Suggest correction - #1173 - 1989-10-11

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    $100 9
Comic strip in which Olaf, Snoopy's brother, won the "Ugly dog contest" in 1988

Show #1173 - Wednesday, October 11, 1989


Liza Taylor, a novelist originally from Washington, D.C.

Masao Okazaki, a physician originally from Rochester, Minnesota

Greg Rombach, a salesman from Glendale, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 22
It means "Woe is me!", & when things get really bad, you can add "alack" to it
    $100 12
Before people referred to him as Lord Tennyson, they called him by this first name
    $100 1
While it may look plain to you, this company thinks its symbol is a special K
    $100 9
Comic strip in which Olaf, Snoopy's brother, won the "Ugly dog contest" in 1988
    $100 6
The Glengarry, a woolen cap creased lengthwise, originated in this country
    $100 19
2 of his fellow actors compiled the 1st folio of his works, published in 1623, 7 years after his death
    $200 24
The first word of Clement Moore's "A visit from St. Nicholas"
    $200 13
Swedish astronomer who invented the centigrade temperature scale
    $200 2
You can easily duplicate its stock symbol, XRX, with one of its products
    $200 10
Created by Ernie Bushmiller, this 8-year-old will be in her 30s in a movie planned for release in 1990
    $200 7
Occupation most associated with wearing a sou'wester
    $200 26
Michael V. Gazzo, who wrote "A Hatful of Rain", played a gangster in this 1974 Robert De Niro sequel
    $300 23
It's how a male deer who couldn't get a date would go to the big dance
    $300 16
This founder of the Franciscan Order is known for his love of animals
    $300 3
You'd be in with the "inn" crowd if you bought HLT, which is this
    $300 11
This title doesn't refer to footwear but to a Jeff MacNelly strip
    $300 8
A ballad about U.S. soldiers with these hats was a No. 1 hit for 5 weeks in 1966
    $300 28
This patriarch of the Redgrave family dramatized Henry James' story, "The Aspern Papers"
    $400 25
A group of Cub Scouts. or a group of wolves
    $400 17
From 1957-66 Willy Brandt was mayor of this city
    $400 4
AXP; don't leave your broker without it
    $400 14
In a recent strip, this member of the Doonesbury crew stripped for a S.I. swimsuit issue
    $400 20
A long, conical knitted cap with a pompon at the tip, it sounds like it's worn on the leg
    $400 29
He acted in England under the name David Baron before writing plays like "The Birthday Party"
    $500 27
Said 3 times, this sea bird's name sounds like a hit song sung by The Byrds
    $500 18
In 1974 Greek voters rejected the monarchy, dashing this kings hope of returning to the throne
    $500 5
OAT should lead you to this brand name, or bran name
    $500 15
Last name of Leroy & Loretta, the bickering couple in the one-panel created by Bill Hoest
    $500 21
A city near Wiesbaden, W. Germany lent its name to this men's felt hat with a soft dented top
    DD: $1,000 30
Urbane Englishman heard here singing a song he wrote for one of his musicals:

I believe that since my life began, the most I've had is just a talent to amuse

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 18):

Greg Masao Liza
$1,800 $1,700 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Masao Liza
$1,700 $4,100 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
To date, he's the only black tennis player to win the Wimbledon men's singles title
    $200 1
A gnat's might beat up to 1,000 times a second
    $200 8
Its name comes from the Latin words "dulce melos" meaning sweet song
    $200 11
Gates of the Arctic National Park is in this U.S. state
    $200 17
Spencer Tracy received an Oscar nomination for his role as a judge in this 1961 film of Nazi war trials
    $200 16
It used to be called the State House Bell, which really cracks us up
    $400 27
Matthew Henson, this explorer's assistant, was the 1st black American to reach the North Pole
    $400 2
When a plane moves faster than the speed of sound, one of these is heard
    $400 6
Invented in 1829, the same year as the harmonica, this "squeeze box" operates on the same principle
    $400 12
This valley is the driest spot in the U.S.
    $400 18
In this 1947 film, Gene Lockhart as Judge Harper ruled that Edmund Gwenn was Santa Claus
    $400 21
Figuratively speaking, you can do this to your wounds or to your chops
    $600 28
With $800 borrowed from his family, this songwriter founded Motown Records
    $600 3
NaNO2 is sodium nitrite, NaNO3, this
    $600 9
Herbie Mann could tell you the recorder is a type of this instrument
    $600 13
Of 5,10 or 20, the number of U.S. states that touch the Mississippi River
    $600 19
15 years before taking command of the 4077th, he was the Tennessee judge in "Inherit the Wind"
    $600 22
This honorary order created by Napoleon Bonaparte is still awarded today
    DD: $500 29
The 1st black woman in Congress, she represented New York's 12th district from 1969-83
    $800 4
Each one of these thread-like bodies in your genes is made up of numerous genes
    $800 7
55-gallon oil drums become these island instruments invented in Trinidad
    $800 14
It's a small, natural pass near the meeting point of Kentucky, Tennessee & Virginia
    $800 20
Lewis Stone was this kindly old judge in a series of films with Mickey Rooney
    $800 24
In olden days it referred to a knave; in a British stable, a groom; in a 1919 novel, a dog
    $1000 30
In 1968 this Baptist minister succeeded Martin Luther King Jr. as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    $1000 5
The watt is a unit of power, & the calorie is a unit of this type of energy
    DD: $1,000 10
Resembling a zither, the instrument seen here is one of the easiest to master
    $1000 15
Mount Saint Helens, the well-known volcano, is in this mountain range
    $1000 23
In 1946's "Angel on My Shoulder", he played a dead convict who took over the body of a respected judge
    $1000 25
A "big" word for liberal gift-giving, especially when done in a condescending way

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Masao Liza
$5,500 $6,500 $8,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Created on the 3rd day, it was, according to Genesis, the 1st form of life on Earth

Final scores:

Greg Masao Liza
$100 $500 $2,999
3rd place: Landes 5-piece silver serving set + Nintendo Entertainment System featuring the Family & Junior Editions of Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune 2nd place: Easy-Rest Inc. sofa & love-seat + Capri Lighting spotlights New champion: $2,999

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Greg Masao Liza
$5,500 $6,500 $7,800
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
19 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $19,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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