Suggest correction - #4061 - 2002-04-08

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    $400 4
Elvis sees the Seattle sights after leaving this edifice seen here

Show #4061 - Monday, April 8, 2002


Andy Seff, a law student from Baltimore, Maryland

Shasa Dobrow, a musician and graduate student originally from Vancouver, Washington

Carol Schlau, a newspaper copy editor from Buffalo, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
In 1945, at age 60, he became the oldest veep to succeed to the presidency upon the death of the president
    $200 7
Michael Jordan & this center are the only NBA players with over 30-point averages & over 400 games played
    $200 1
Do see monkey monkey
    $200 2
Jeane Dixon often got her visions looking into one of these globes
    $200 16
All she wanted to do was "have some fun" so she quit teaching music & became a rock star
    $200 3
Scientists are unsure if this Italian landmark is more than its usual 16 feet out of line after Elvis leaves
    $400 27
In 1985, during President Reagan's cancer surgery, he officially served as acting president for about 8 hours
    $400 8
This rival of the NBA, which began play in 1967, introduced the 3-point basket & the All-Star Game slam dunk contest
    $400 5
Stiff a upper keep lip
    $400 14
The Eldon, Missouri Turkey Festival features a turkey variation of this sport (in which 3 strikes are a turkey)
    $400 17
She played the loud & brassy Carla Tortelli on "Cheers"
    $400 4
Elvis sees the Seattle sights after leaving this edifice seen here
    $600 28
He was VP from 1893 to 1897; his same-named grandson lost presidential elections twice to Dwight Eisenhower
    $600 9
This NBA team's new home, Philips Arena, is connected to the CNN Center by a concourse
    $600 6
Is cherries life a bowl of just
    $600 15
He's the first reindeer mentioned in the intro to the song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
    $600 22
While dead of St. Patrick's cathedral in Dublin, he wrote "Gulliver's Travels"
    $600 18
Elvis needs no good luck charm, he sees to his insurance before leaving this city's Prudential Tower on Boylston St.
    $800 10
In 1941 this current Michigan team, the NBA's oldest, began playing in Fort Wayne, Indiana
    $800 12
Off a block the old chip
    $800 25
This Roman emperor's wife Sabina wasn't put on his wall, she was put on a coin in 128 A.D.
    $800 23
For his work in "Network", he became the first actor to win an Oscar posthumously
    $800 19
Elvis says thankyouverymuch & leaves this NYC building on 34th St., completed in 1931
    $1000 11
This Utah Jazz forward was named the NBA's Most Valuable Player in both 1997 & 1999
    $1000 13
In snug as rug a bug a
    $1000 26
In 1916 his ashes were smuggled from England to a Cambridge, Mass. cemetery where he's now pushing up Daisy Millers
    DD: $1,200 24
"If you seek his monument, look about you" at St. Paul's cathedral; if you seek his tomb, it's there too
    $1000 20
Elvis goes global & exits this Russian citadel, seen here

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carol Shasa Andy
$3,800 $600 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Shasa Andy
$3,200 $1,000 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

'80s ROCK
(Alex: We'll give you a list.)
    $400 11
He wrote "Bleak House" in Tavistock House in Tavistock Square
    $400 9
The Sakigake, Suisei, Vega 1 & Vega 2 probes had this noted traveler surrounded in March 1986
    $400 4
In the '80s this rocker burnt up the charts with hits like "Fire". "I'm on Fire" & "Glory Days"
    $400 1
the Bahamas
    $400 23
James Cameron used real footage of this sunken luxury liner in his 1997 movie
    $400 13
In England there is nothing like this title for the female equivalent of a knight
    $800 12
Virginia Stephen & this man left 38 Brunswick Square when they married in 1912
    $800 10
In 1990 the Ulysses probe was sent to study this body on which no man can ever set foot
    $800 5
Her 1989 "Rhythm Nation" album produced 7 top 10 hits, including the title track
    $800 2
    $800 24
In 1673 Marquette & Joliet traveled the Mississippi in these made of birchbark
    $800 14
Bela Lugosi & Gary Oldman are counted among the actors who have played this movie role
    $1200 18
Her rent checks for 23 Fitzroy Road weren't signed Victoria Lucas, the pen name she used on "The Bell Jar"
    $1200 22
The U.S. crashed the Lunar Prospector on the moon in 1999 hoping to see a plume of this
    $1200 6
In a remake of a Mindbenders hit, Phil Collins sang, "Wouldn't you agree, Baby you and me got" this
    $1200 3
    $1200 25
This wooden sailing ship of the Far East sounds like a bunch of useless stuff
    $1200 15
Sammy Sosa, who grew up poor in this country, uses much of his earnings to help the people there
    $1600 20
If you want to check out his "Private Life", see the 17 Gerald Road home this man lived in from the '30s to the '50s
    DD: $3,000 7
(Hi. I'm "Weird Al" Yankovic.) You'll see Greg Kihn as well as announcer Don Pardo in this video of mine from 1984
    $1600 19
    DD: $200 27
(Sarah is on a boat.) Ready to race? We are on this "patriotic" yacht that won Dennis Conner the America's Cup in 1987
    $1600 16
(Cheryl is playing with her toys.) For tots with tiny fingers, Lego introduced these bigger bricks in 1969
    $2000 21
A copy of his 1614 "History of the World" is kept in the tower of London, where he was imprisoned when he wrote it
    $2000 8
Their "Money For Nothing" did bring them something, the 1985 Grammy for Best Group Rock Performance
    $2000 26
Saudi Arabia,
    $2000 28
Henry Hudson & James Cook's expeditions each shuttled across the ocean on a ship called this
    $2000 17
On the road in this world capital you can visit the tomb of Saladin

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Shasa Andy
$13,000 $5,400 $13,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Later a Broadway show, this 1988 comedy was the first movie directed by a woman to earn $100 million

Final scores:

Carol Shasa Andy
$0 $5,400 $13,000
3rd place: trip to Hawaii by Yahoo! Travel 2nd place: trip to Antigua & stay at Pineapple Beach Resort New champion: $13,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carol Shasa Andy
$11,600 $5,400 $14,400
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R,
2 W
19 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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