Suggest correction - #7052 - 2015-04-21

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    $800 21
Not allowable in court, evidence-wise

Show #7052 - Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Rachel Pepe, an operations manager from St. Louis, Missouri

Michael Brady, a user experience designer from Norwood, Massachusetts

Todd Lovell, an engineering manager from Carmel, Indiana (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In this game: the Denver Broncos, on the wrong end of a 55-10 score in 1990
    $200 6
Mount Kilimanjaro
    $200 21
The crab seen here gets its name from the two stinging anemones in its claws, resembling these items that a cheerleader holds
    $200 22
Raise your hands for a man who goes by Krazy George; he claims to have introduced this at a 1981 baseball game
    $200 17
The Hawaiian equivalent of casual Friday includes dressing up or down in these colorful island shirts
    $200 11
This synonym for "giant" is an extinct woolly critter of the Pleistocene epoch
    $400 2
In this auto race: Spencer Wishart, second to Jules Goux by over 13 minutes in its 1913 third running
    $400 7
    $400 27
The geographic cone snail is called the cigarette snail because you'd have just enough time to smoke your last one due to this
    $400 23
In much of the world, this part of the sheep is the choicest delicacy; in the U.S., it was a "Fear Factor" stunt
    $400 16
Eight-letter word for this all-in-one outfit, popular in the '70s & back in fashion again
    $400 14
To fold over the corner of a page of a book
    $600 3
In a World Series game: the New York Giants, whupped 18-4 in 1936 by these crosstown rivals
    $600 8
Mount Aconcagua
    $600 24
In the 1980s this brand's 64 personal computer proudly claimed 64K of memory
    $600 18
A recent exhibition in NYC showcasing "A Century of Mourning Attire" was called this, like a Meryl Streep movie
    $600 15
We don't condone testing on animals but a lab rat or this small tailless rodent might be the subject of an experiment
    $800 4
In a Wimbledon singles final: Miss P.D.H. Boothby, in 1911 to Mrs. R.L. Chambers by this worst possible score
    $800 9
Ponta do Pico, in the Azores
    $800 25
While shooting "Troy", Brad Pitt injured this body part named for the character he was playing at the time
    $800 19
Named in reference to a literary character, it's the style of top hat seen here
    DD: $1,400 13
This bird whose name also means "of prime importance" can precede "virtue"
    $1000 5
In college football: Cumberland College, 222-0 in 1916 to this coach whose name is on a trophy
    $1000 10
Bikku Bitti, near the southern border with Chad
    $1000 26
In 2014 a man sued after he was flown to this West Indies isle & not the Spanish city whose name differs by one letter
    $1000 20
Introduced in 1936, these shoes from G.H. Bass were the original penny loafers
    $1000 12
The bird seen here, or a chatterbox

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Todd Michael Rachel
$0 $400 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Todd Michael Rachel
$2,200 $1,000 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Performed on a bare stage, this Thornton Wilder play features a stage manager who serves as the narrator
    $400 8
Harry Beck's 1930s map of this system in London was revolutionary because it ignored distances
    $400 14
On May 2, 1970 Diane Crump became the first female jockey to ride in this race
    $400 2
Liam Hemsworth was under consideration for the lead role in this 2011 film; his brother got the part instead
    $400 13
The name of this Spanish gold coin comes from the Latin for "double"; it was worth 16 silver dollars
    $400 24
To reduce to ashes via flames
    $800 4
On June 29, 1956 he married one of the stars of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
    $800 9
Globes are usually angled 23.5 degrees to simulate the Earth's inclination, more simply called this
    $800 19
Margaret Leech was the first woman to win this prize in the History category; hmmm, this was also her married name
    $800 3
This 2006 film features the voices of Owen Wilson & Bonnie Hunt
    $800 15
Can you hear the drums, Fernando? Or is it Hernando? Either way, he founded the first Spanish settlement in Mexico
    $800 21
Not allowable in court, evidence-wise
    $1200 5
This Chicagoan known for earthy dialogue in plays like "Speed-the-Plow" was once an editor at Oui magazine
    $1200 10
In 1700 Guillaume Delisle created 2 globes: one terrestrial, the other this type that ends with the same 3 letters
    $1200 22
WWII Army nurse Lt. Cordelia Cook became the first woman to win this bronze decoration
    $1200 16
In this 1991 film Robin Williams tells Julia Roberts, "I believe in fairies"
    $1200 25
After the Spanish-American War, Spain gave up control of this island where the Rough Riders came to fame
    $1200 20
This 2010 movie title means the beginning of something
    $1600 6
O'dear, this Irish playwright had 5 plays rejected by the Abbey Theatre before "'The Shadow of a Gunman" was produced in 1923
    DD: $1,200 11
Goode's School Atlas was an early 1920s publication from this Skokie, Illinois company
    $1600 27
In 2014 work on curved surfaces made Maryam Mirzakhani the 1st woman to get the Fields Medal, this field's top honor
    $1600 17
Martin Scorsese's first 3D film was this 2011 effort about an orphan boy who lives in a Paris train station
    DD: $2,001 26
Pre-dictatorship, he distinguished himself serving in Spanish Morocco & was made a general at age 33
    $1600 23
L.A.'s beloved four-level one, where the 101 meets the 110, opened in 1953
    $2000 7
An alcoholic ex-football star named Brick battles his brother for his father's fortune in this 1955 play
    $2000 12
A bathymetric map represents topography in this type of environment
    $2000 28
In 1992, Betty Boothroyd became the first female holder of this office in Britain's House of Commons
    $2000 18
This 1979 adaptation of a Thomas Hardy novel catapulted Nastassja Kinski to stardom
    $2000 30
In 1713 Spain was signing a whole bunch of treaties as part of the Peace of Utrecht, ending this war over the throne
    $2000 29
From the Latin for "inborn", it can be used to describe a talent

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Todd Michael Rachel
$5,800 $12,201 $7,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Finnish call it Itameri & the Germans call it Ostsee

Final scores:

Todd Michael Rachel
$8,800 $15,601 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $15,601 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Todd Michael Rachel
$7,200 $13,000 $7,800
17 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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