Suggest correction - #720 - 1987-10-23

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    $300 27
"Mssrs." should only be used on letters used for these male relatives

Show #720 - Friday, October 23, 1987


John Lamb, a savings and loan executive originally from New York

Tom Gray, a journalist from Van Nuys, California

Beth Phillips, a photographer from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The lowest point of elevation in Louisiana is 5 feet below sea level in this port city
    $100 22
"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond" this, "why, oh why can't I?"
    $100 14
On "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", Hitchcock bricked up this "jolly old elf in a fireplace
    $100 6
This not only carries oxygen & food to tissue but removes waste products as well
    $100 21
This type of letter shouldn't be written at the office--except during lunch
    $100 9
The Church of England
    $200 2
Some say Secretary of State William H. Seward selected the name for this state
    $200 23
"There were birds in the sky, but I never saw them winging, no I never saw them at all, till" this
    $200 15
Writing about its stars' "sour grapes", TV Guide called this series "Whine Country"
    $200 7
Exercise usually increases the size, not the number, of cells in these
    $200 26
At an informal lunch, the two basic utensils always used for a place setting
    $200 10
On February 4, 1987, Dennis Conner became only skipper to have lost, then recaptured this
    $300 3
It's known as "The land where the tall corn grows"
    $300 24
Broadway show in which the muleteers sang "Little Bird, Little Bird" to Aldonza
    $300 16
The "Mary Tyler Moore Show" character whose wife's name was Edie
    DD: $400 8
In these organs, the right one is divided into 3 lobes but the left one into only 2
    $300 27
"Mssrs." should only be used on letters used for these male relatives
    $300 11
You'll find this chilly ring at latitude 66°, 33' north, just above Iceland
    $400 4
It leads the world in producing sardine cans, but it's called the Pine Tree State
    $400 25
"As we kiss'd & said good-night'", this "sang in Berk'ley Square"
    $400 17
When he narrated "The Fugitive", his voice boomed like a "cannon"
    $400 19
No digestion, just mineral & water absorption, takes place in this organ far along the alimentary canal
    $400 28
If you can't remember this, just smile pleasantly & tell him or her "Nice to see you"
    $400 12
Due to controversial comments on "Nightline", he's no longer VP of the L.A. Dodgers
    $500 5
Congress gave this state the option to divide itself into 5 other states, but it never has
    $500 29
"Since her beauty was sold for an old man's gold," she's only this
    $500 18
Newsweek called this detective romp, at $1.6 million, TV's most expensive 1-hour drama
    $500 20
Part of the body where you would find the frontal, parietal & occipital bones
    $500 30
Though Amy says to put ashtrays in guest bedrooms, she also says to "put your foot down" about smoking here
    $500 13
1 of the longest running series on radio was his "Letter from America", on BBC

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Beth Tom John
$1,100 $1,000 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Beth Tom John
$3,100 $2,200 -$400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
It's said she married an Indian chief when she was 14, years before she married John Rolfe
    $200 24
It's the shortest distance for races in both track & swimming
    $200 1
Vegetable featured in "soup a l'oignon"
    $200 6
On the Russian front near Moscow, mud helped slow this aggressor country's offensive
    $200 16
Painters use this sheet as protection against spills & drips
    $400 8
Shakespeare spells this historic figure's last name "Bullen", but most of us know her by this name
    $400 25
It took Joan Benoit 2:24:52 to do this in the 1984 Olympics
    $400 2
One French cook book's recipe mixing romaine, vinaigrette, & this fungus is labeled "salade fi-fi"
    $400 9
"Little Boy" was the code name for the atom bomb dropped on this city
    DD: $1,800 17
He sang the lead on the following TV theme & co-starred on the series with his stepmother:

"Hello world, here's a song that we're singin' /
Come on, get happy /
A whole lotta lovin' is what we'll be bringin' /
We'll make you happy..."
    $600 10
She originated the term "birth control" which formerly had been called "voluntary motherhood"
    $600 26
In 1984, Carl Lewis won the gold in the same 4 events as this star did in the 1936 Berlin Olympics
    $600 21
Moliere was influenced by this stylized form of Italian farce
    $600 3
"Pate de pommes a l'angleise" is a fancy French name for this all-American dessert
    $600 13
Early in 1942, the U.S. government gave this group free mail privileges
    $600 18
It's pressing molten metals into molds under pressure, or throwing a cube in gambling, often under pressure
    $800 11
Marat's murderer
    $800 22
Following a suggestion by Jonathan Swift, John Gay wrote this "opera"
    $800 4
A chef might dole out "tarte a l'ananas", a dessert made with this tropical fruit
    DD: $1,400 14
The last European capital "liberated", was this city on the Moldau, freed by the Russians in May 1945
    $800 19
A section of seats in an opera house, usually the tier above the orchestra
    $1000 12
Queen of this Scandinavian country at 18, Christina abdicated under pressure at 27
    $1000 23
The literary hero of Eugene O'Neill was this Swedish playwright who wrote "Miss Julie"
    $1000 5
The 2 types of fish in "salade nicoise"
    $1000 15
Control of Guadalcanal was critical, since Japan was building an air base that would threaten this ally
    $1000 20
In these, the chemical producing the current is made into a paste so the contents will not spill

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Beth Tom John
$5,500 $5,000 $8,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Term for marker passed around to designate who is dealer in poker, Truman is associated with one

Final scores:

Beth Tom John
$4,500 $10,000 $11,001
3rd place 2nd place New champion: $11,001

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Beth Tom John
$5,500 $5,000 $6,600
19 R,
3 W
13 R,
0 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
9 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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