Suggest correction - #3906 - 2001-09-03

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    $600 13
Singing karaoke in Shinjuku

Show #3906 - Monday, September 3, 2001

First game of Season 18.


Hardy Watts, an elementary school teacher from Boston, Massachusetts

Anne Reynolds, a lawyer from Toronto, Ontario

Roland Lange, a sales director from Brooklyn, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the actor in...)
    $100 3
John Hersey wrote about 6 survivors of an August 6, 1945 explosion in this title city
    $100 1
Mary Poppins
    $100 18
One variety of the white-tailed species of this weighs only 50-75 pounds & lives in the Florida Keys
    $100 5
Technically, a bubble dance is done with these props, not bubbles
    $100 9
Mother & performer seen here in 1947
    $100 11
Mus musculus, this grayish-brown rodent lives in or near domiciles
    $200 4
In "Duty First", alum Ed Ruggero calls this military academy "America's premier leadership school"
    $200 2
Rooster Cogburn
    $200 23
This wild African pig has 2 pairs of tusks that may reach a length of 24 inches
    $200 26
Back-bending dance that's neither heaven nor hell
    $200 10
Perhaps, in the future, you'll see one of these divinatory aids
    $200 12
Abbreviated term for the genre that includes Isaac Asimov & Ursula K. Le Guin
    $300 15
Dr. Jerri Nielsen gives her account of discovering that she had breast cancer while "ice bound" here
    $300 6
Loretta Lynn
    $300 24
Despite its large size, this wild ox of Tibet is quite agile & can swim swift rivers
    $300 30
A Carioca is a resident of Rio & also a ballroom version of this dance
    $300 13
We bet you know the balls seen here are used in this game of chance
    DD: $400 14
Restaurateur Trader Vic created this rum & curacao cocktail
    $400 16
This gonzo journalist tells the "Strange and Terrible Saga" of flying with angels--Hell's Angels
    $400 7
U.S. Marshal Sam Gerard
    $400 25
It's estimated that fewer than 1,000 members of the Bactrian species of this exist in the world, all in Mongolia & China
    $400 27
It's a lively Spanish-American dance, or a "Grim" computer game from Lucas Arts
    $400 19
Seen here, it's also an offensive term for someone's spouse
    $400 21
The title of hits by Madonna & Tommy James & the Shondells, it's slang for naughty behavior
    $500 17
"Into Thin Air" is his account of scaling Everest & the tragedy that befell others around him
    $500 8
Mexican cop Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez
    $500 29
The soft, pliant leather from this cud-chewing goat is used as a polishing cloth & to make shirts
    $500 28
An old French dance from a German folk dance, or a square dance move
    $500 20
Used in large group games, it's the worldly projectile seen here
    $500 22
This hyphenated term means haphazard or disorganized

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Roland Anne Hardy
$1,000 $900 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roland Anne Hardy
$2,000 $3,000 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the city when we ask you...)
    $200 26
Truman Capote was born on September 30, 1924 in this Southern city
    $200 21
"I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour, I'll be there for you like I've been there before"
    $200 11
Dancing at Le Balajo on the Rue de Lappe
    $200 1
Accessories of the dashing WWII Spitfire pilot included a leather helmet & a white silk one of these
    $200 16
Nicholas Heath, in office from 1555 to 1579, was the last archbishop of this faith
    $200 6
An accent shows that this word means a summary of one's work experience, not "to continue"
    $400 27
This book about the murder of a farm family blurred the genres of literature & crime reportage
    $400 22
"Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree"
    $400 12
Just checking out the view from the top of the Mark Hopkins
    $400 2
The name of Vostok, the Soviets' first manned space flight program, means this direction
    $400 17
The first Norman archbishop, in 1070, was Thomas of this French tapestry town
    $400 7
It may be "au lait"
    $600 28
This novella includes the line "Holly Golightly had been a tenant in the old brownstone"
    $600 23
"I've been searchin' my soul tonight, I know there's so much more to life"
    $600 13
Singing karaoke in Shinjuku
    $600 3
The map shown here illustrates the airline system of these central airports & spokes
    $600 18
Early archbishops included Ethelbald, Egbert & this 8th c. one whose name combines parts of the other 2
    DD: $1,500 8
James Rogers' "Dictionary of" these includes "on the horns of a dilemma" & "hook, line & sinker"
    $800 29
"The Muses Are Heard" is Truman's account of going to Moscow with the black cast of this Gershwin show
    $800 24
"You're not the boss of me now! You're not the boss of me now! You're not the boss of me now & you're not so big!"
    $800 14
Down in Plaka listening to bouzouki music
    $800 4
The hero of the first book by "Little Prince" author St.-Exupery is a pilot who delivers this
    $800 19
A half-brother of Richard the Lionheart, Archbishop Geoffrey was a fellow member of this royal house
    $800 9
It's the basic ballet maneuver seen here
    $1000 30
In 1990 this "Loved One" actor won a Tony for his portrayal of Capote in the one-man show "Tru"
    $1000 25
In 1965: "There's a man who leads a life of danger, to everyone he meets he stays a stranger"
    $1000 15
Having steak gaucho-style at La Chacra
    $1000 5
This Mach 3 plane was called the RS-71 until LBJ misread it in public & the name was changed
    DD: $1,500 20
As an adviser to Henry VIII, he was made Archbishop of York in 1514 & a cardinal in 1515
    $1000 10
Accented term for a Cajun stew of crayfish, vegetables & seasonings over rice

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roland Anne Hardy
$7,500 $7,900 $5,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

This Ford with a name from Native American myth was the first model to be Motor Trend Car of the Year

Final scores:

Roland Anne Hardy
$0 $400 $100
3rd place: a CompUSA gift certificate New champion: $400 2nd place: a trip to the Bahamas

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Roland Anne Hardy
$6,600 $9,400 $6,100
17 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $22,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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