Suggest correction - #7034 - 2015-03-26

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    $2000 25
About this strait, Matthew Arnold wrote, "On the French coast the light gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand"

Show #7034 - Thursday, March 26, 2015


Al Cho, a corporate strategist originally from Tempe, Arizona

Laura Weiner, a customer service representaive from Quincy, Massachusetts

Jacqueline Hawkins, an English professor from Louisville, Kentucky (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,300)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Life story of Cleveland
    $200 6
What's that? An otologist specializes in the treatment of these organs?
    $200 22
(Alex delivers the clue from Ramstein Air Base in Germany.) The C-130 has long been the workhorse of the United States military, carrying soldiers & supplies to hostile areas all around the world & truly earning its name, that of this mythological hero & multitasker
    $200 17
"What say you to... beef and mustard?" Grumio asks her before a fight in "The Taming of the Shrew"; she approves
    $200 7
Its slogan is "Go happy. Go HoJo"
    $200 27
We are "supreme"ly aware of March 26's significance to this singer--happy 71st
    $400 2
A Boise non-amateur
    $400 8
Step on up with this doctor who specializes in the treatment of foot problems
    $400 23
Britain's WWI S.E.5 fighter carried 2 of these, a Vickers fixed in the nose & a movable Lewis attached to the upper wing
    $400 18
In this religion's Upanishads, the soul is described as smaller than a mustard seed yet greater than the sky
    $400 12
In 2008 Harrah's took a gamble & put up one of this resort city's tallest buildings, the Waterfront Tower
    $400 28
Many happy returns to Michael Imperioli, known for his role of Chris-tuh-fuh Moltisanti on this HBO drama
    $600 3
A Wilmington seat
    $600 9
Good news! This type of doctor who specializes in making & interpreting X-rays says nothing's broken
    $600 24
(Alex delivers the clue aboard a plane on Aviano Air Base in Italy.) For over 30 years, the United States Air Force has relied on this fighter plane, a single engine, Mach 2 F-16, known as the Fighting this; it's a fierce type of hawk
    $600 19
To represent his army, Darius sent sesame seeds to this Macedonian, who sent back more potent mustard seeds
    $600 13
This chain owned by Hilton teamed up with the Arbor Day Foundation for a traveling museum exhibit
    $800 4
A Casper wedding band
    DD: $1,000 10
It's the 15-letter word for the type of doctor who deals with the structure, functions & diseases of the eye
    $800 16
During the Korean War, the U.S. unsheathed the F-86, nicknamed this, after a cavalry sword
    $800 20
American mustard's bright yellow coloring comes from this Asian plant
    $800 14
Sleepy Bear, seen then & now, is the Ambassador of Adventure for this chain
    $800 26
By Jiminy! This actor attended his very first premiere on March 26, 1950 in Ontario, Canada
    $1000 5
A Chattanooga monetary charge
    $1000 11
Lungs & respiration are the breath of life for this doctor
    $1000 25
The Cold War era Soviet TU-4 was a copy of this U.S. bomber; several had landed in Russia after bombing Japan
    $1000 21
When the papacy was centered in this city, John XXII appointed an official mustard maker
    $1000 15
Last name of entrepreneur J. Willard, who opened his first hotel in 1957

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jacqueline Laura Al
$3,800 $1,600 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jacqueline Laura Al
$6,600 $200 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response begins with the letter "H" & will end with the letter "D".)
    $400 30
Civil unrest accompanied the 1974 independence of this country, later invaded to put down a 1983 coup
    $400 1
The day job of "Iron Man" is running this "Industries"
    $400 13
Kids love the generator at the Center of Science & Industry in Columbus, Ohio that produces this kind of electricity
    $400 6
This maiden "lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me"
    $400 21
At the narrowest part of this strait, Europe & Africa are only 8 miles apart
    $400 7
A giant one can beat its wings 10 times per second; a smaller one, 70 per second
    $800 29
Dictator Trujillo angered many in the Dominican Republic, like by renaming this capital Ciudad Trujillo
    $800 2
In a slightly future world, Joaquin Phoenix writes for beautiful in this 2013 film
    $800 14
Want to touch a Moon rock? Then check out the Milestones of Flight Hall in this Smithsonian museum
    $800 10
Last name of Roderick, who owns a "tumble down" old mansion
    $800 22
The Palk Strait separates India's Tamil Nadu state from this island nation
    $800 8
Term describing both a composite & a 2014 Honda Insight
    $1200 28
In 1987 allies of this future pres. occupied Port-au-Prince's cathedral when his religious order tried to transfer him
    $1200 3
As Norville Barnes, this actor is the title proxy at Hudsucker Industries
    $1200 15
"Try" to name this final orbital space shuttle built, now on display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles
    $1200 16
This prince who tries to evade the Red Death in a secluded castle bears the name of a Shakespearean island dweller
    $1200 23
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from aboard the USS Iowa in San Pedro, CA.) During its 50 years of service, the Iowa operated in the Atlantic, the Pacific &, on one of its last deployments, this Middle Eastern strait, escorting oil tankers in the first Gulf War
    $1200 9
A treasure trove, perhaps a miser's
    DD: $4,000 26
In 1636 the natives probably got restless when Aruba was occupied by this Dutch company (remember your hemisphere)
    $1600 4
You can't replicate the Tyrell Corporation's success in this sci-fi classic
    $1600 17
A Belgrade museum devoted to this electrical pioneer who later moved to America has an exhibit of his induction motor
    $1600 19
His "Narrative" of his adventures aboard the Grampus includes mutiny & shipwreck
    $1600 24
Punta Arenas on this strait is an important shipping port for Chilean mutton
    $1600 11
If you know it's the term for the female of the red deer, you're golden
    $2000 27
The Chief Minister resigned after criticism of the 1997 volcano crisis in this isle named for a Spanish mountain abbey
    $2000 5
A virus created by the Umbrella Corporation is out of control in this horror series
    DD: $2,000 18
This city's Museum of Science & Industry is housed in the only remaining building from the 1893 Columbian Expo
    $2000 20
In "The Cask of Amontillado", Montresor seeks revenge on this wine connoisseur
    $2000 25
About this strait, Matthew Arnold wrote, "On the French coast the light gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand"
    $2000 12
A female servant; one told a "Tale" in literature

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jacqueline Laura Al
$16,600 $5,400 $20,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

First designated as Armored Cruiser No. 1, this ship was commissioned in 1895 & operated on our East Coast & in the Caribbean

Final scores:

Jacqueline Laura Al
$10,801 $8,400 $6,700
2-day champion: $34,101 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jacqueline Laura Al
$16,400 $5,400 $17,600
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
9 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $39,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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