Suggest correction - #7375 - 2016-10-07

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    $600 22
Gifts from a Korean king to the Emperor Kimmei introduced this religion to Japan around 538 A.D.

Show #7375 - Friday, October 7, 2016


Bryn Keating, an academic director from Brooklyn, New York

Nate Ross, a systems engineer from Los Angeles, California

Sarah Flamini, an author and administrative assistant from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You need to name the present-day country where each person was born.)
    $200 30
The sequence "race, color, religion, sex" (they said sex) "or national origin" is in this 1964 federal law
    $200 6
It can mean both to hug & to accept willingly
    $200 3
Idiomatically, these 2 colors paired refer to something you want in writing
    $200 20
Martin Luther was the first great leader of this movement that changed Christianity
    $200 15
In 2012 this actress & Ben Affleck welcomed their third child
    $200 10
In 1936:
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who'd get quite pope-ular
    $400 26
A biblical promise, or a restriction on selling a home to a certain group; the Supreme Court said in 1948 it's not enforceable
    $400 1
Alliterative term for the rigorous & monotonous routine of daily working life
    $400 7
The first Crayola crayons in 1903 included this citrus fruit color
    $400 21
Most people in Pakistan are followers of Islam & in particular this branch
    $400 16
She won an Oscar for playing Effie White in "Dreamgirls"
    $400 11
In 1919:
Future leader Pierre Elliott Trudeau
    $600 29
In 1649 under Cecilius Calvert this colony passed an act saying no believer in Jesus was to be troubled or molested
    $600 2
This 2-word term regarding rival nations trying to develop superior weapons dates back to the 1920s
    $600 8
All colors on your computer screen are generated by a combination of these 3 colors
    $600 22
Gifts from a Korean king to the Emperor Kimmei introduced this religion to Japan around 538 A.D.
    $600 17
James Corden did "Carpool Karaoke" with her, singing along to her hits like "Booty" & "Love Don't Cost A Thing"
    $600 12
In 1473:
Nicolaus Copernicus is the new star of his family
    DD: $1,500 28
A book by the head of AARP urges everyone "to speak out against" this -ism
    $800 4
Religious-sounding 2-word term for a redeeming feature that makes up for all kinds of bad stuff
    $800 9
The innermost bull's-eye in Olympic archery is this color
    $800 23
Seen here is part of a depiction of this event
    $800 18
In "The Hateful Eight" she played an outlaw being taken to Red Rock for hanging
    $800 13
In 1904:
Pablo Neruda gets written into history
    $1000 27
The U.N.'s UDHR for short, it says all "are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law"
    $1000 5
This ancient region in the Balkan Peninsula was later a Roman province
    $1000 25
The carnation is from this family whose name is also a color
    $1000 24
In Hinduism, Kurma, Rama & Krishna have all been avatars of this god
    $1000 19
For "Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie", Joanna Lumley reprised the role of Patsy, & she returned as Edina
    $1000 14
In 1905:
Later Georg Von Trapp's wife, Maria Kutschera is alive, with the sound of crying

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sarah Nate Bryn
-$200 $5,000 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Nate Bryn
$400 $4,800 $4,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
Named for Sir Henry Bessemer of England, the Bessemer process allowed for the mass production of this metal
    $400 6
After moving to Chicago in 1891, he wisely decided to stop selling soap & baking powder to concentrate on chewing gum
    $400 26
The Ssese Islands, an 84-island archipelago, lie in the Uganda portion of this huge lake
    $400 9
The "1,001" stories told by Scheherazade include 7 about this sailor
    $400 1
It can be derogatory slang for a chubby person or perhaps the brand name of your Thanksgiving turkey
    $400 30
For starters, "I Wanna Be Sedated" by these punks
    $800 17
A city was named for Bessemer in this U.S. state near another industrial center, Birmingham
    $800 7
His Virgin Atlantic airlines is one of the largest airlines in Britain
    $800 27
These mountains of Morocco are home to an annual wedding festival at Tislit & Isli Lakes
    $800 11
It's the third & last major section of Dante's "Divine Comedy"
    $800 2
A reporter rushing to file a story to get it into a certain edition is "on" this
    $800 21
Good news: "I have become comfortably numb", just as this band's song from "The Wall" says
    $1200 18
The Bessemer process tries to refine the iron that is named for this barnyard animal
    $1200 8
Ding dong--Sheri McCoy calling as CEO of this maker of beauty & home products
    DD: $1,000 25
One of the world's largest manmade lakes, Lake Kariba lies on "Z" border of these 2 African countries
    DD: $2,000 12
The first Bombay-born winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1907, he wasn't Hindi
    $1200 3
To get rid of used household items, donate them to this organization founded in 1902 by Methodist minister Edgar Helms
    $1200 22
I just heard this 2014 song by Calvin Harris & Big Sean, also the 2-word command the dentist just gave me
    $1600 19
In 1847 William Kelly, a native of this U.S. city, independently conceived the same idea as Bessemer
    $1600 10
In 1977 she opened her first chocolate chippery in Palo Alto, California
    $1600 29
Lake Volta provides irrigation of dry farmland in this West African country's Accra plains
    $1600 13
The eventual author of 40 books, James Michener didn't publish his first, these "Tales", until he was 40
    $1600 4
Two nouns form this verb that refers to what the truck is doing here
    $1600 23
Gulp! I just heard the lyric "I thrill when I drill a bicuspid" from "Dentist!", a song in this movie musical
    $2000 20
In a Bessemer converter, air is blown through the liquid metal; impurities form this 4-letter byproduct that is skimmed off
    $2000 15
The target of a Michael Moore documentary, he was head of General Motors from 1981 to 1990
    $2000 28
Crater lakes created by glaciers can be found on this second-highest African peak
    $2000 14
The 2 title jobs of Natty Bumppo in works by James Fenimore Cooper are Pathfinder & this
    $2000 5
This worker builds or maintains high structures such as church towers or smokestacks
    $2000 24
Should I worry about hearing this novelty holiday song that says, "Every time I try to speak all I do is whistle"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Nate Bryn
$9,600 $14,600 $8,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

The focus of a 1970s miniseries & its recent remake, he arrived at Annapolis in 1767 aboard the ship the Lord Ligonier

Final scores:

Sarah Nate Bryn
$5 $19,300 $5,800
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,300 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sarah Nate Bryn
$9,600 $14,800 $6,800
14 R,
4 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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