Suggest correction - #2453 - 1995-04-12

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    $500 16
To make hominy, this grain's hull & germ are removed with lye or by crushing & sifting

Show #2453 - Wednesday, April 12, 1995


Margaret Schwind, a housewife from Rockville, Maryland

Mary Brody, an architect from Walnut Creek, California

Carole Denton, an administrative assistant from New Carrollton, Maryland (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,300)

Jeopardy! Round

"M" TV
    $100 26
The epistle to Philemon was the shortest of the letters he wrote while in prison
    $100 1
Scannon, a Newfoundland, accompanied this pair on their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase
    $100 11
Though it was called unsinkable, it went down in under 3 hours April 14-15, 1912
    $100 17
The region called Michiana covers an area in Indiana & this state
    $100 12
This nut produced by oak trees was eaten by American Indians
    $100 6
This James Garner western once broadcast a satire of "Gunsmoke" titled "Gunshy"
    $200 27
He referred to Jesus as "He that cometh after me...whose shoes I am not worthy to bear"
    $200 2
This general's horse Traveller was called Jeff Davis when he bought him
    $200 22
Most of the world's 120,000 miles of electrified train track are on this continent
    $200 18
You can visit Edgar Allan Poe's home on North Amity Street in this Maryland city
    $200 13
This term for deer meat comes from the Latin venatio, meaning "hunt" or "chase"
    $200 7
This series' theme began, "Who can turn the world on with her smile..."
    $300 28
The night before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed at this garden on the slopes of the Mount of Olives
    $300 3
In 1961 Soviet Premier Khrushchev sent this first family a puppy named Pushinka
    $300 23
Built over 2,200 years ago as the main road from Rome to Greece, it's still used today
    $300 19
Fayetteville, Arkansas was named in honor of this Frenchman
    $300 14
Shabu shabu, a fondue-like dish of this country, is named for the sound it makes while cooking
    $300 8
The creators of this Fox sitcom named the Bundys after their favorite wrestler, King Kong Bundy
    DD: $700 29
Although Jesus was born in Bethlehem, his mother was from this Galilean city
    $400 4
A groundhog named Phil resides at Gobbler's Knob in this Pennsylvania town
    $400 24
One theory says that the name jeep came from the initials "g.p.", which stood for this
    $400 20
If you live in this western state, it's better than 50-50 you live in Clark County
    $400 15
It takes 30-50 gallons of sap from the acer saccharum tree to make 1 gallon of this sweetener
    $400 9
In the 1968-69 season of this sitcom, Katie Douglas gave birth to triplets Steve, Charley & Robbie
    $500 30
The last phrase in the Bible attributed to Jesus, "Surely I come quickly", appears in this book
    $500 5
This canine who became a movie star was discovered by Lee Duncan in a WWI trench
    $500 25
This new Dodge subcompact sold so well in 1994 that Chrysler had only a 20-day supply of them; normal is 60
    $500 21
Alexander Hamilton died in this city & is buried in its Trinity Church cemetery
    $500 16
To make hominy, this grain's hull & germ are removed with lye or by crushing & sifting
    $500 10
This 1960s sitcom was inspired by the 1964 Beatles movie "A Hard Day's Night"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carole Mary Margaret
$2,000 $1,400 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carole Mary Margaret
$3,400 $2,700 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
In 1805 this captain of the Bounty became governor of New South Wales
    $200 11
The way the lacing is arranged on this type of instrument adds tension to the head
    $200 16
Born in the West Indies, Camille Pissarro went to this city in 1855 where he studied with Corot
    $200 26
In 1803 this American launched a steam-driven paddle-wheel boat on the Seine River
    $200 6
The emirate of Qatar lies on a peninsula bordered by the Gulf of Bahrain & this gulf
    $200 1
The fortune recovered in this Robert Louis Stevenson tale belonged to the long-dead Captain Flint
    $400 22
In the Tet Offensive of Jan. 30, 1968, communists attacked this capital of South Vietnam
    $400 12
The helicon, a type of this large instrument, has circular coiling
    $400 17
This pop artist created such movies as the 6-hour-long "Sleep" & the 8-hour-long "Empire"
    $400 27
In 1884 this man invented paper-backed photographic film
    $400 7
2 of France's 95 departments lie on this Mediterranean island
    $400 2
He came up with the idea for "Goodbye Mr. Chips" while taking a bike ride & wrote it in 4 days
    $600 23
On June 13, 323 B.C., Alexander the Great died in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar in this city
    $600 13
The double reed of this bass woodwind is on the end of a curved metal tube set into the tenor joint
    $600 18
He painted 3 types of a portraits of George Washington called Vaughan, Athenaeum & Lansdowne
    $600 28
While in debtor's prison, he began his experiments which led to vulcanized rubber
    $600 8
The name of this island group 740 miles west of Portugal is from the Portuguese for "hawks"
    $600 3
This British author modeled Adam Bede on her own father
    DD: $1,000 24
In the 1880s he helped found the British South Africa Co. & the De Beers Diamond Co.
    $800 14
In 1829 Sir Charles Wheatstone invented this hexagonal accordion-like instrument
    $800 19
Jacopo Robusti was nicknamed this because his father was a dyer or "tintore"
    $800 29
The "V" in the name of the VS-300 helicopter stood for Vought; the "S" stood for this man
    $800 9
By far, this lake is Peru's largest
    DD: $1,600 4
As stated in Book 1, the theme of this epic poem is the fall of man through disobedience
    $1000 25
In 1833 he was chosen president of Mexico; later, he became dictator
    $1000 15
It's a xylophone-like instrument having metal bars with tubular chambers beneath them
    $1000 20
This American painted his famous portrait of a crippled neighbor, "Christina's World", in 1948
    $1000 30
For almost a year this coil inventor redesigned dynamos for Edison
    $1000 10
The Shaba region in the south of this African country was called Katanga until 1972
    $1000 5
The alternate title of this Izaak Walton work is "The Contemplative Man's Recreation"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carole Mary Margaret
$6,000 $7,500 $3,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

He said, "If you have not chosen me by secret ballot, neither have I gained office by any secret promises"

Final scores:

Carole Mary Margaret
$4,499 $2,999 $500
3-day champion: $20,799 2nd place: Gibson 3-piece kitchen & Imperial wall coverings + Jeopardy! Sports Edition & home game 3rd place: Michael C. Fina 5-piece buffet service + Jeopardy! Sports Edition & home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carole Mary Margaret
$8,600 $7,500 $2,700
26 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
18 R,
0 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $18,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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