Suggest correction - #7038 - 2015-04-01

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    $800 10
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an animated weather map on the monitor.) It's the 2-word term for a transition zone between an advancing mass of higher temperature air & a retreating cooler one

Show #7038 - Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Michael Bilow game 4.
Kerry Greene game 1.


Max Henkel, a project manager from Madison, Wisconsin

Kerry Greene, a volunteer guardian ad litem from Manchester, New Hampshire

Michael Bilow, a Ph.D. student in computer science originally from Chicago, Illinois (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $96,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Next, in honor of [*] Month, a whole category on that subject.)
    $200 16
During his 1864 re-election bid, Lincoln said "It was not best to swap" these "while crossing the stream"
    $200 6
9-letter term for any period of blissful harmony
    $200 26
Dr. Adolf Meyer developed the "Big 4" of OT around the idea of needing to balance play, rest, sleep & this 4-letter word
    $200 15
In the 1920s agents who worked here came to be known as G-men
    $200 1
This tube serves as a passage for air, moistening & warming it on the way to the lungs
    $200 21
This soul showman will never be forgotten, & is the subject of the movie bio "Get On Up"
    $400 17
In 1861 Army Surgeon Bernard Irwin earned the 1st Medal of Honor in Hostilities vs. Chiricahua Apaches in this future state
    $400 7
Stock car racing began with the transportation of this illegal stuff
    $400 27
OTs are expert makers & utilizers of these rigid supports used to immobilize or brace a limb
    $400 11
A scouse is someone from this seaport on the west coast of England
    $400 2
This heart valve is named for its resemblance to a bishop's hat
    $400 22
With the help of this backing group, Smokey Robinson gave us soul classics like "Shop Around"
    $600 18
In 1863 the Statue of Freedom designed by Thomas Crawford was placed atop this Washington, D.C. building
    $600 8
It's the coelenterate seen here, & don't forget to put "moon" in front of your response
    $600 28
Mountain climbing again thanks to OT, Aron Ralston had his survival story told in this 2010 James Franco film
    $600 12
The frigate known as the Constitution earned this nickname after British shot was seen bouncing off its hull
    $600 3
An ophthalmoscope is used to check the eye's interior, including this tissue that covers the back 2/3 of the eyeball
    $600 23
The one & only "Queen of Soul" is this "Natural Woman" singer
    $800 19
In the fall of 1861 this service delivered its last piece of mail
    $800 9
Rosemary Clooney sang, "Shine on, shine on" this "up in the sky"
    $800 29
OT's help people with dressing, bathing, feeding & other ADLs, short for "activities of" this
    $800 13
Many Jewish comedians got their start performing in the Catskills region with this soupy 2-word nickname
    $800 4
The jejunum, the middle section of this organ, is a deep red color because of its rich blood supply
    $800 24
The soul sound of this Tennessee city was exemplified by artists like Otis Redding & Booker T. & the MG's
    $1000 20
This county with a famous Court House hosted the main event of April 9, 1865 & is reenacting it in April 2015
    $1000 10
Florida's official gem is this, also a Wilkie Collins novel
    $1000 30
Nearly 1/3 of OTs work with children, often on the kids' cacography, bad this skill
    DD: $1,200 14
His love of playing in a Mississippi creek earned blues guitarist McKinley Morganfield this nickname
    $1000 5
When a kid gets his tonsils out, these, aka the pharyngeal tonsils, may be removed too
    $1000 25
A 1961 album was the soul of this man & his wife; the later song "It's Gonna Work Out Fine" was not prophetic

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Kerry Max
$2,400 $4,000 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Kerry Max
$5,800 $4,600 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
In these discharges associated with cumulonimbus clouds, temperatures can reach 50,000 degrees
    $400 12
It's the process of converting computer data into a code
    $400 30
In a remote part of Kazakhstan sits the Baikonur Cosmodrome, built for this rhyming USSR-USA contest
    $400 11
This woman's estate authorized its first prequel, "Ruth's Journey", about Mammy
    $400 29
On the 1952 centenary of his death, this creator of a writing system was moved to the Pantheon
    $400 17
She played the keyboards & played the musical single mom matriarch on "The Partridge Family"
    $800 10
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an animated weather map on the monitor.) It's the 2-word term for a transition zone between an advancing mass of higher temperature air & a retreating cooler one
    $800 13
It's the lowest of the 6 Boy Scout ranks
    $800 5
K-stan has an official
national anthem, but at ceremonies, the one from this 2006 movie sometimes gets played instead
    $800 1
Part one of this suspenseful 2012 novel is "Boy Loses Girl"
    $800 28
In 1809 3 French counts were interred--but not their whole bodies, just these parts in urns
    $800 18
MacKenzie & Valerie were the kids & Bonnie Franklin played their mom Ann Romano on this show
    $1200 9
The Doppler type of this enables meteorologists to determine how fast a storm is moving & in what direction
    $1200 14
The Latin for "master" gives us this name for a minor judicial officer such as a justice of the peace
    $1200 22
Nursultan Nazarbayev, "Leader of the Nation", has been president since K-stan left the USSR in this year
    $1200 2
Piscine Molitor Patel is the full name of the title character of this Yann Martel novel
    $1200 27
Husband & wife scientists, they were moved to the Panthéon amid great ceremony in 1995
    $1200 19
As Lorelei Gilmore, she was the mom half of the "Gilmore Girls"
    DD: $4,000 7
A North American people lend their name to this hot, dry wind of the Rocky Mountains
    $1600 15
This light thin cotton or rayon fabric has a crinkled surface & usually a striped pattern
    $1600 23
As well as the Aral Sea, K-stan borders this inland sea for 1,450 miles to the southwest
    $1600 3
Hank Morgan wins the position of prime minister & earns Merlin's jealousy in this Twain tale
    DD: $4,200 25
A leading French writer of the Enlightenment, he was interred in 1791, a few years after his death
    $1600 20
As Elaine Nardo, this actress hacked her way through single parenting on "Taxi"
    $2000 8
Typhoons, hurricanes & the lows on weather maps are all examples of these atmospheric circulations
    $2000 16
An irresistible crushing force, it was originally an image of Krishna carried on a cart that sometimes ran over devotees
    $2000 24
For some reason, Kazakh leaders changed the name of the capital from Aqmola ("white grave") to this
    $2000 4
This first novel by Theodore Dreiser is the story of a small-town girl who comes to the big city
    $2000 26
WWII resistance fighter Jean Moulin is interred for his courage & death at the hands of this Nazi group
    $2000 21
Darn tootin', Brett Butler was a single mom to 3 young'uns on this show

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Kerry Max
-$1,600 $12,200 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

From the Latin for "to walk before", a famous example of this 8-letter word was written in 1787

Final scores:

Michael Kerry Max
-$1,600 $19,201 $12,600
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,201 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Kerry Max
$6,400 $12,200 $9,600
17 R
(including 1 DD),
9 W
(including 2 DDs)
18 R,
2 W
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $28,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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