Suggest correction - #4376 - 2003-09-22

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    $400 11
Rimsky-Korsakov wrote an opera about this Czar who was so scary people called him "the terrible"

Show #4376 - Monday, September 22, 2003

2003 Back to School Week game 1.
Game data retrieved from an alternate archive.


Aaron Sauter, a sixth-grader from New Hope, Pennsylvania

Jake Logan, from Fort Washington, Maryland

Mariah Black, from Canal Winchester, Ohio

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Covering 64 million square miles, it's the largest ocean in the world
    $200 13
Actress Diaz' name, it means "crooked nose"
    $200 6
It was the first film in which Harrison Ford played Dr. Henry Jones, Jr.
    $200 11
(Sofia of the Clue Crew presents from the beach.) It's named for what it was doing before it washed up on the beach, & you can use it to build a fire
    $200 21
Classy earrings & bracelets are made with the small seed type of this gem from the ocean
    $200 26
Enjoyed a book, or a primary color
    $400 2
Saltier than any ocean, the Great Salt Lake is the largest lake in this western U.S. State
    $400 14
Young actress Larson, or a type of cheese
    $400 7
It was the 2002 sequel to Disney's 1953 classic "Peter Pan"
    $400 12
Water binds grains of sand using surface tension; that'll help you build this, complete with moat
    $400 22
A 1998 Harvard study found a link between arthritis of the knee & this type of women's shoe
    $400 27
Moved like the wind, or a primary color
    $600 3
Important rivers in this country include the Huang He & the Yangtze
    $600 15
This first name of model Harlow means "peace" in Hebrew
    $600 8
In this 2003 film the Pickles meet the Thornberrys
    $600 18
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the beach.) This word can mean part of a touchdown celebration in football, or this volleyball move
    $600 23
For a fancy event, dress up in white tie & these, which animals have but humans usually don't
    $600 28
A penny, or mailed a letter
    $800 4
The Strait of Dover connects this channel with the North Sea
    $800 16
There's no doubt this Welsh name belonging to No Doubt's singer means "fair"
    $800 9
In this 2002 film Dennis Quaid played a high school baseball coach who tries out for the big leagues
    $800 19
"Celebrate the sun" in safety with the brand of sunblock called this "Boat"
    $800 24
A bride may wear a tiara to keep this clothing item in place
    $800 29
Walk through water, or determined the heaviness of something
    DD: $400 5
This river stretches 4,160 miles from Burundi to the Mediterranean Sea
    $1000 17
It's the first male name in "20,001 Names for Baby"
    $1000 10
In this 2000 film Tulio & Miguel, 2 swindlers, get their hands on a map to a fabled city of gold
    $1000 20
(Sofia of the Clue Crew presents from the beach.) This board, similar to a boogie board, is named for the milky way you move across the water on it
    $1000 25
Centuries ago the length of this long, trailing part of a dress indicated social rank

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mariah Jake Aaron
$200 $2,200 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mariah Jake Aaron
$1,200 $5,000 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
In 1902 he began working at the Swiss Patent Office; his theory of relativity came 3 years later
    $400 1 Hannibal, Missouri, where we saw this author's boyhood home, & an actual cave featured in his "Tom Sawyer"
    $400 24
The Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria were under his command
    $400 19
In an 1898 peace treaty, this country had to give up Cuba--that's what you get for messing with Uncle Sam
    $400 11
Rimsky-Korsakov wrote an opera about this Czar who was so scary people called him "the terrible"
    $400 14
A bird's bill
    $800 7
For his "enlightening" inventions, he was called the "Wizard of Menlo Park"
    $800 2 Washington, D.C., where we got to tour this agency's headquarters & see its ten most wanted list
    $800 25
In cartoons, his nephews are Huey, Dewey & Louie
    $800 20
A treaty signed in San Francisco in 1951 officially ended the war with this Pearl Harbor attacker
    $800 12
"Under the Double Moon" takes place on Undine, a watery one of these (We think it must be like Neptune)
    $800 15
An antonym of strong
    $1200 8
In March 1876 he received a patent for an apparatus for "transmitting vocal or other sounds"
    $1200 3
..."Down Under" to this country, where we got to explore the Great Barrier Reef
    $1200 26
Unnamed in the Bible, these visitors to the baby Jesus are traditionally aka Balthasar, Melchior & Gaspar
    $1200 21
In 1865 his second inaugural address asked for "a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations"
    $1200 13
In a famous comic opera from 1930, this facial feature gets detached from its owner & "runs" away
    $1200 16
A short, shrill sound made by a mouse or a hinge
    DD: $2,000 9
On Dec. 17, 1903, in North Carolina, they took 4 quick trips -- the shortest, 12 sec.; the longest, 59 sec.
    $1600 4
...over Christmas, to California, where on January 1 we attended this famous football game in Pasadena
    $1600 27
In a nursery rhyme, the butcher, the baker & the candlestick maker are the 3 men in one of these
    $1600 22
In 1669 Clement IX, holder of this position, made peace in a religious battle within France
    $1600 29
In Wagner's "Ring" cycle, Fafner is a big scary giant who turns into one of these fire-breathing mythical beasts
    $1600 17
The pointed top of a mountain, or the mountain itself
    $2000 10
In 1666, using a prism, this English scientist discovered that sunlight is made up of different colors
    $2000 5 Grand Rapids, Michigan, where we visited this former President's library & museum
    DD: $4,000 28
Literature's Athos, Porthos & Aramis were this swashbuckling trio
    $2000 23
David Trimble & John Hume won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in the northern part of this island
    $2000 30
In "The Ghosts of Versailles", the ghost of this French queen moans about losing her head on the guillotine
    $2000 18
Dismal & depressing, like the title "house" in a Dickens novel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mariah Jake Aaron
$2,400 $20,200 $13,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

John Singleton Copley's portrait of Paul Revere hangs in the Museum of Fine Arts in this city

Final scores:

Mariah Jake Aaron
$4,800 $26,601 $10,000
3rd place: $1,000 + Classroom Jeopardy! + a $1,000 Dell Computer gift certificate Winner: $26,601 + Classroom Jeopardy! + a $1,000 Dell Computer gift certificate 2nd place: $2,000 + Classroom Jeopardy! + a $1,000 Dell Computer gift certificate

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mariah Jake Aaron
$2,400 $18,400 $13,800
6 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
19 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $34,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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