Suggest correction - #2084 - 1993-09-30

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    $200 27
Sometimes growing to 20 feet, higher than "an elephant's eye", it's the largest of the cereals

Show #2084 - Thursday, September 30, 1993


Pam McCully, a consultant from Los Angeles, California

Keith Ulrich, a pilot and computer programmer originally from Boston, Massachusetts

Addison Goodson, a jobs training coordinator from Venice, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
Peyote, hedgehog & pincushion are types of this desert plant
    $100 6
Richie Cunningham's sister, she loved Chachi
    $100 8
This school's athletic teams are known as the Sooners
    $100 1
The name of this city was changed to Istanbul on March 28, 1930
    $100 21
Friskies invites the country's best canines to compete in catching & fetching this flying disc
    $100 14
Wyoming's second-largest city, it was named for a soldier, not for a friendly ghost
    $200 27
Sometimes growing to 20 feet, higher than "an elephant's eye", it's the largest of the cereals
    $200 7
On "The Brady Bunch", they're Jan's 2 sisters
    $200 9
When it opened in Connecticut in 1701 as the Collegiate School, it had just 1 student
    $200 2
Lester Pearson won the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize for helping to defuse the 1956 crisis over this canal
    $200 22
If your Reeboks go rancid, enter them in the National Rotten Sneaker Championship in this Vermont capital
    $200 17
The generic term for inexpensive jewelry, whether or not you wear it on Halloween
    $300 28
The name of the poisonous jimsonweed came from a corruption of this colony's name
    $300 11
Now the voice of Marge Simpson, Julie Kavner played this sister of Rhoda Morgenstern
    $300 10
At the 1947 Harvard commencement he introduced his plan to rebuild Europe
    DD: $500 3
In the early 1800s, Sweden acquired Norway from Denmark but lost Finland to this country
    $300 23
On July 4 Nathan's at Coney Island sponsors a contest for eating these
    $300 18
Boston cream pie isn't technically a pie, it's one of these
    $400 29
For magic charms the Druids used this "Christmas" parasite that grew on sacred oak trees
    $400 12
Laurie Metcalf plays Jackie Harris, the sister of this title character
    $400 15
Hubert Humphrey taught political science at this Baton Rouge school in 1939 & 1940
    $400 4
Peru's government palace is on the site of a palace this conquistador built in the 1500s
    $400 24
In autumn feathers fly in Spring Hill, Florida for the world championship of this
    $400 19
The water moccasin has a white lining inside its mouth, so it's also known by this name
    $500 30
This grain is grown over more of the earth's surface than any other food crop
    $500 13
1 of the 4 adult actresses who play the 4 sisters on "Sisters"
    $500 16
A university in De Land, Florida is named for this 19th century maker of ten-gallon hats
    $500 5
This traitorous Norwegian leader was executed in Oslo on October 24, 1945
    $500 25
In Akron, Ohio kids gear up for this contest nicknamed the "World's Gravity Grand Prix"
    $500 20
"Equine" park ride whose name came from a tournament game that involved throwing balls of clay

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Addison Keith Pam
$200 -$100 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Addison Keith Pam
$1,600 $1,200 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
He not only married Anne Morrow, he taught her to fly
    $200 1
Laguna de Bay on Luzon is this country's largest freshwater lake
    $200 6
In 1984 she became the Democrats' first woman nominee for Vice President
    $200 21
In the great final battle in Norse mythology, Fenris-Wolf will swallow this chief god
    $200 16
Within 6 months of opening his new firm in 1914, Charles Merrill made this man his partner
    $200 30
Hugo wrote this bell-ringer tale in 6 months to fulfill a publisher's contract
    $400 12
In 1992 this general & Gulf War veteran joined the Nature Conservancy's board of governors
    $400 2
This island group known for its wool once constituted the Scottish province of Zetland
    $400 7
In 1991 his salary as Arkansas governor was $35,000, the lowest of any governors
    $400 22
These creatures, part goat, part man, were famous for chasing wood nymphs
    $400 17
Smoke from this February 26, 1993 tragedy forced the COMEX to shut down early
    $400 29
His father was one of this man's generals
    $600 13
He left Lake Wobegon to broadcast "A Visit to Mark Twain's House" live from Hartford, Connecticut
    DD: $1,000 3
This British colony lying about 60 miles south of Sicily became independent in 1964
    $600 8
Longtime Senator Henry Jackson was known by this nickname, after a comic strip character
    $600 23
He's Cupid's Greek counterpart
    $600 18
This Bryan Burrough-John Helyar book about the RJR Nabisco buyout became an HBO movie
    $600 26
Hugo's "Le roi s'amuse" was turned into "Rigoletto" by this composer
    $800 14
It's Spiro Agnew's middle name
    $800 4
This Australian state was first settled by Europeans in 1803 at Risdon
    $800 9
You'll rarely see this Illinois senator without his trademark bow tie
    $800 24
In return for the lyre, Apollo gave Hermes this golden staff with coiled serpents
    $800 19
This discount brokerage house founder wrote the 1984 book "How to be Your Own Stockbroker"
    $800 27
During his national funeral, he lay in state for awhile under this Paris landmark
    $1000 15
Female historian who wrote "The Guns of August" & "The March of Folly"
    $1000 5
This Caribbean island invaded in 1983 was called Concepcion by Columbus
    DD: $1,800 10
Colorado's first woman in Congress, she's represented the state since 1973
    $1000 25
After killing this greatest Trojan warrior, Achilles dragged his body around Patroclus' tomb for 12 days
    $1000 20
Everybody's Business calls these "Brothers" "The King of the Bond Traders"
    $1000 28
In 1841 Hugo was elected to this literary group on his fourth try

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Addison Keith Pam
$3,600 $6,600 $7,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The closest port to Asia in the lower 48 states, it was named 1992's best U.S. city for doing business

Final scores:

Addison Keith Pam
$7,001 $1 $13,201
2nd place: trip on Delta to Orlando & stay at Walt Disney World Dolphin + computerized version or home game of Jeopardy! 3rd place: Ventura luggage + computerized version or home game of Jeopardy! New champion: $13,201

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Addison Keith Pam
$4,100 $5,800 $6,600
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $16,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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