Suggest correction - #7037 - 2015-03-31

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    $400 11
Born in Oklahoma City in 1914, he was named for the Transcendentalist author of "Self-Reliance"

Show #7037 - Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Michael Bilow game 3.


Julio Trujillo, a substitute teacher from Denver, Colorado

Erica Rosengart, an advertising executive originally from New York, New York

Michael Bilow, a Ph.D. student in computer science originally from Chicago, Illinois (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $38,802)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We will give you a one-word clue; you give us the two words that were used to make up that one word.)
(Sarah: Stories behind the cutting-edge technology of centuries ago, from the collection of historical scientific instruments at Harvard.)
    $200 6
The San Andreas Fault
    $200 7
In 1919 Roy Allen created the A&W recipe for this drink
    $200 16
This Powhatan princess was also known as Matoaka & Amonute
    $200 1
Titus Welliver's finger being detached was featured on this show, the CW's most "Super"
    $200 22
    $200 21
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, holds a metal right angle with a plumb bob.) One instrument, a geometrical & military compass, was used to find areas & volumes, & even determined how best to load & aim a cannon, thanks to this Italian astronomer, who devised it in 1597
    $400 12
The Denali Fault
    $400 8
Water buffalo milk (delicious on its own!) is used to make this cheese & Italy exports 40,000 tons a year of the stuff
    $400 17
Tiziano Vecellio is better known as this one-named painter from Venice
    $400 2
"Random Acts of Violence", a 2003 episode of this William Petersen show, could have been the title of several
    $400 23
(Sarah of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, shows an enclosed clockwork model.) Clockmaker Joseph Pope was about halfway through his 12-year project of building a gear-driven model of the Solar System that showed the relative motion of the planets & their satellites, when in 1781, this planet was discovered, but rather than start over, he didn't include it
    DD: $1,200 13
The Teton Fault
    $600 9
This fast food chain with more than 17,000 stores worldwide dropped its full name in 1991 & began using an abbreviation
    $600 18
"Behind the Candelabra" was an HBO biography of this flamboyant performer
    $600 3
On "NYPD Blue" Detective Andy Sipowicz, played by this actor, was not above getting physical to get a confession
    $800 14
The Corvallis Fault
    $800 10
For purists, the blue agave from Jalisco state produces the best of this product
    $800 19
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin is this French playwright of "Tartuffe"
    $800 4
Tara is drowned & forked to death by her mother-in-law on the Season 6 finale of this motorcycle club drama
    $800 26
    $800 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, shows a console.) From 1947 to 2002, this control console was at the Harvard cyclotron lab for pioneering research now used to treat cancer; the surrounding healthy tissue is relatively undamaged, but the cancer cells are destroyed by irradiation with these positive particles
    $1000 15
The Wasatch Fault
    $1000 11
This aromatic herb essential to bearnaise sauce has a sweet flavor similar to licorice or anise
    $1000 20
He followed Sukarno as president of Indonesia
    $1000 5
This P.I. show was violent for its time--1967-1975--with Mike Connors, by one count, being knocked cold 55 times
    $1000 25
    $1000 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, shows a machine.) Harvard lost most of its scientific equipment in a 1764 fire; state-of-the-art replacements, like an electricity-generating machine, were bought by this man in London on business for the colony of Pennsylvania

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Erica Julio
$2,400 $0 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Erica Julio
$5,800 $200 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be four letters. The second and fourth letters will be "O".)
    $400 11
Born in Oklahoma City in 1914, he was named for the Transcendentalist author of "Self-Reliance"
    $400 6
Early in his career, Willard Scott clowned around as this character
    $400 25
The USA's average age for this job has been rising for 30 years, to 58.3 as of 2012--remember, it's Old MacDonald
    $400 1
"It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced", sang a rather upset Alanis Morissette in this tune
    $800 28
Napoleon spent the last 6 years of his life here, which he called "this cursed rock"
    DD: $7,000 27
She won a 1993 Grammy for her reading of her poem "On the Pulse of Morning"
    $800 26
The Kowloon area is known for its 8 hills & for having some of this Chinese region's best nightlife
    $800 10
Though her real name was Gabrielle, designer Chanel went by this nickname
    $800 24
A Smithsonian online spotlight on this talent includes Robert Fulton & Isaac Singer
    $800 2
"I didn't mean to hurt you / I'm sorry that I made you cry", he sings on "Jealous Guy", from the 1971 album "Imagine"
    $1200 19
Napoleon's father, Carlo, fought beside Pasquale Paoli for this island's independence from Genoa
    $1200 14
This Harlem Renaissance poet wrote 2 novels: "Not Without Laughter" & "Tambourines to Glory"
    $1200 16
In a 1999 film Hugh Grant runs a bookstore in this title London area
    $1200 8
Its lofts & galleries can be found north of Canal Street between Lafayette & the Hudson River
    $1200 23
This novelist of New York society lived & wrote from 1902 to 1912 in a house she also designed
    $1200 3
"I just can't look, it's killing me", moaned Killers' frontman Brandon Flowers, aka "Mr." this
    $1600 18
For his victories at the Italian border in 1796, Napoleon was nicknamed "The Little" this noncommissioned officer
    $1600 12
His relationship with his minister stepfather provided the basis for his 1953 novel "Go Tell It on the Mountain"
    $1600 15
U.S. troops fought Chinese forces in the Battle of Pork Chop Hill, one of this war's last & longest
    $1600 7
It's Spanish for "wolf"
    $1600 21
Best Buy's Geek Squad has been called "the most famous" group doing this 2-word job that you can do from home
    $1600 4
She hit the Top 30 with "Jealousy" in 1996, a few years after splitting up with 9,999 other maniacs
    DD: $7,000 20
In 1806 Napoleon wrote to Cardinal Joseph Fesch, "I am" this 9th century ruler, "the sword of the Church"
    $2000 13
In 2014 this former stand-up comic released his 21st novel, "A Wanted Woman"
    $2000 17
In 1652, atop Pendle Hill in England, George Fox, leader of this Christian sect, had a vision of a religious revival
    $2000 9
This tasty salmon variety is also known as the silver salmon
    $2000 22
In 1982 automation eliminated this lonely job at Chatham on Cape Cod
    $2000 5
In a country No. 1, Tyler Farr tells his cheating girl, "You broke the wrong heart baby, and drove me" this kind of crazy

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Erica Julio
$37,400 $4,200 $8,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Rodney Dangerfield credited this 1972 Best Picture Oscar winner for inspiring his most famous line

Final scores:

Michael Erica Julio
$57,198 $3,200 $9,100
3-day champion: $96,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Erica Julio
$25,600 $4,200 $8,800
26 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
9 R,
1 W
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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