Suggest correction - #7317 - 2016-06-07

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    $1600 29
John Lloyd Young made his Broadway debut in 2005 as Frankie Valli in this show & got the movie gig in 2014

Show #7317 - Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Robert Wood, a teacher originally from Twentynine Palms, California

Malavika Jagannathan, a marketing writer from Seattle, Washington

Stew Latwin, a Navy pilot originally from Rye, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're talking about baseball.)
(Alex: You have to identify the U.S. state for us.)
    $200 6
Ray Schalk was one of only 3 regulars on this team who didn't conspire to throw the 1919 World Series
    $200 11
Stabilizes exchange rates:
    $200 1
The Battle of Germantown,
    $200 16
In a 1916 speech President Wilson said that "America cannot be" one of these "with its head in the sand"
    $200 21
This fairy tale character's 40 winks lasts 100 years
    $200 26
It can be African or Asian & can weigh more than 14,000 pounds
    $400 7
In 1969 this Reds catcher received a baseball from Ted Williams inscribed, "A Hall of Famer for sure"
    $400 12
For clocks at longitude 0 degrees:
    $400 2
The Battle of Stones River, aka the Battle of Murfreesboro,
    $400 17
It's the "S" in OSHA, for what it maintains in the workplace
    $400 22
More flattering term for a benign melanocytic nevus
    $400 27
One of the 2 counties in Nebraska named after animals; they both once roamed free there
    $600 8
As a Dodger, 1948-57, he set the career record for catchers, throwing out 57% of runners who tried to steal a base on him
    DD: $1,200 13
After a joint injury, you might have less:
    $600 3
The Battle of White Plains,
    $600 18
This town, home to the University of North Carolina, is named for a place of worship that was once there
    $600 23
It's subtitled "The Autobiography of a Horse"
    $600 28
As on the coat of arms of Scotland, when an animal like a lion in heraldry is "rampant", it means it's doing this
    $800 9
This Negro Leaguer known for his titanic home runs died aged 35, 3 months before the major leagues were integrated
    $800 14
A crude but effective weapon:
    $800 4
The Battle of Chancellorsville,
    $800 19
The USA's first successful brand of automatic drip coffee makers, it was introduced to home users in the early 1970s
    $800 24
This hybrid is the official flower of Washington, D.C.
    $800 29
A borzoi ballet would be a dance by these dogs, bred in Russia to hunt
    $1000 10
On June 13, 2005 the left field foul pole at Fenway Park was named for this Hall of Fame catcher
    $1000 15
Created by the Banking Act of 1933:
    $1000 5
The Battle of San Patricio,
    $1000 20
This Russia peninsula lies between the Sea of Okhotsk & the Bering Sea
    $1000 25
Independent pocketed coil design is the secret of this mattress line from Simmons
    $1000 30
Accurate adjective in the name of this communal rodent

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Stew Malavika Robert!
$1,800 $1,000 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stew Malavika Robert!
$3,000 $1,000 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
"The doctrine or science of the structure of the... terraqueous globe, and of the substances which compose it"
    $400 1
You'll find Bay City in this state near Saginaw Bay
    $400 26
Terrence Mann played Javert in the 1987 Broadway opening of this show, made into a film in 2012
    $400 6
    $400 16
The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass. has displayed needlework from Mary English, accused of this in 1692
    $400 24
Marshmallow is the name of the 6.0 version of this operating system that powers millions of smartphones
    $800 12
"Quicksilver... extensively used as medicines. The preparation called calomel, is a most efficacious deobstruent"
    $800 2
Conanicut Island, part of Rhode Island, divides this bay in two
    $800 27
Phyllida Lloyd directed the 2001 Broadway opening of this show & ABBA-cadabra! got to helm the 2008 film, too
    $800 7
"The Illustrated Man"
    $800 17
At the Egyptian Museum, you can see the present condition of many ancient rulers in the room named for these
    $800 22
E.T. would enjoy the USO program called Operation this 2-word phrase, giving intl. calling cards to service members
    DD: $3,000 13
"One versed in the science of government and the art of governing"; also "a man of artifice or deep contrivance"
    $1200 3
This bay between Spain & France gets its name from the Basques who live along the shore
    $1200 28
On Broadway in 1975, Billy Flynn was played by Jerry Orbach, but this show got into Gere on the silver screen in 2002
    $1200 8
First published in 1837, this New Englander's "Twice-Told Tales"
    $1200 18
A statue of King Olav V greets visitors to the Holmenkollen Ski Museum in this capital
    $1200 21
Jamie Fuller created an app called this "Dialer" that lets you reach out & touch someone like it was the '70s
    $1600 14
"A species of aquatic worm, which is used in the medical art for topical bleeding"
    $1600 4
Barataria Bay in Louisiana was a base for pirates & smugglers led by this Frenchman
    $1600 29
John Lloyd Young made his Broadway debut in 2005 as Frankie Valli in this show & got the movie gig in 2014
    $1600 9
"Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances" by this British author & comic book writer
    DD: $3,200 19
The Bradbury Science Museum in this New Mexico city displays replicas of the 2 atomic bombs used in WWII
    $1600 25
In "Pillow Talk" Doris Day & Rock Hudson share this kind of multi-user line & romantic confusion ensues
    $2000 15
"The doctrine, science, or art of sailing in the air, by means of a balloon"
    $2000 5
This gulf between Sweden & Finland is the largest arm of the Baltic Sea
    $2000 30
A rough night at George & Martha's, this 1962 Broadway drama went 2-dimensional in '66
    $2000 10
"Welcome to the Monkey House"
    $2000 20
L.A.'s Museum of Tolerance is an arm of the center named for this Holocaust survivor & Nazi hunter
    $2000 23
In 1878 George Coy used teapot lids to build the first of these panels used by operators & soon they were "lighting up"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stew Malavika Robert!
$14,800 $8,200 $14,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

An authentic Bell H-13 Sioux air ambulance was used in the opening credits of this television series

Final scores:

Stew Malavika Robert!
$29,201 $15,200 $100
2-day champion: $42,601 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Stew Malavika Robert!
$11,400 $8,200 $14,000
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
15 R,
5 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $33,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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