Suggest correction - #7344 - 2016-07-14

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    $400 1
Something strange is in the neighborhood again, so a new breed of help is on the way in this retooled 2016 film

Show #7344 - Thursday, July 14, 2016


Ellen Corrigan, a law clerk from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ken Fischer, an attorney from New York, New York

Sue Baker, a medical coder from Madison, Wisconsin (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Daily Trojan
    $200 7
The 1st theatrical performance in America was a Spanish comedy produced in 1598 beside this river near El Paso
    $200 1
It was said of this Oscar-winning actress that she did everything Fred Astaire did, only backwards & in high heels
    $200 18
If you're having a heart attack, a 325-mg tab of this is smart, says the Mayo Clinic--less damage due to blood clotting
    $200 12
He's the traveling salesman referred to in the title of Arthur Miller's play
    $200 21
This old word for a song also follows "Frito" on a bag of chips
    $400 17
The Cadet (in Virginia)
    $400 8
In 1541 this Spanish explorer headed west across the Mississippi River into what's now Arkansas
    $400 2
This King of Rock was engaged to Ginger Alden at the time of his sudden 1977 death
    $400 19
Weight-bearing exercise & a calcium-rich diet can help prevent this bone thinning disease
    $400 13
This playwright spent many years living in Italy & Germany before returning home to Norway a literary hero in 1891
    $400 24
John Mellencamp gave us a "little" one "about Jack and Diane"
    $600 28
Washington Square News
    $600 9
While in California in 1579, this circumnavigator held the first Protestant religious service in the New World
    $600 3
As part of a group from 1994 to 1998, Geri Halliwell went by this name
    $600 20
(I'm New York Times investigative reporter Dr. Sheri Fink.) In a 2014 series called "The Ebola Ward", I chronicled the disease's outbreak from an American clinic in this country with strong historic links to the U.S.
    $600 14
This playwright of "The Misanthrope" is said to be the greatest of all writers of French comedy
    $600 25
The "Battle" one "Of The Republic" begins, "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"
    DD: $1,800 29
The Rebel Yell (out West)
    $800 10
In 1513 he led an expedition from Puerto Rico & found what he thought was an island, which he named "La Florida"
    $800 4
Ginger Grant was the glamorous movie star on this sitcom
    $800 22
A study published in 2014 showed that this "sunshine vitamin" can reduce the pain some fibromyalgia patients suffer
    $800 15
Pirandello's "Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore", known as this in English, invented "theater within the theater"
    $800 26
Also a seasonal song, it was a top 10 U.S. girl's first name from 1936 to 1950, but not since
    $1000 30
The Daily Evergreen (for its Cougars)
    $1000 11
Hundreds of years before the Marines got there, this South Carolina island was settled by French Huguenots in 1562
    $1000 5
Ginger Baker played drums in this 1960s rock trio that also had Jack Bruce & Eric Clapton
    $1000 23
In a blepharoplasty, a surgeon may remove excess skin, fat & muscle to repair these droopy body parts
    $1000 16
Abandoned by her husband, Amanda Wingfield has raised 2 children by herself in this drama by Tennessee Williams
    $1000 27
Tuneful sailors know this term for a small dingy dwelling often in a whole town of them

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sue Ken Ellen
$3,400 $3,200 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sue Ken Ellen
$6,400 $8,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with that letter.)
    $400 21
It was once an ornamental pavilion on the grounds of a bigger house; now it's where you gamble
    $400 16
This department store founded in New York in 1858
    $400 1
Something strange is in the neighborhood again, so a new breed of help is on the way in this retooled 2016 film
    $400 26
This book of the Bible says Abraham used a donkey to carry the wood he would need to sacrifice his son
    $400 11
"Wald" is German for forest, as in Schwarzwald, this forest
    $400 6
Kahlil Gibran wrote that this person "sees the rose and not its thorns"
    $800 22
Frank Lloyd Wright's pyramidal Tokyo Imperial Hotel reflected a revival named for this C. Am. culture big around 700 A.D.
    $800 17
This maker of comfortable furniture
    $800 2
The actors who played Ray & Shorty in the comedy "Scary Movie" had this surname, as did the director
    $800 27
The book of Zechariah says the Messiah will enter this city on a donkey
    $800 12
Hermannsdenkmal is a monument to Arminius, who defeated three legions of this army in Teutoburger Wald in the 1st century
    $800 7
A case in grammar, or a goal of any sort
    DD: $6,400 23
Of the 3 classical Greek architectural orders, this one named for a city is the most decorative
    DD: $4,000 18
This retailer known for its sexy "brand representatives"
    $1200 3
A human who's infiltrated the enemy commits the faux pas of asking for ketchup in this 1978 horror spoof
    $1200 28
Joel in the Old Testament & this author of a New Testament book both mention locusts that look like horses
    $1200 13
Pfaelzer Wald Nature Park surrounds the city of Kaiserslautern, a city named for this "Redbeard" king
    $1200 8
It's the sense you use to sense scents
    $1600 24
In the '60s it was D.C.'s 1st mixed-use development & the only U.S. project by Rome Olympics architect Luigi Moretti
    $1600 19
This big pharmaceutical company
    $1600 4
Woody Harrelson is trying to avoid the walking dead while on a desperate quest for Twinkies in this 2009 road flick
    $1600 29
This diviner has a donkey who speaks, rebuking him
    $1600 14
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a coat of arms on the monitor.) The coat of arms of the Austrian city is adorned by 3 spruce trees & 3 golden spheres that represent this festive saint, the Bishop of Myra
    $1600 9
The Siwa one southwest of Cairo has about 200 natural springs
    $2000 25
The name of this uppermost part of an entablature is from the Latin for "crow", for its resemblance to a crow's beak
    $2000 20
This maker of ATMs & voting machines
    $2000 5
The lovable title pair are mistaken for serial killers in "Tucker & Dale vs." this
    $2000 30
French engraver Gustave Dore made a real revelation, depicting Death on this horse, as mentioned in Revelation
    $2000 15
You can take one of these high-speed, limited-access highways to the Oberpfaelzer Wald in Bavaria
    $2000 10
When you're walking & texting, you're this, totally unaware of your surroundings

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sue Ken Ellen
$10,000 $18,400 $20,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 4 prewar states that permitted slavery but did not secede, it was the largest in area & latest to join the Union

Final scores:

Sue Ken Ellen
$1 $800 $3,999
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $3,999

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sue Ken Ellen
$10,000 $12,200 $17,600
14 R,
0 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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