Suggest correction - #7057 - 2015-04-28

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    $800 7
On "The Simpsons" he's Springfield's richest man

Show #7057 - Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Greg Seroka game 4.


Dani Cook, a librarian from Rancho Cucamonga, California

Salvatore Parente, a glazier from Sunrise, Florida

Greg Seroka, a chef from Steamboat Springs, Colorado (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $79,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're talkin' money.)
(Puss in Boots: Hola, amigos! Let me tell you about some heroes who are great. But not as great as me--Puss in Boots.)
    $200 23
Talk about Pompeii & circumstance! Since 1900, this Italian volcano's eruptions have clipped its height about 80 feet
    $200 18
Former FBI man W. Mark Felt was revealed to be the man behind this Watergate moniker
    $200 1
Sadly, Adam Yauch, aka MCA of this trio, died in 2012
    $200 6
A dolt, or a short-handled weight used for such exercises as curls
    $200 16
$5 bill:
This memorial
    $200 11
(Puss in Boots delivers the clue.) Ay, pobrecito! He dreamed the impossible dream, thinking he could be a knight errant like me, Puss in Boots, but he was just loco in la cabeza, facing armies of sheep & tilting at windmills
    $400 27
In 1889 prospector Frank Densmore named an Alaskan peak Densmore's Mountain; in 1896 it was renamed for this politician
    $400 19
Lindsay Wagner had a rebuilt robotic ear on this 1970s drama
    $400 2
The name of this "I Hear A Symphony" girl group implies that they are the best ever
    $400 7
It's a person unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship
    $400 17
$20 bill:
This residence
    $400 12
(Puss in Boots delivers the clue.) Don Diego de la Vega is a Spanish nobleman, & he sounds like he must be muy guapo, but to defend the weak & oppressed, he hides behind a mask & this secret identity
    $600 28
From 1964 to 1969 3 noted Confederates were carved into this Georgia peak
    $600 20
It's the position represented here
    $600 3
Kelly Rowland & Michelle Williams (not the actress) were 2 of the members of this trio
    $600 8
As a verb, it meas to fall back from a flood stage
    $600 24
$1 bill:
A scroll in the eagle's mouth with this Latin motto
    $600 13
(Puss in Boots delivers the clue.) Even as a kitten, I would have been able to prevent my father's murder with a single look, unlike this character who tells Count Rugen, "You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
    $800 29
A 1980 blast of this volcanic peak in Washington reached speeds of 300 miles per hour
    $800 21
A trio of ear bones are popularly called the hammer, anvil & this
    $800 4
Two childhood friends are members of this punk revival group, originally a trio
    $800 9
Radio's McGee, or one who tells an insignificant lie
    DD: $4,000 25
$10 bill:
This building where you'll find the Salmon P. Chase Suite
    $800 14
(Puss in Boots delivers the clue.) Claro que si, Dumas must have looked to me to create this expert swordsman of great honesty & integrity, but he had to join forces with Athos, Porthos & Aramis
    $1000 22
Hoomei is the droning Mongolian technique known as the throat style of this
    $1000 5
In 2015 "All The Small Things" added up to public discord in this trio
    $1000 10
To find fault or to criticize for petty reasons
    $1000 26
$2 bill:
The Declaration of Independence being presented to this body
    $1000 15
(Puss in Boots delivers the clue.) This 11th century Spanish hero needed 2 swords, Tizona & Colada, to be the champion of his people; I, Puss in Boots, need but one sword

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Greg Salvatore Dani
$1,600 $4,000 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Salvatore Dani
$10,200 $5,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Like the young Bob Dylan, the young Leos Janacek was heavily influenced by this 4-letter type of music from the people
    $400 1
Cadmium, or a term for aggressive rock music
    $400 11
If you're a Sabra, this current country
    $400 6
This troupe introduced us to the Ministry of Silly Walks
    $400 18
There was no native African representation at a 1884 conference convened in this German capital to carve up Africa
    $400 15
One of man's most ancient companions, this dog is described by the AKC as "the fastest breed"
    $800 28
Julius Fucik's "Entry of the Gladiators" is now mostly associated with these less-fierce performers
    $800 2
A wheel & axle and a pulley are good examples of these "basic" devices
    $800 12
A principality:
    $800 7
On "The Simpsons" he's Springfield's richest man
    DD: $4,000 19
Controlled by France until 1954, the region known as French Indochina is today these 3 countries
    $800 16
This speed demon was once called a snap dog, a name somewhat like its current one
    $1200 29
Those morbid Goth teens! In 1889, 15-year-old Josef Suk composed this type of march for himself
    $1200 3
The LAPD website says "Loitering simply means people" doing this
    DD: $3,000 13
An English city:
    $1200 8
This 1950s movie star was a founding member of the Actors Studio
    $1200 20
Before their defeat in 1879, this ethnic group from Natal resisted both the Boers & the British in southern Africa
    $1200 17
Named for a certain Reverend John, this small terrier can achieve speeds of 25 mph over short distances
    $1600 4
In Islam, the most exalted angels dwell in this numeric place
    $1600 14
A Canadian province:
    $1600 9
He also hosted the game shows "It's Anybody's Guess" & "Split Second"
    $1600 23
This author's poem "The White Man's Burden" became a popular justification for European imperialism
    $1600 21
A crest of hair along the spine is a notable trait of this African dog that loves to run
    $2000 27
People who had trouble saying the name of Mozart's friend Josef Myslivecek called him "il Boemo", meaning this
    $2000 5
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an animated geometric diagram on the monitor.) When the shape of an ellipse changes, the diameter lengths can also change, but the longer of the 2 is always known as this
    $2000 25
A British territory:
    $2000 10
This 1960s sitcom actress was the subject of the biography "Twitch Upon a Star"
    $2000 24
7-letter term for a territory given by the League of Nations to another country to administer
    $2000 22
Bred to deliver supplies to remote areas, the Alaskan type of this husky-like breed is the largest Arctic sled dog

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Salvatore Dani
$24,200 $6,800 $9,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first hit feature film based on a "Saturday Night Live" sketch was "The Blues Brothers"; this was the second

Final scores:

Greg Salvatore Dani
$28,400 $9,201 $11,700
4-day champion: $108,200 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Greg Salvatore Dani
$17,800 $6,800 $12,200
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
11 R,
2 W
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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