Suggest correction - #836 - 1988-04-04

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    $1000 16
Though he had over a dozen children, this "merry monarch" was succeed by his brother, James II
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Show #836 - Monday, April 4, 1988


Johanna Pick, a photographer from Los Angeles, California

Bob Sutton, an environmental chemist from Gainesville, Florida

Cynthia Heller, an office manager from Hatboro, Pennsylvania

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
Term for any painting, except a fresco, applied directly to a wall, from the Latin for wall
    $100 12
In the 17th century, Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria while using this instrument
    $100 19
Despite his 1945 decisions, he warned in 1946 that "civilization cannot survive" this kind of war
    $100 7
The word statistics comes from the Latin meaning "affairs of" this
    $100 3
Vehicle from which the Fab 4 observed a "Sky of blue & sea of green"
    $100 1
Undergarment whose name, derived from Middle English, literally means "short coat"
    $200 5
Completes the title of the Bosch work, "The Garden of Earthly..."
    $200 13
Conveniently for bacteria that cause most human diseases, this is the temperature for optimum growth
    $200 20
"I never sit on" this, Truman affirmed, "I am on either one side or the other"
    $200 8
An American Public Works Assn. survey says the largest part of household trash, 35% by weight, is this
    $200 27
Pat Boone sang "How you laughed when I cried each time I saw the tide" wash these away
    $200 2
Ovate, ovoid & oval all mean this
    $300 6
Shows by French Academy members were called salons, from the salon d'Apollon, a hall n this building
    $300 14
He proved, once & for all, bacteria don't come from non-living matter (& milked it for all it was worth)
    $300 21
He told Congress this organization is "a mirror in which the state of world affairs is reflected"
    $300 9
Of 22, 30 or 38%, part of U.S. population over 18 which Census Bureau says has never married
    DD: $600 28
Though many have recorded it, only the Righteous Bros. had a Billboard Top Ten hit with this song:

"Then rolls out to sea /
And the sea is very still once more..."
    $300 22
Something that is soporiferous induces this
    $400 17
This country's Sidney Nolan is known for his paintings about Ned Kelly
    $400 15
Meaning "acid loving" this bacterial culture that thrives in acid is sometimes added to milk
    $400 25
Truman regretted saying that Ike "had the capacity to serve ably as" this
    $400 10
Hungary has the world's lowest suicide rate, while this Hashemite Kingdom has the lowest
    $400 23
"Podia" is the plural of this
    $500 18
Painting style used in Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon", influenced by African tribal art
    $500 16
A bacteria that has built a protective wall around itself, or the "seed" of a mold or fern
    $500 26
Truman believed this animal, his favorite, had "more horse sense than a horse"
    $500 11
It's reported that about 60% of 1st-born children in this NATO island country are born out of wedlock
    $500 24
This word specifically means a person who tells, writes or makes up fables

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Cynthia Bob Johanna
-$400 $1,700 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cynthia Bob Johanna
$1,900 $2,800 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex; From plays)
    $200 12
In 1908, Robert Baden-Powell founded this youth organization
    $200 3
Abraham Levy's sweetheart Rosemary Murphy is the title character in this 1922 comedy
    $200 10
In 1949, he developed the whirlpool bath that bears his name for his 15-month-old son who had arthritis
    $200 6
She's Lois Lane, no foolin'
    $200 17
This 1881 event is reenacted on Sundays in Tombstone, Arizona
    $400 13
In 1782, the 2 divisions of the Secretary of State's office became the Foreign Office & this office
    $400 1
Chris Christopherson's daughter Anna is the title character in this Eugene O'Neill drama
    $400 22
He "reaped" the Grand Medal of Honor in 1855 at the Paris International Exposition
    $400 7
A size of clothing for children in the age range of about one to three years
    $400 18
A Georgia museum devoted to this fictional "Uncle" is a log house built from 2 slave cabins
    $600 14
Henry VIII was so busy with private pursuits before his 1st divorce that he let this cardinal run the country
    DD: $600 2
The title of this sports drama refers to Jess Willard, not Jack Johnson
    DD: $1,000 8
It's the comparative form of a primary color & a palindrome, too
    $600 19
2 places in the United states where dollar bills with a rodent's face on them can be used as legal tender
    $800 15
This British Foreign Secretary's 1917 declaration promised the Jews a national home
    $800 4
In 1949, Helene Weigel, mother of Bertolt Brecht's children, aptly played this famous role
    $800 9
Called "The Sphinx", he served the longest jail term of all his co-conspirators
    $800 20
He built reproductions of the homes of Walt Whitman & Patrick Henry in Dearborn, Michigan
    $1000 16
Though he had over a dozen children, this "merry monarch" was succeed by his brother, James II
    $1000 5
In Tom Stoppard's comedy murder mystery, he's "The Real" title character
    $1000 21
The Lumiere bros., whose name means "light" in French, delighted the world exhibiting these
    $1000 11
Once tagged "the premier broadcast journalist in Washington", he was with CBS for 19 years

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cynthia Bob Johanna
$4,300 $4,600 $2,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of Katharine Hepburn's 4 Oscar wins, only film for which her co-star also won an Oscar

Final scores:

Cynthia Bob Johanna
$8,599 $8,650 $1
2nd place: a refrigerator & a water filter system New champion: $8,650 3rd place: a VCR

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Cynthia Bob Johanna
$5,000 $4,600 $3,400
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
1 W
11 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $13,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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