Suggest correction - #7231 - 2016-02-08

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    $1600 7
A peninsula in this 4-letter historic county separates the estuaries of the Thames & Medway Rivers

Show #7231 - Monday, February 8, 2016

2016 College Championship semifinal game 1.


Emily Sun, a freshman at Columbia University from San Diego, California

Gus Woythaler, a senior at Stanford University from Encino, California

Niki Peters, a sophomore at the University of California, Berkeley originally from Boise, Idaho

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
The University of Michigan is this city's largest employer
    $200 27
It's the common name for both an international yacht race & that race's trophy, formerly the Hundred Guinea Cup
    $200 26
This third installment of Stieg Larsson's "Girl" trilogy was the top-selling hardcover fiction book of 2010
    $400 10
Lucky number 7, this brother of a president blossomed from the former Rose Fitzgerald in 1925
    $400 5
TCU is in this city often paired with "Big D"
    $400 17
Hey doll, it's a rhyming-named religion practiced in the West Indies
    $400 24
His 1861 textbook on organic chemistry won the Demidov Prize from the Russian Academy of Sciences
    $400 1
He died in 2013, 2 months before the publication of his "Command Authority", a new Jack Ryan novel
    $400 25
Set at a law school, "How to Get Away with Murder" stars this Emmy winner as an attorney & law professor
    $600 11
As kids Rahm, Ari & Ezekiel, these later high-achieving brothers, would cause mom Marsha to yell, "I hate all of you equally"
    $600 6
From 1936 until his death, Albert Einstein lived in a house on Mercer Street in this college town
    $600 20
A Tennessean who freely offers to do something
    $600 21
This military medal is given to those wounded or killed in service to the United States
    $600 2
This 2003 story about 2 friends, Amir & Hassan, was the debut novel of Afghan American Khaled Hosseini
    $600 16
"Narcos" chronicles Pablo Escobar's rise as a drug lord in this South American country
    $800 12
This writer who defined guts as "grace under pressure" was born to the former Grace Hall in Illinois in 1899
    $800 7
This University of Oregon city boasts of being "a great city for the arts and outdoors"
    $800 19
A thick fruit beverage, or one with a winningly polished manner, you old...
    $800 23
This creator of many comic book characters is seen here at his National Medal of Arts ceremony
    $800 3
With fishy ladies carved into it, "The Mermaid" this furniture item is the title object of a Sue Monk Kidd novel
    $800 14
On "Empire", Taraji P. Henson plays this ex-con ex-wife intent on getting her share
    $1000 13
If his Mama Hannah hadn't left him as a child, he might have been less troubled--then again, we might not have the "Principia"
    $1000 8
Named for a pioneer & trailblazer, it's home to the main campus of Montana State University
    $1000 18
One definition is a space with such low pressure that any particles in it don't affect anything happening there
    DD: $1,000 22
Computer science's equivalent to the Nobel Prize is named for this 20th century British mathematician
    $1000 9
This 2009 follow-up to "The Da Vinci Code" sold over 1 million copies in e-book & hardcover editions on the first day
    $1000 15
The mystery of a woman waking up nude, covered in cryptic tattoos, propels this NBC drama

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Niki Gus Emily
-$1,400 $4,400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Niki Gus Emily
$1,600 $6,200 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
A liquid in which food is soaked before cooking, it's from the Latin for "sea water"
    $400 27
The tip of the Malay Peninsula is the southernmost mainland point of this continent
    $400 28
These, carved by natives in the Pacific Northwest, often included a genealogy but you need good eyes to see the top
    $400 5
In "Telegraph Days", Nellie Courtright interviews this dentist for the Tombstone paper
    $800 25
From a Gothic word for "throne", it's a much less grand small, backless seat
    $800 21
Both Guernica & Gibraltar lie on this peninsula
    $800 22
These Arab nomads are classified in castes according to the animals they keep, with camels being the most prestigious
    $800 23
One of these spinning tops is depicted in yellow on a Hanukkah stamp
    $800 4
Lew Wallace's "The Fair God" centers on this Aztec ruler's efforts to resist Cortes in early 16th century Mexico
    $800 24
"Mystere" & "The Beatles Love" are among the many Las Vegas shows presented by this Montreal-based group
    $1200 17
This 4-letter word for a humble terrestrial annelid comes from the Old English for "dragon" or "serpent"
    DD: $5,000 20
This peninsula is separated by the Gulf of Suez & the Suez Canal from the Eastern Desert of Egypt
    $1200 18
Coprolites (fossilized poop) provide info about ancient life, like roundworms & other types of these
    $1200 19
"Henceforward shall be free", says the stamp honoring the 150th anniversary of this proclamation
    DD: $2,000 1
"Across the Endless River" is a fictional account of Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau, son of this Shoshone
    $1200 14
Perhaps you've attended one of the sold-out shows by this pitch-perfect group & YouTube sensation
    $1600 16
The name of this desert wind comes from sharq, an Arabic word for "east"
    $1600 7
A peninsula in this 4-letter historic county separates the estuaries of the Thames & Medway Rivers
    $1600 6
Eugene Dubois traveled to the East Indies in search of early hominins; he struck paydirt on this island in 1891
    $1600 15
The Coastal Birds postcard stamp set includes this wading bird that's named for a prominent facial feature
    $1600 2
A quartet of books by Paul Scott bears this 3-letter term for British rule in India
    $1600 13
Matthew Morrison from "Glee" starred on Broadway as author J.M. Barrie in "Finding" this place
    $2000 10
From the Sanskrit for "enlightened being", it's a Buddhist who forgoes nirvana to return & help others on Earth
    $2000 9
North America's westernmost mainland point is Cape Prince of Wales on this Alaskan peninsula
    $2000 8
In 1899 Franz Boas of this NYC university founded the first major college anthropology department
    $2000 11
The portrait of this "Invisible Man" author on a 91-cent stamp is based on a photo by Life magazine's Gordon Parks
    $2000 3
The 1593 murder of this Elizabethan playwright is the focus of George Garrett's "Entered from the Sun"
    $2000 12
The Ravinia Outdoor Music Festival is the summer home of this city's symphony orchestra

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Niki Gus Emily
$14,800 $11,400 $12,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1604, for a special project, he approved a list of scholars to work at Westminster, Cambridge & Oxford

Final scores:

Niki Gus Emily
$24,900 $10,399 $24,800
Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Niki Gus Emily
$14,000 $11,400 $8,600
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
17 R,
4 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $34,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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