Suggest correction - #4440 - 2003-12-19

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    $400 7
Heading it in the 1930s, her father Eugene was the second president of the Atlanta Historical Society

Show #4440 - Friday, December 19, 2003

Game data retrieved from an alternate archive.


Kathleen Mainhart, an assistant professor of education from Brookfield, Connecticut

Christian Maher, a consultant from Erie, Pennsylvania

Erika Rogers, a bartender from Indianapolis, Indiana (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
In October 2002 this late rocker's "30 #1 Hits" CD debuted at the top of the country charts
    $200 1
This Founding Father & publisher recommended the turkey for our national symbol as a "much more respectable bird"
    $200 11
2 of these weapons, blue & crossed, are the mark of the fine china of Meissen, Germany
    $200 26
The name of this central African republic comes from camaroes, a Portuguese word for the prawns found there
    $200 16
Show us you know that Cuba Gooding Jr. won an Oscar for his role in this film
    $200 17
It can be poetic or driver's
    $400 7
This singer seen here was given the first & middle names Loretta Lynn, but she's not named for that singer
    $400 2
This characteristic gurgling sound of male turkeys can also mean to eat food quickly & greedily
    $400 12
The logo of this British china maker founded in 1759 is seen here
    $400 27
Kampala is the bustling capital city of this central African republic of about 20 million
    $400 22
Roger Moore once suggested that Cuba Gooding Jr. be the next choice to play this franchise character
    $400 18
To repeat an action in order to get better at it
    $600 8
He won a 1967 Grammy for "Gentle on My Mind", which later became the theme song to his TV series
    $600 3
The "Joy of Cooking" suggests doing this to the turkey every 30 minutes with butter or pan drippings
    $600 13
Introduced in 1962, a Royal Albert design featuring these flowers has sold over 100 million pieces
    $600 28
Niamey is the capital city of this republic that shares its name with Africa's third-longest river
    $600 23
Cuba's first big screen role was in this 1988 film starring Eddie Murphy as a transplanted African prince
    $600 19
Flavored with the root of a Eurasian plant, chewy candy often made in black strips
    $800 9
"I Cross My Heart" & "Heartland" were No. 1 singles from his 1992 film "Pure Country", in which he played a Country singer
    $800 4
Roast turkey & all the trimmings was on the menu when these 2 men touched down on the Moon in 1969
    $800 14
Fine china is vitrified, meaning the silica in it turns to this material when fired
    $800 29
The southernmost section of this largest African country stretches into the heart of central Africa
    $800 24
In 1997 this magazine chose Cuba as one of its "50 Most Beautiful"
    $800 20
A Colonel or a Major, but not a private
    $1000 10
(Hello there, this is George Jones.) This song, my first number one hit, was written by The Big Bopper & is another slang term for moonshine
    $1000 5
It's the muscular digestive organ a turkey uses to grind its food; who wants it?
    DD: $1,000 15
A high-quality type of china is made from these parts of animals, reduced to ash
    $1000 30
This central African republic's old national flag was a red, yellow & green tricolor with an "R" in the middle
    $1000 25
In a 1995 TV movie Cuba soared with this first squadron of black combat pilots
    $1000 21
To attract or lure by arousing desire

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erika Christian Kathleen
$3,200 $1,400 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erika Christian Kathleen
$7,800 $2,800 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
Heading it in the 1930s, her father Eugene was the second president of the Atlanta Historical Society
    $400 6
Josephine de Beauharnais
    $400 12
In Japan the inner bark fibers of the Broussonetia papyrifera are used to make this, as its name suggests
    $400 21
On the keypad, the digits in the phone number
add up to this
    $400 22
You wander upstairs, downstairs & in your lady's chamber if you're this nursery rhyme character
    $400 1
This word when it precedes "of Buena Vista" (in 1847) or "of Lake Erie" (in 1813)
    $800 8
He was grandpapa to actresses Margaux & Mariel
    $800 17
Bianca Perez Morena de Macias
    $800 13
The Morus multicaulis species of mulberry is fed to these insects important to China's textile industry
    $800 23
It's what Elizabeth Barrett Browning did "to the depth and breadth and height" her soul could reach
    $800 2
A registered one of these; Spam is one of Hormel Foods Corporation
    $1200 9
In 1914 she trekked to east Africa to marry her cousin, a baron named Bror
    $1200 18
Jane Wyman
    $1200 14
In 1787 William Bligh was commissioned to transport this type of mulberry tree from Tahiti to the West Indies
    $1200 24
They're the 3 things poet Edward Fitzgerald put with "a book of verses underneath the bough"
    $1200 3
Sacred books like this, the Hebrew name for the first 5 books of the Bible
    $1600 10
His father Donald, a Marine Colonel, took his nickname the "Great Santini" from an aerial acrobat he once saw
    $1600 19
Khadijah, a rich older widow
    $1600 15
Black mulberries are used in winemaking; female flowers of this mulberry plant are used to brew beer
    $1600 28
You'll pay this much to stay in a $200-a-night hotel suite for all of February 2004
    $1600 25
The first witch in "Macbeth" wondered if her group would meet again in 1 of these 3 choices
    $1600 4
The names of these "related" biological groups that come between order & genus
    $2000 11
Name of the father, an English Poet Laureate, whose son Daniel starred in "In the Name of the Father"
    $2000 20
Alice Hathaway Lee, but she wouldn't live to be First Lady
    DD: $2,000 16
This plant, Ficus elastica, was once the most popular of house plants; in the jungle it can grow to a height of 100 feet
    $2000 27
(Video of Jimmy at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY.) The Kentucky Derby is a mile and a quarter race run on a mile oval, so the start and finish line are this many feet apart
    DD: $2,000 26
Attributed to Martin Luther is "Who loves not these 3 things remains a fool his whole life long"
    $2000 5
In addresses, Street, Road & this word from the French for "to approach"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erika Christian Kathleen
$17,000 -$800 $600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In Spring 2003 episodes of these 2 dramas invoked the little-used 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Final scores:

Erika Christian Kathleen
$15,000 -$800 $0
2-day champion: $25,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Erika Christian Kathleen
$17,000 -$800 $600
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
5 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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