Suggest correction - #4385 - 2003-10-03

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    $1000 20
This eponymous term refers to a traitor who aids an invading enemy by serving in a puppet government

Show #4385 - Friday, October 3, 2003


Jason Flowers, a high school teacher originally from Morgan City, Louisiana

Vane Lucas, a banker from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tom Massimo, an equity trader from New York, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
    $200 6
In 1933 Dagwood's dad disinherited him for marrying this woman whose maiden name was Boopadoop
    $200 11
Feel free to wear your jodhpurs to Jodhpur in this country; they were named for it
    $200 21
...after you shout in Mammoth Cave National Park, especially on the river of that name
    $200 26
Recipes for split-pea soup often call for carrots, potatoes & this smoked meat
    $200 16
Put out, such as a fire; or satisfy, such as your thirst
    $400 2
    $400 7
When Dik Browne died in 1989, his son Chris took over this Viking strip
    $400 12
Sailing on this river on the MS Serenade you'll stop at Esna, Edfu & Aswan
    $400 22
...after Lurch makes his entrance is this phrase
    $400 27
Peas & this "Peruvian" bean are great fresh vegetable sources of protein
    $400 17
The title character in a 1605 novel gave us this adjective that means caught up in the romance of noble deeds
    $600 3
    $600 8
Kingdom in which you'll find Bung, the drunken court jester
    $600 13
Tradition says the Monastery of St. Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula is on the site where Moses saw this phenomenon
    $600 23 the NBA, after the ball is whistled dead when there's a substitute waiting
    $600 28
Probably developed in Holland in the 16th c. & also called a sugar pea, it's a component of Chinese stir-fries
    $600 18
This word & "curious" describe the "volume of forgotten lore" pondered over by the narrator of "The Raven"
    DD: $800 4
    $800 9
First name of the title character Doonesbury
    $800 14
You can visit the Charles Darwin Research Station at Puerta Ayora on Santa Cruz in this island group
    $800 24
...after what's represented by the meteorological symbol seen here
    $800 29
Peas belong to this large family of pod-bearing plants that includes alfalfa & peanuts
    $800 19
This flat ring used to pitch at stakes for points can be made of rope or metal
    $1000 5
    $1000 10
Dating back to 1934, it's been called "the mother (or grandmother) of all soap-opera strips"
    $1000 15
Marrakech, the "Pink City", is in the foothills of this mountain chain
    $1000 25
...after a cry of "Opa!" in Papadakis' Greek Restaurant in San Pedro, Calif. (you may want to shield your face)
    $1000 30
In England in 1787 Thomas Knight began breeding experiments with peas, 69 years before this Austrian monk
    $1000 20
This eponymous term refers to a traitor who aids an invading enemy by serving in a puppet government

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Vane Jason
$3,200 -$200 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Vane Jason
$4,200 $4,000 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
Over 30 years after starting the Sistine Chapel, he made his last paintings for the Vatican's Pauline Chapel
    $400 6
On this sitcom, Jack Klugman scored as Oscar Madison, a sports reporter for the New York Herald
    $400 1
In 1795 John Playfair simplified Euclid's axiom about these, still saying they never meet
    $400 21
Before heading U.S. forces in France in WWI, this General led a punitive raid into Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa
    $400 16
Giving up on that tease Beatrice, he married Gemma Donati in the late 1200s
    $400 23
O, beware, my lord, of" this synonym for envy
    $800 8
He painted "Costume Ball at the Moulin Rouge" & "Jane Avril Leaving the Moulin Rouge"
    $800 10
Ed Asner moved to California & became the gruff City Editor of the Los Angeles Tribune on this drama series
    $800 2
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents in front of Blackboard.) A prism has the same relationship to a pyramid as a cylinder does to this
    $800 22
A park named for Pancho Villa in Columbus in this state lies on the site of his 1916 raid into the U.S
    $800 17
Chronicler of the South seen here
    $800 24
A talking gecko might tell you it's a 5-letter synonym for avarice
    $1200 9
This American illustrator described his work as "lovely-kids-adoring-their-kindly-grandpa sort of thing"
    $1200 11
The Daily Planet newspaper was just super as the employer of both the title characters on this 1990s drama
    DD: $1,200 3
Between 2 & 2:50 P.M., the minute hand on your watch covers this many degrees
    $1200 28
After 1911, Pancho Villa used this Texas city of 600,000 on the Rio Grande as his headquarters
    $1200 18
He wrote the play "Tom Thumb" & the novel "Tom Jones"
    $1200 25
"Pride" synonym paired with "The Id" in a Freud title
    $1600 14
Masterpieces by this Spaniard include "The Naked Maja" & "The 2nd of May 1808"
    $1600 12
As Tim O'Hara, Bill Bixby worked as a newspaper reporter for the Los Angeles Sun on this silly '60s sitcom
    $1600 4
A scalenohedron is a crystal of 8 or 12 faces, each of which is one of these shapes
    $1600 29
When the Mexican Revolution began, Villa joined the rebels against this dictator with the first name Porfirio
    $1600 19
This playwright was the illegitimate fils of a famed novelist
    $1600 26
For lust: a perfume from Alfred Dunhill
    $2000 15
This Renaissance Master painted the fresco "The School of Athens"
    $2000 13
Harry Anderson left 'em laughing on this show as a witty Miami columnist working for the Record-Dispatch
    $2000 5
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew in front of a blackboard with 2 circles drawn on it) Also used to describe people, in the world of circles, it's the opposite of concentric
    $2000 30
This "Devil's Dictionary" author disappeared after going to Mexico, reportedly to write about Pancho Villa
    $2000 20
He created Private Eye Lew Archer
    DD: $1,000 27
Meaning sloth, it's from the Latin negative of dolere, "to feel pain"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Vane Jason
$11,000 $7,400 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Hiram Bingham, who rediscovered "the lost city of the Incas", Machu Picchu, was a model for this movie hero

Final scores:

Tom Vane Jason
$15,201 $8,400 $15,195
2-day champion: $38,401 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Vane Jason
$11,000 $9,200 $7,600
16 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $27,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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