Suggest correction - #7229 - 2016-02-04

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    $1600 17
A "Shining" example of an eccentric film director

Show #7229 - Thursday, February 4, 2016

2016 College Championship quarterfinal game 4.


Gus Woythaler, a senior at Stanford University from Encino, California

Hannah Norem, a sophomore from Augustana University from Houston, Texas

Sarah Dubnik, a senior at the University of Pittsburgh from Jamison, Pennsylvania

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
All of Starbuck's orders are dutifully recorded by this narrator of "Moby-Dick"
    $200 10
Our tallest first ladies: Eleanor Roosevelt & this lawyer, both 5'11"
    $200 16
Soy un bombero, one of these emergency responders; call me if things get hot
    $200 4
A butcher can provide you with half a cow, also called this 4-letter word "of beef"
    $200 26
High winds stir up a lot of foam on the coast north of Brisbane, Queensland, this country
    $200 21
You need 2 doses of the vaccine for this "fowl" viral disease that can cause shingles later in life
    $400 2
In chapter 67 Starbuck & Stubb, the second mate, strip this layer of fat from a whale
    $400 11
It gives us great "Glee" to tell you this funny lady is 6 feet tall
    $400 17
Soy un enfermero; may I take your temperature?
    $400 5
In mythology this creature's father was a bull & his mother was the queen of Crete
    $400 27
To preserve the coral reefs of this sea, Israel, Egypt & Jordan have designated protected areas
    $400 22
There are vaccines for the A & B types of this liver disease
    $600 3
Seeing this 10-armed creature, Starbuck says he almost would have rather "seen Moby Dick and fought him"
    $600 12
This rubber-faced star of "Bruce Almighty" is 6'2" (that's 1.88 meters in his native Canada)
    $600 18
Soy un perdedor, this person, as Beck sang
    $600 6
Damien Hirst has become a famous artist with works like half a calf in this preservative fluid
    DD: $3,400 28
The westernmost point of this sea is in a bay on the coast of Belize
    $600 23
Botox injections are used to treat wrinkles & are FDA approved for these chronic severe headaches
    $800 9
Starbuck gives & takes orders as the first mate of this ship
    $800 14
There's 6'4" of this quick-witted host with the most
    $800 19
Soy una monja, one of these women, & don't ask me anything else; I'm vowed to silence
    $800 7
It can be one actor or 2 portraying the cow Milky White in this composer's musical "Into the Woods"
    $800 29
Features on the floor of this ocean include the Makarov & Amundsen Basins
    $800 24
An EpiPen delivers a shot of this, the epi in its name
    $1000 13
"Avast Stubb", orders Starbuck, "let" this type of tropical cyclone "sing, and strike his harp here in our rigging"
    $1000 15
Amy Schumer's boss in "Trainwreck", this British actress clocks in at around 5'11"
    $1000 20
Yo no soy marinero, one of these; soy capitan
    $1000 8
You can see about half the bull that carries off Europa in this Roman author's "Metamorphoses"
    $1000 30
This sea just to the east of Italy is named for a once-flourishing port
    $1000 25
Some people get B12 shots to boost energy; others, to treat the pernicious kind of this hemoglobin deficiency

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sarah Hannah Gus
$1,400 -$400 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Hannah Gus
$8,000 $1,400 $7,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 14
In 1853 the Ottoman Turks declared war on Russia, igniting this conflict
    $400 1
N & O spell these 2, Nos. 7 & 8
    $400 9
This first-person shooter game 4
    $400 6
It can be a flaw in a plan, or a sharp twist in something normally straight
    $400 19
Number of years in the first line of the Gettysburg Address
    $400 24
The Whitney Peak Hotel in Reno is home to America's tallest one of these walls--race you to the top
    $800 15
The expedition of this European into Egypt from 1798 to 1801 forced Sultan Selim III to ally with Great Britain
    $800 2
It was discovered way out West:
    $800 10
This 2009 movie
    $800 7
A small, inexpensive object used as a household decoration
    $800 20
Including Down & Derry, the "Six Counties" make up the northern part of this island
    $800 25
Checkpoint Charlie was a crossing point in this wall
    $1200 16
1423 marked the first war with this Italian city-state that had a strong navy but struggled on the ground
    DD: $4,000 3
It was discovered way out West:
    $1200 11
The Forgotten Realms:
This medieval fantasy RPG
    $1200 8
7-letter word for y'all's relatives, collectively
    $1200 21
Legal group of 23 persons charged with determining whether probable cause exists to believe someone committed a crime
    $1200 26
The men in the photo are praying before this wall
    $1600 29
The 1402 Battle of Ankara saw Turkish forces overwhelmed by this man aka Timur
    $1600 4
It's Ru, babe
    $1600 12
This desert planet:
Childhood home of Anakin & Luke Skywalker
    $1600 17
A "Shining" example of an eccentric film director
    $1600 22
The story of "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" is part of this numerically named collection
    $1600 27
Inscribed with more than 58,000 names, this D.C. memorial is sometimes referred to as "The Wall"
    $2000 30
In 1354 Suleyman turned this peninsula on the Dardanelles into a strategic base; in 1915 it played a key role in WWI
    $2000 5
Pm, it's named for a fire-bringer
    $2000 13
This game franchise
    $2000 18
The temple seen here is at this ancient site near Luxor
    $2000 23
There's a song about it, the main road between Chicago & Los Angeles before the interstate
    DD: $3,600 28
A national trail in England follows the line of this historic wall from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Hannah Gus
$16,000 $7,400 $20,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Instinct", "Hybridism" & "Geographical Distribution" are chapters in this book

Final scores:

Sarah Hannah Gus
$14,801 $14,400 $22,222
2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sarah Hannah Gus
$11,600 $7,400 $17,800
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
4 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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