marnie Michaels & Shoshanna Shapiro
    $200 5
This Italian word is versatile--it can mean hello or goodbye
    $200 6
An Irving Berlin song helped inspire this school's Blue Devils team name
    $200 1
Salute if you know there's a hue named for these West Pointers seen here
    $400 10
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
    $400 27
A warthog's enemies include these 2 predators that begin with the same "L"etter
    $400 3
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew gives the clue from George Ranch Historical Park in Richmond, Texas.) Noted for its long horns that can span 7 feet or more, this is the official state large mammal of Texas
    $400 17
Hey, baby, it's baby in Italian; just ask Babe Ruth
    $400 21
Despite this Pac-12 team name, its mascot Sparky is actually described as an imp
    $400 7
The Tarheels of the ACC note that their official colors are white & this shade of "blue"
    $600 11
Tahrir Square, the HQ of the Arab League
    $600 28
In a movie he's the warthog who befriends young Simba
    $600 4
In 1452 Leonardo da Vinci was born near a small Tuscan hill town called this
    $600 18
The name of this brand of pasta sauce means "you're welcome"
    $600 22
"I have found it", "it" being the Red Devils of this Illinois school that Ronald Reagan played ball for
    $600 15
A greenish-blue, this 4-letter shade is one of the 3 primary colors used by printers
    $800 12
The Copernicus Science Centre
    $800 29
For warthogs, home is often an adopted den of one of these insectivores aka an ant bear
    $800 9
Part of this group's mission is to "promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future"
    $800 25
(I'm Mario Andretti.) I drove this car in 1994, my last year as an Indy car driver; I called my season-long farewell campaign this, Italian for "until we see each other again"
    $800 23
This NHL team got its name from a creature said to roam the pine barrens
    DD: $1,600 16
Elementary! The name of this deep blue is from a German word for a type of goblin
    $1000 13
The Sigmund Freud Museum, the Augarten
    $1000 30
The Roslin Institute of Dolly the sheep fame is putting a warthog gene in domestic pigs to stop ASF, African this fever
    $1000 14
Entertainer Marvin Hamlisch won a 1974 Grammy for this instrumental hit from the movie "The Sting"
    $1000 26
The 3-word name of this Mozart opera can be translated as "Thus do they all"
    $1000 24
Bending it like Beckham could entail plying your trade with this football club, traditionally the Red Devils
    $1000 19
This color comes in front of the name of the North American wood warbler seen here

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sean Derek Loren
$800 $2,600 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Derek Loren
$1,400 $5,600 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 20
Dry valleys appear where these have retreated & wind prevents snow from collecting
    $400 8
On the day she won Wimbledon in 2015, you could see her cameo on HBO's "Seven Days in Hell"
    $400 24
From 1947:
"A street in New Orleans which is named Elysian Fields & runs between the L & N tracks & the river"
    $400 3
In the 8th century B.C., Phoenician traders founded this future capital of Sicily
    $400 2
As 2 words, it's what a light bulb will finally do; as one word, it's extreme stress & emotional fatigue
    $400 7
Every college student knows it's from Latin for "6 months"
    $800 22
Blood Falls, which flows into Lake Bonney, gets its color because it is rich in this element
    $800 9
Robert Mitchum, who co-starred as an ex-con in this 1962 film, had a cameo in its 1991 remake
    $800 25
From around 1606 (Act III, Scene viii):
a plain near Actium
    $800 4
This movement that spread across the Middle East began in late 2010 when protests in Tunisia led to the ouster of Pres. Ben Ali
    $800 5
Agonists are drugs that can mimic the activity of these brain chemicals that send impulses across synapses
    $800 12
Evanston, Illinois is named for John Evans, a founder of this university
    $1200 10
In "A Million Ways to Die in the West", this actor turns up in a barn next to a DeLorean
    DD: $5,000 26
From 1959:
In and around the Keller homestead in Tuscumbia, Alabama
    DD: $3,000 11
In 1966 Huey Newton & Bobby Seale founded this militant party in Oakland
    $1200 18
Greek words meaning "difficult speech" give us this reading disorder that affects about 15% of the U.S. population
    $1200 13
John Waters could tell you that dacron is one type
    $1600 19
This avian character who had a movie of his own in 1986 shows up in "Guardians of the Galaxy" drinking a cocktail
    $1600 27
From 1895:
Algernon Moncrieff's flat in Half-Moon Street
    $1600 16
In 1756 this mistress' meddling led to Louis XV allying with Austria in the disastrous 7 Years' War
    $1600 17
Meaning "clear", this type of dreaming is the practice of controlled awareness in REM sleep
    $1600 14
A combine, to a farmer
    $2000 23
King penguins are big, about 35 pounds; these penguins are twice as heavy
    $2000 21
This director helped to deliver Geena Davis' larval offspring in a dream sequence in "The Fly"
    $2000 28
From 1879:
The Helmers' sitting room
    $2000 15
The ancestors of this Aboriginal people of Hokkaido Island are thought to have reached Japan around 1000 B.C.
    $2000 6
This cognitive "bias" is the tendency to search only for information that supports one's preconceptions
    $2000 1
An English town with a famous cathedral, or a famous American maker of Western rifles

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Derek Loren
$3,800 $5,800 $20,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Her husband won in 1927; in 1934 she was the 1st woman to win the National Geographic Society's Hubbard Medal for exploration

Final scores:

Sean Derek Loren
$3,400 $4,000 $19,899
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,899

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sean Derek Loren
$3,800 $10,800 $17,600
12 R,
3 W
14 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $32,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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