Suggest correction - #6970 - 2014-12-26

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    DD: $400 27
In July 1906 this man was formally reinstated in the French Army & decorated with the Legion of Honor

Show #6970 - Friday, December 26, 2014

Vaughn Winchell game 1.


Vaughn Winchell, a stay-at-home dad and graduate student from Columbia, Maryland

Amy Williamson, an English teacher from Hickory, North Carolina

Brian Hamilton, an attorney from Sacramento, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $45,202)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
Condensed articles for easy consumption:
    $200 8
A solemn promise; you might take one "of silence" (but not now!)
    $200 21
3 Virginia men convicted in 2004 of supporting holy war overseas practiced using this messy gun game
    $200 26
The Drifters drifted in with "Up On The Roof" & "Under" this place
    $200 1
"The Midnight Sun":
This state, parts of which get daylight 24/7 in summer
    $200 6
In 1993 an ad firm hired by the California Milk Processor Board came up with this slogan
    $400 15
It gives a car of the year award:
    $400 10
237, when talking about 199 + 38
    $400 22
Cicero foiled Catiline's plot to seize power in this Roman state that preceded the Empire
    $400 27
In The Coasters' biggest hit, these 3 words follow "Yakety Yak"
    $400 2
"Fire & Ice":
This island country with 300,000 people & 200 volcanoes
    $400 7
Commercial cow's milk is commonly enriched with these 2 vitamins
    $600 18
Covering beauty, fashion, health & more:
    $600 11
This British ending to the alphabet ain't dead, baby
    $600 23
The exposure of a plot against Elizabeth I using letters smuggled in beer barrels led to the execution of this woman
    $600 28
Rock & roll & doo-wop harmonies combine in Danny & the Juniors' No. 1 single "At" this dance
    $600 3
"The Long White Cloud":
This Down-Under country
    $600 9
White Dutch & white sweet are varieties of this most common nectar-producing honey plant
    $800 19
Featuring recipes & ideas for your yard:
    $800 12
A crustacean's eggs, as the coral of the lobster
    DD: $2,400 24
This Chicago detective foiled a plot to kill president-elect Lincoln
    $800 29
Who? Who? Who wrote this? asked The Monotones in 1958
    $800 4
"The Morning Calm":
This peninsula, less calm since its 1948 division
    $800 16
It's the process of forcing milk through small openings to break up fat globules & distribute them uniformly
    $1000 20
It's got luxury & style:
    $1000 13
Term for the dot shown here
    $1000 25
Legend says an Indian mistress warned Detroit's British commander of a 1763 attack by this chief
    $1000 30
"Why Must I Be" one of these title troubled youths in a Dion & the Belmonts hit
    $1000 5
"The Thunder Dragon":
This mountainous Central Asian country
    $1000 17
This plant, Persea americana, produces a rich, buttery green fruit (not veggie) & rich, buttery honey

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Amy Vaughn
$3,200 $1,600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Amy Vaughn
$6,400 $2,400 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Things that are...)
    $400 19
Radio waves don't penetrate metal, so the radio of your vintage car needs an external one of these for good reception
    $400 1
Poet Gregory Corso & novelist William S. Burroughs were part of this hip midcentury movement
    $400 5
In this film Ingrid Bergman asks Humphrey Bogart, "Was that cannon fire, or is it my heart pounding?"
    $400 14
A short, leather-covered club (perhaps 21 of 'em?)
    $400 28
His experiments with underwater filmmaking began during WWII, when he was a member of the French Resistance
    $400 2
Back in the day these were the 3 "R"s of schoolin'
    $800 29
Tape a coiled wire to an empty box, add a magnet behind the coil & you've created a simple one of these audio devices
    $800 3
In a 1952 novel he wrote, "I am invisible... simply because people refuse to see me"
    $800 6
Frances McDormand wore a fake tummy filled with birdseed to make her appear pregnant in this film
    $800 15
Control item for an airplane or video game
    DD: $400 27
In July 1906 this man was formally reinstated in the French Army & decorated with the Legion of Honor
    $800 30
In a children's poem by Eugene Field, an angler named Nod goes fishing with this pair
    $1200 26
The air inside one of these stays at room temp, so you need a heatable sleeve to give a crispy crust to your Hot Pocket
    $1200 4
A real disaster inspired Longfellow's ballad about "The Wreck Of" this schooner
    $1200 7
Gene Kelly & Leslie Caron danced to Gershwin in this 1951 Best Picture Oscar winner
    $1200 16
It's the type of practice facility seen here
    $1200 25
This author of "Madame Bovary" campaigned for the Legion of Honor, which he received in 1866
    $1200 24
There are 8 of these on a Steinway grand, but only 3 in a grouping of composers made up by Hans von Bulow
    $1600 22
These devices get their name because coverage areas are divided into small sections, so many users can share a frequency
    $1600 12
Hawthorne based this novel about a cursed home in Salem on an old family legend
    $1600 8
Jeff Daniels as actor Tom Baxter steps out of a movie screen & into the life of a waitress in this Woody Allen film
    $1600 17
To restrain or prohibit by a court order
    $1600 11
Dr. Rene Laennec, who invented this instrument to listen to the heart & lungs, was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honor
    $1600 23
The 1805 Battle of Austerlitz was aka the "Battle of the 3 Emperors" as it had the armies of France, Austria & this imperial nation
    DD: $6,000 20
Glasses work by adjusting this optical process, also the name of the test that determines your prescription
    $2000 13
The title of this short novel by Nathanael West refers to an advice column for the lovelorn
    $2000 9
Robin Williams played a Russian musician who defects in Bloomingdale's in this comedy
    $2000 18
Utterly hopeless or contemptible, it often precedes "poverty" or "horror"
    $2000 10
Though he once looked down on it, this "Symphonie fantastique" composer always wore his Legion of Honor ribbon
    $2000 21
This German astronomer's 3 laws of planetary motion helped Isaac Newton formulate his law of gravitation

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Amy Vaughn
$2,800 $7,600 $19,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The flag of Burundi has stars representing the Twa & these 2 other ethnic groups much in the news in the 1990s

Final scores:

Brian Amy Vaughn
$5,599 $9,599 $22,500
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $22,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Amy Vaughn
$8,800 $10,000 $19,400
17 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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