Suggest correction - #584 - 1987-03-05

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    $1000 30
Term for the last move of a gymnast in a floor exercise

Show #584 - Thursday, March 5, 1987

Keith Walker game 1.


Barbara Platz, a microbiologist from Hendersonville, North Carolina

Keith Walker, an attorney from Pomona, California

Judy Goodnight, a pre-kindergarten teacher from Memphis, Tennessee (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
In the platypus, this is secreted through pores in the mother's abdomen & lapped up by the young
    $100 26
An announcer at age 15 in his native South Dakota, he now anchors "NBC Nightly News"
    $100 1
You might find an oil derrick, but not not the Eiffel Tower, in this Texas town
    $100 21
The 2 candy-coated edibles in Cracker Jack
    $100 8
Conquering everything from Peking to Persia, this 13th century Mongol's name means "universal ruler"
    $100 10
A "3-minute" egg
    $200 7
Only the earth has greater density than this small planet
    $200 27
"Saturday Night Live"s original "Weekend Update" anchorperson
    $200 2
You can go to Washington, Ohio, or Spain to visit this "holy" city
    $200 22
Cracker Jack used to have premium coupons before they started giving out these in 1912
    $200 9
Crassus, later 1 of Rome's 1st triumvirate, defeated this slave leader in 71 B.C.
    $200 11
A bituminous fuel
    $300 13
Of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, or Cenozoic, the geological era we are in
    $300 28
This "60 Minutes" star was America's Junior Miss in 1963
    $300 3
Michigan city in which Greeks might not be welcome if they're bearing a wooden horse
    $300 23
The boy on the Craker Jack box is dressed in this
    $300 18
Alexander II, a contemporary of Lincoln, freed this class & won the title "Czar Liberator"
    $300 12
dBASE III Plus, for example
    $400 14
Term for the science of inherited traits
    $400 29
In both the 1953 & 1971 versions, he was there on "You Are There"
    $400 4
Not even in 1948-49 was a major airlift needed to get into this Wisconsin city
    $400 24
Well-known song written in 1908 that mentions Cracker Jack
    $400 19
The year Paris mobs stormed the Bastille & Washington became 1st president
    $400 15
Tap dancing without metal taps
    $500 16
The name for this gas comes from the French for "water former"
    $500 30
In 1986, he told CBS viewers that Nathan Hale said, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
    $500 5
While wearing a kilt is stylish in Scotland's largest city, don't try it in this Montana town
    DD: $700 25
Though he rarely spoke in the commercials, he was Cracker Jack's "spokesman" for 11 years:
    $500 20
Fearing Germany's growing strength, Russia joined this peace organization in 1934
    $500 17
According to Elvis, type of person troubled by a "hard-hearted woman... ever since the world began"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Judy Keith Barbara
$1,500 $2,000 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Judy Keith Barbara
$2,000 $6,000 $300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Herbert Marshall played him in "The Moon & Sixpence" & "The Razor's Edge"
    $200 19
This popular Father's Day gift was the murder weapon in Hitchcock's "Frenzy"
    $200 2
Benjamin Britten is known for "The Young Person's Guide to" this
    $200 7
Of Othello, Iago, or Desdemona, character to whom Shakespeare gave the most lines
    $200 26
The largest of these in the U.S. is the 106 lane one at the Showboat Casino in Las Vegas
    $200 1
Describes Mike Hammer or a 30-minute egg
    $400 17
As this author of "The Man Who Would Be King", C. Plummer listened to M. Caine tell the film's story
    $400 20
When they 1st met, Little John used this weapon to defeat Robin Hood
    DD: $1,400 3
The letter furthest along in the alphabet used to symbolize a note
    $400 8
This All-American football player scored in London as Othello in 1930
    $400 27
Of the Detroit Lions, New York Jets, & L.A. Rams, number which play in the city in their names
    $400 12
What you are if this answer has to be read to you in a very loud voice
    $600 18
1959's "Beloved Infidel" was Sheilah Graham's version of her affair with this novelist
    $600 21
Though against the rules of the "Clan of the Cavebear", Ayla taught herself to use this weapon
    $600 4
Grand or not, it's the concluding movement of a multi-sectioned work
    $600 9
Cassio calls this "an enemy" men put "in their mouths to steal away their brains"
    DD: $500 28
In the Olympics it symbolizes the continuity between the ancient and modern games
    $600 13
Playing Paul's grandfather, Wilfrid Brambell was continuously called "a clean old man" in this film
    $800 24
Oscar-winner who played Robert Browning in 1934 & Mark Twain 10 years later
    $800 22
As a sign in printing, this weapon symbolizes a footnote
    $800 5
In German this instrument is called a "trommel"
    $800 10
Playing Othello in London in 1833, this actor collapsed into his son Charles' arms & later died
    $800 29
This baseball team found ballgirl M. Collins posing for Playboy un"bear"able so they fired her
    $800 14
Sea biscuit, not the horse, but the food
    $1000 25
Richard Chamberlain limped through this romantic lead in "Lady Caroline Lamb"
    $1000 23
Weapon pictured on the dollar bill
    $1000 6
Term for a chord played 1 note at a time, proceeding in order, usually from the bottom up
    $1000 11
Act 1 is set in Venice, but the rest of the play takes place on this Mediterranean island
    $1000 30
Term for the last move of a gymnast in a floor exercise
    $1000 15
Black locust, persimmon, & Osage orange, for example

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Judy Keith Barbara
$5,500 $13,400 $700
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This country is the world's most populous monarchy

Final scores:

Judy Keith Barbara
$5,000 $15,500 $600
2nd place: trip to St. Thomas & stay at Bluebeard's Castle New champion: $15,500 3rd place: Colortyme color TV

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Judy Keith Barbara
$6,000 $12,200 $700
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
30 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
6 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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