Suggest correction - #1008 - 1989-01-11

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    $500 15
Preservation technique whose name comes from the Greek words for "arrangement" & "skin"

Show #1008 - Wednesday, January 11, 1989

Peggi Malys game 1.


Doug Jordan, a mathematician from Columbia, Maryland

Peggi Malys, a medical student from Orlando, Florida

Charlie Brown, an attorney from Utica, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $15,601)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In that category we wil give you the plotline as specified in TV Guide. What you have to do is give us the TV show.)
    $100 26
This famous female flyer was once the aviation editor of Cosmopolitan
    $100 1
Frenchman Marcel Grateau's contribution to coiffures
    $100 17
"Substituting for Tony is a secret agent with no experience in dealing with genies"
    $100 16
At Coney Island they were first called "dachshund sausages"
    $100 4
He was unquestionably Fay Wray's biggest & most hirsute leading man
    $100 9
In a Beatles song, it's the instruction preceding "Do you want to know a secret"
    $200 27
Martial law was lifted in Poland after his 1983 visit there
    $200 2
The slang word "bodacious" was created by blending "bold" & this word
    $200 18
"When a bucket of carrots hits him on the head, 'Ed Gets Amnesia'"
    $200 22
Beef that comes from a cow is not eligible for this federal grade of meat
    $200 5
This TV tycoon might try to colorize this category if we'd let him
    $200 10
One theory says this dance started as part of physical training for African tribal initiation
    $300 28
For year after her death in 1952, all newly issued Argentine stamps had her picture
    $300 3
Capricorn comes from "capri" meaning goat & "cornu" meaning this part of the goat
    $300 20
"Sudden senility attacks top officers of the Enterprise, who have contracted a strange aging disease"
    $300 23
"The Book of Apicius", a Roman cookbook, advises using this sweetener "to keep meats fresh without salt"
    $300 6
He founded Utah's Sundance Institute, which encourages the work of independent filmmakers
    $300 11
To avoid angering leprechauns & fairies, an Irishman calls them this
    $400 29
President whose "doctrine" provided aid to Greece & Turkey to combat communism
    $400 14
From the old phrase "alack the day" came this adjective for lacking spirit
    $400 21
"West again confronts the diabolical Dr. Loveless... in a ghost town peopled with... dummies"
    $400 24
In beef cuts, the chuck contains the 1st through the 5th of these
    DD: $500 7
Actor heard here, in the 1-man show he's been performing since the '50s:

"I came in, in 1835 with Halley's Comet. It's coming again pretty soon..."
    $400 12
How Barnacle Bill might refer to the left side of his ship
    $500 30
Due to a leg injury, this polar explorer retired from the Navy in 1916, but was reactivated for World War I
    $500 15
Preservation technique whose name comes from the Greek words for "arrangement" & "skin"
    $500 19
"The sale of mutton from diseased sheep creates an outbreak of deadly anthrax in Walnut Grove"
    $500 25
Also known as the "cavy", this lab rodent is native to South America where it was & still is eaten
    $500 8
A car accident at age 13 put a stop to her dancing, but que sera, sera, she became a movie star anyway
    $500 13
It can be used to fire a cannon or carry a whistle

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Charlie Peggi Doug
$600 $900 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Charlie Peggi Doug
$2,600 $1,600 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
This tiny country's opera house is inside its famous casino
    $200 3
Ancient Druids believed this shrub could cure sterility; maybe that's why we kiss under it
    $200 21
Kidnapped & held for a $10 million ransom in 1983, Alfred Heineken heads a company famous for this
    $200 8
In English, Molière's play "Le malade imaginaire" is known as this
    $200 1
The eggs of the sea spider are carried on these appendages of the male
    $200 26
The only "60 Minutes" star who's dated Warren Beatty & Henry Kissinger, as far as we know
    $400 17
Schönbrunn Castle, once home to the Hapsburgs, has been called this city's Versailles
    $400 4
Legend says one of these creatures nursed Romulus & Remus, who later founded Rome
    $400 22
Due to increased cosmetic sales to Latinos, this firm is "calling" for more Spanish-speaking sales reps
    $400 9
This play about FDR opens in the living room of his Canadian home
    $400 2
The more common term for a crustacean's exoskeleton
    $400 27
Silent screen star Pola Negri collapsed at the 1926 funeral of this sex symbol who had been her lover
    $600 18
Zealand is the largest & most populous island in this Scandinavian country
    $600 5
William Tell used this type of bow & arrow to shoot the apple of his son's head
    $600 23
In 1988, this co. increased licensing fees fivefold for rivals wishing to make compatible components
    $600 10
This musical has characters named Stewpot, Luther Billis, Liat & Ensign Lisa Minelli
    $600 13
The Komodo dragon is the largest member of this sub-order of reptiles
    $600 30
Howard Hughes reportedly asked Joan Fontaine to marry him after this sister turned him down
    DD: $1,600 19
Every 5 years the Chopin International Piano Competition takes place in this city
    $800 6
Featured in "The Arabian Nights", a Roc is this type of legendary creature
    $800 24
In April 1988 a court struck down the Kennedy-Hollings Amendment, directed at this media magnate
    $800 11
In the play named for her, this daughter & half-sister of Oedipus is condemned to be buried alive
    $800 15
His discovery of the basic laws of genetics went unnoticed for 34 years
    $800 29
In 1978 this heiress stunned the world by marrying Russian Sergei Kauzov & moving to Moscow
    $1000 20
In 1917, 3 children reported seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary near Fátima in this country
    $1000 7
Sometimes identified with the devil, this character tempted Faust
    DD: $1,300 25
It's the largest privately-held company in Italy
    $1000 12
George M. Cohan starred in this playwright's only comedy, "Ah, Wilderness!"
    $1000 16
With names often ending in "ase", these catalysts can speed up chemical reactions millions of times
    $1000 28
Not all blind dates are bad‑‑after all, that's how Liz Taylor met husband No. 6, this ex-Navy Sec'y

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Charlie Peggi Doug
$8,300 $5,400 $7,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

This colony was named for the 1st governor of the colony of Virginia

Final scores:

Charlie Peggi Doug
$2,399 $9,800 $3,100
3rd place: Oneida gift certificate New champion: $9,800 2nd place: a Broyhill cherry-finished desk and a Bauer lamp

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Charlie Peggi Doug
$7,200 $5,300 $7,100
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
20 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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