Suggest correction - #7001 - 2015-02-09

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    $400 27
You may see an assembly line or this type of line, also the amount of stuff a factory can make

Show #7001 - Monday, February 9, 2015

2015 Teachers Tournament semifinal game 1.


Erin McLaughlin, a fifth grade teacher from Queens, New York

Lydia Cuffman, a high school history teacher from Redwood City, California

Adam Elkana-Hale, a middle school math teacher from St. Louis, Missouri

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...which is an acronym for "science, technology, engineering, and math". All of them coming up.)
    $200 26
QC is short for this department that makes sure the plant turns out good goods
    $200 3
This name for fans who root on the Green Bay Packers matches their unique bonnets
    $200 15
After the death of his closest friend Hephaestion in 324 B.C., this Macedonian never re-filled his top cavalry post
    $200 17
This Lewis Carroll feline "vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin"
    $200 11
This phrase means funds given to start a business
    $200 1
This classical field of physics consists of kinematics & dynamics, not auto repairmen
    $400 27
You may see an assembly line or this type of line, also the amount of stuff a factory can make
    $400 4
Spike Lee & Woody Allen have both been spotted rooting for this NBA team from the sidelines
    $400 22
By 1902 this bank-robbing duo had left the U.S. & owned a ranch in Chubut Province, Argentina
    DD: $2,000 18
"Life is so beautiful", says this fictional Italian American before dying in his garden
    $400 12
This wandering planter of the early U.S. is said to have dressed in a coffee sack, with a cooking-pot hat
    $400 2
Be polite & give us the name of this engineering branch that specializes in the design & creation of public works
    $600 28
To keep the 600-degree water from boiling in a nuclear power plant, the reactor core is kept at 150 times atmospheric this
    $600 5
In 1952 a Detroit Red Wings fan first threw one of these out on the ice; it represented the 8 wins needed for the NHL title
    $600 23
On July 6, 1957 these 2 met in Liverpool; one, the lead singer of The Quarrymen, let the other, then 15, join the band
    $600 19
This Stevenson "sea-cook" had not "gone empty-handed"; he took a sack of coins to "help him on his... wanderings"
    $600 13
A classic McDonald's jingle ends, "on" this type of bun
    $600 8
This ancient Greek's "Elements" was a pivotal text in the development of geometry
    $800 29
The main working part of a factory is called this "floor", though nothing is sold there
    $800 6
It's the 2-word name for the horde of fans who rooted for golfer Palmer
    $800 24
Mark Twain often came to the lab of this inventor from the Balkans to see him demonstrate his latest gizmos
    $800 20
"Eleventy-one years is far too short a time to spend among you", he says before vanishing in a blinding light
    $800 14
Nick Cave's band
    $800 9
Texas Tech has a department devoted to this engineering branch that focuses on the exploitation of oil & gas reserves
    $1000 30
In a cement plant this oven can be 200 yards long, a bit bigger than the one in ceramics class
    $1000 7
AKA "The Red Devils", this team that averages 75,000 fans per game is the most popular English soccer team
    $1000 25
A guy named Curio was best buds with this man known as the friend & successor of Julius Caesar
    $1000 21
"Monsieur Marius, I believe that I was a little bit in love with you", she says & then smiles & dies
    $1000 16
To marry Elvis in 1967, Priscilla wore a gown trimmed in these little gems
    $1000 10
Fibonacci knew this number was next in the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8... how 'bout you?

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Adam Lydia Erin
$4,800 $2,600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Lydia Erin
$5,600 $1,000 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Titled translation:
    $400 14
South of the equator, winter begins in this month
    $400 17
To maintain firm control is to keep a tight this
    $400 26
(Kelly of the Clue Crew holds a special light bulb over a new $100 bill.)
Some businesses have detectors equipped with this type of light specifically to detect bad bills; the security thread should glow pink
    $400 3
In this 2009 release Jeff Bridges played country music star Bad Blake
    $400 11
On Nov. 20, 2014 Elizabeth II & this man celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary
    $800 2
Presiding prefect who beheld the Man:
    $800 20
This large island off Africa was a base for Captain Kidd &, later, a talking lion, hippo, giraffe & zebra
    $800 18
An outgrowth on the heel is a "bone" type of this
    $800 27
The quill pen & inkwell are a bit ironic given that the person shown on the bill was in this business from age 12
    $800 5
This 2007 film about slain journalist Daniel Pearl was based on a memoir by his wife Mariane
    $800 12
She wived it merrily with George V & got a big luxury liner named for her
    $1200 4
Book of love:
    $1200 21
Shown here, it's home to the largest Polynesian population of any city in the world
    $1200 19
This flat, casual shoe is usually white with a contrasting leather band across the instep
    $1200 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows the $100 bill in motion on the monitor.) The 3-D security ribbon uses technology from Crane, the same stationery company that printed currency at the Liberty Mill for this patriot & engraver
    $1200 8
Winning an Oscar for this film, Sally Field said, "I've wanted... to have your respect... I can't deny... that you like me"
    $1200 13
Welcome to the family! As a gift for her 1986 wedding, Sarah Ferguson got the title Duchess of this
    $1600 6
Boat builder's boys:
H, S & J
    DD: $3,000 22
This island nation with a directional name splits oil revenues with Australia, not its old master Indonesia
    $1600 24
It can be a type of recessed window or another name for a laurel tree prized for its aromatic leaves
    $1600 29
To help those with visual impairments, a gold 100 on the back of the bill towers over this Penn. building
    $1600 9
This documentary chronicled the problems that plagued the making of "Apocalypse Now"
    DD: $1,200 15
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon married Albert in 1923, 13 years before he got this new name
    $2000 7
Fiery furnace survivors:
S, M & A
    $2000 23
Found in South America, it's the highest mountain south of the equator
    $2000 25
It's one of a number of small metal cleats embedded in a snow tire to increase traction
    $2000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew feels a new $100 bill.) The bill feels rough to the touch due to a printing process using this Italian-named sculptural method also called "hollow relief"
    $2000 10
A 2006 documentary about Neil Young had this No. 1 song as its subtitle
    $2000 16
In 1955 this princess renounced the divorced RAF hero she loved; in 1960 she married the future Earl of Snowden

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Lydia Erin
$19,800 $7,000 $9,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

After his death, he was given full military honors in Greece before his body was returned home for burial at his baronial seat

Final scores:

Adam Lydia Erin
$18,500 $7,000 $18,200
Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Adam Lydia Erin
$18,800 $9,000 $9,200
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
16 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $37,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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