Suggest correction - #6982 - 2015-01-13

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    $800 26
This "Father of the Classical Guitar" kept giving concerts past his 90th birthday in 1983

Show #6982 - Tuesday, January 13, 2015

John Schultz game 4.


Abbie Micucci, a stay-at-home mom from Westborough, Massachusetts

Jeremy Reff, a business developer from Brooklyn, New York

John Schultz, a computer programmer from Ann Arbor, Michigan (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $74,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
"The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line" is an original mystery novel starring this detective played by Kristen Bell
    $200 6
Oh I do say, sticky wicket is a term that comes from this team sport
    $200 17
David Farragut, who won the 1864 Battle of Mobile Bay, was the first American officer to be given the rank of full this
    $200 1
To put a grade on Mr. Zuckerberg's work
    $400 23
After meeting in a Pullman car, Bruno suggests swapping murders with Guy in this classic, the basis for a Hitchcock film
    $400 7
In figure skating a spin executed in the arabesque position is named for this beast of burden
    $400 11
When completed, the Gitchi-Gami State Trail will extend nearly 90 miles along this body of water
    $400 18
Cerebralgia is medical jargon for one of these, of any type
    $400 2
To tap gently with the palm to show affection for both Ms. Nixon & Mr. Sajak
    DD: $4,200 24
The murder in this mystery takes place aboard the Karnak, a small river steamboat
    $600 8
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an animation on the monitor.) In bowling, try to get your ball in this area, between the 1 & 2 or 1 & 3 pin to get a strike
    $600 14
Minnesota's U.S. senators are Amy Klobuchar & him
    $600 19
The bowhead type of this animal has been known to live over 200 years
    $600 27
Ore-Ida invented these alliterative potato bites that are "crunchy outside and fluffy inside"
    $600 3
To savagely criticize Mr. Torn
    $800 25
It's Dickens' only true mystery; the end of the work & the solution are a mystery that went to the grave with the author
    $800 9
At the first Winter Olympics in 1924, the Brits swept up in this sport
    $800 15
This colorful vegetable canning company was founded in 1903 in Le Sueur
    $800 20
To get you into this 5-letter organization of smarties, your IQ has to be in the top 2% of the population
    $800 12
A potato plant's edible underground stem is one of these, from Latin for "swelling"
    $800 4
To tire out TV commentator Mr. Carlson
    $1000 26
The manuscript of a novel called "Bombyx Mori" is at the heart of this second mystery by Robert Galbraith
    $1000 10
Who's there? Oh, it's this notch at the end of an archer's arrow, into which the bowstring fits
    $1000 16
The Mesabi Range helps Minnesota lead the nation in the production of this ore
    $1000 21
In 1997 legislation was passed in this state allowing astronauts to vote from outer space
    $1000 13
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B3, aka this, which helps prevent the nutritional disease pellagra
    $1000 5
To supply Mr. Nichols with vocal amplification

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Jeremy Abbie
$3,600 $1,400 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Jeremy Abbie
$10,000 $600 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each response will be two words; one word will have "L-E-T" at the end of it.)
    $400 15
Florida's record low is a brisk -2 Fahrenheit recorded in 1899 in this state capital
    $400 20
A tragic son of Gertrude becomes a meat
    $400 25
Theodore Dubois succeeded 2 great composers in this job, Cesar Franck at one church & Camille Saint-Saens at another
    $400 8
Inventor Georges Claude demonstrated the first light using this gas
    $400 10
Megan Hilty took on Dolly Parton's role when this musical worked its way to Broadway in 2009
    $400 5
When children are taught to tie a shoelace knot, they are often told to make this furry animal's ears to tie it
    $800 16
This continent's record low, -23 Celsius, was recorded in the Snowy Mountains on June 29, 1994
    $800 21
A portion of veal turns into one share of the loot
    $800 26
This "Father of the Classical Guitar" kept giving concerts past his 90th birthday in 1983
    $800 7
Boutros Ghali, the first native-born prime minister of this country, was assassinated
    $800 11
Though he lost the Oscar, Bruce Dern did win best actor at the Cannes Film Festival for this 2013 film
    $800 4
A fisherman's bend is also called this bend because it secures a rope to the ring of the weight it's named for on a ship
    $1200 17
Hawaii is the only state that's never dropped below zero degrees F., though it has gotten down to 12 F. atop this peak
    $1200 22
Lose the "let" in a blood component & you're left with a kitchen item
    $1200 6
In 1910 he completed the work seen here
    $1200 12
The ACN gang covered a bombing on the 2014 premiere episode of this drama's third & final season
    $1200 3
This knot is "relatively" easy to make, as it's often the result of an improperly tied square knot
    DD: $3,000 18
This New England state's record low of -50 F. was recorded in Aroostook County on January 16, 2009
    $1600 23
Subtract "let" from a term for 2 lines of poetry & you get a type of overthrow
    $1600 9
Racial violence resulted from this boxer's July 4 whupping of former champ James Jeffries
    $1600 13
Liam Neeson sprang to action as an air marshal on a hijacked plane in this 2014 thriller
    $1600 2
Types of this knot used to tie a rope to an object include cow, rolling & clove
    $2000 19
The Tannenbaums were shivering by the Funtensee as this country hit its record low of -45.9 Celsius at Christmas 2001
    $2000 24
A mattress of straw becomes a friend
    $2000 14
Title of Marsha Norman's 1983 prize-winning play, or something you might say before heading off to bed
    DD: $2,000 1
The name of this knot used to shorten a rope without cutting it calls to mind a certain animal's leg

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Jeremy Abbie
$16,000 $5,200 $3,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Iowa Stubborn" was the second song heard in this show when it opened on Broadway in 1957

Final scores:

John Jeremy Abbie
$11,000 $1 $6,000
4-day champion: $85,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John Jeremy Abbie
$12,400 $3,800 $3,000
20 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
8 W
4 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $19,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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