In these discharges associated with cumulonimbus clouds, temperatures can reach 50,000 degrees |
It's the process of converting computer data into a code |
(Michael: What is compilation?)
In a remote part of Kazakhstan sits the Baikonur Cosmodrome, built for this rhyming USSR-USA contest |
the Space Race
This woman's estate authorized its first prequel, "Ruth's Journey", about Mammy |
(Kerry: What is, uh, [*]?) (Alex: "Who is [*]?" Correct.)
Margaret Mitchell
On the 1952 centenary of his death, this creator of a writing system was moved to the Pantheon |
She played the keyboards & played the musical single mom matriarch on "The Partridge Family" |
Shirley Jones
It's the lowest of the 6 Boy Scout ranks |
K-stan has an official national anthem, but at ceremonies, the one from this 2006 movie sometimes gets played instead |
Part one of this suspenseful 2012 novel is "Boy Loses Girl" |
Gone Girl
In 1809 3 French counts were interred--but not their whole bodies, just these parts in urns |
(Kerry: What are ashes? What are their ashes?) (Max: Um... what are their arms?)
their hearts
MacKenzie & Valerie were the kids & Bonnie Franklin played their mom Ann Romano on this show |
(Max: What is Everybody Loves Raymond?) (Michael: What is Everybody Loves Ray?) ... (Alex: This series was earlier on--[*].)
One Day at a Time
The Doppler type of this enables meteorologists to determine how fast a storm is moving & in what direction |
a radar
The Latin for "master" gives us this name for a minor judicial officer such as a justice of the peace |
a magistrate
Nursultan Nazarbayev, "Leader of the Nation", has been president since K-stan left the USSR in this year |
Piscine Molitor Patel is the full name of the title character of this Yann Martel novel |
Life of Pi
Husband & wife scientists, they were moved to the Panthéon amid great ceremony in 1995 |
the Curies
As Lorelei Gilmore, she was the mom half of the "Gilmore Girls" |
[ERRATUM: The character's name is "Lorelai", not "Lorelei".]
Lauren Graham
A North American people lend their name to this hot, dry wind of the Rocky Mountains |
(Michael: What is Apache?)
This light thin cotton or rayon fabric has a crinkled surface & usually a striped pattern |
a seersucker
As well as the Aral Sea, K-stan borders this inland sea for 1,450 miles to the southwest |
the Caspian Sea
Hank Morgan wins the position of prime minister & earns Merlin's jealousy in this Twain tale |
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
A leading French writer of the Enlightenment, he was interred in 1791, a few years after his death |
(Michael: Who is Rousseau?) (Alex: No, you picked the wrong one. "Who is [*]?" [*], and we have less than a minute to go now.)
As Elaine Nardo, this actress hacked her way through single parenting on "Taxi" |
Marilu Henner
Typhoons, hurricanes & the lows on weather maps are all examples of these atmospheric circulations |
(Michael: What are depressions?)
An irresistible crushing force, it was originally an image of Krishna carried on a cart that sometimes ran over devotees |
a juggernaut
For some reason, Kazakh leaders changed the name of the capital from Aqmola ("white grave") to this |
This first novel by Theodore Dreiser is the story of a small-town girl who comes to the big city |
Sister Carrie
WWII resistance fighter Jean Moulin is interred for his courage & death at the hands of this Nazi group |
(Michael: What is the SS?)
the Gestapo
Darn tootin', Brett Butler was a single mom to 3 young'uns on this show |
Grace Under Fire