Suggest correction - #1255 - 1990-02-02

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    $800 7
Coors beer is brewed in this Colorado city

Show #1255 - Friday, February 2, 1990


Terry Swart, a medical research technician from Norwalk, California

Chris Mullins, an English teacher from Manhattan Beach, California

Gretchen Radtke, a law school graduate from Redwood City, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,250)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll figure that out as we go along.)
    $100 24
Carrying news of a Greek victory, Pheidippides ran from this plain to Athens, about 23 miles
    $100 19
Though he may not have tried it himself, da Vinci designed what is probably the 1st of these "fall-breakers"
    $100 6
A man by this name wears whiskers on his chinnegan
    $100 7
Hey, it's the "Bay State"
    $100 11
The logo used by the Pinkerton Detective Agency led to the use of this term for a private detective
    $100 1
He was the "I" in "I Love Lucy"
    $200 25
When he conquered Thebes, he destroyed every house but the one the poet Pindar had lived in
    $200 20
Richard Nixon's pal Robt. Abplanalp invented the valve for this type of can
    $200 17
Higgledy piggledy; it's the color of the hen that lays eggs for gentlemen
    $200 8
The state that contains the mouth of the Mississippi
    $200 13
Ironically, this expression came from the fact that male deer have front teeth only in their lower jaw
    $200 2
We can't tell if the "I" in the title of this series referred to Bill Cosby or Robert Culp
    $300 26
The Greeks considered this site of the oracles the "Omphalus" or navel of the world
    $300 21
The typewriter was 1st mass-produced in the 1870s by this gun manufacturer
    $300 18
We'll have tea if she puts the kettle on
    $300 9
In 1947 British driver John Cobb was 1st to travel over 400 MPH on this state's salt beds
    $300 14
Someone able to sniff out a big story for the paper is said to have this
    $300 3
He was the "I" in "I Dream of Jeannie"
    $400 27
It's very likely that Sophocles & Socrates attended the dedication of this temple in 438 B.C.
    $400 22
In 1960 the FDA approved production of Enovid, the 1st of these
    $400 29
Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to... uh-oh
    $400 10
It contains both the highest & lowest points in the lower 48 states
    $400 15
When we keep someone at a distance, we're said to keep them this far away
    $400 4
"One Day at a Time" star who was the "I" in the TV film "I Was a Mail Order Bride"
    $500 28
According to Collier's Ency., in the 7th cent. this city-state won most of the recorded Olympic victories
    $500 23
Only president granted a patent at any time in his life; he got it in 1849 for a ship flotation device
    $500 30
"Betwixt", a word you don't often run into, is in line 3 of the rhyme about this man & his eating habits
    DD: $500 12
3 of the top 10 U.S. cities in population are in this state
    $500 16
Meaning maudlin sentimentality, it's often accompanied by the playing of a make-believe violin
    $500 5
Daniel Hugh Kelly was the "I" in this 1987-88 series about an architect who wed his Latino housekeeper

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Gretchen Chris Terry
$700 $1,000 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gretchen Chris Terry
$1,900 $1,900 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
The thief who stole it from the Louvre in 1911 tried to sell it to the Italian government for $95,000
    $200 14
Their 1st 3 Broadway plays were "I'll Say She Is", "The Cocoanuts" & "Animal Crackers"
    $200 23
Mackenzie, Keewatin & Franklin are districts of these territories
    $200 1
These fig-filled items weren't named after a fruit-struck scientist but for a town near the factory
    $200 2
Quincy Jones produced his "Thriller" album & his "Bad" one, too
    $200 10
On the contrary, this is French for "on the contrary"
    $400 19
In 1963 this was set up as a link between the White House & the Kremlin
    $400 15
This title character's partner-in-crime was Mrs. Lovett, who baked & sold meat pies
    $400 24
Residents of this province have the highest per capita income in the country
    $400 4
Tab was the leading diet cola before this soft drink was introduced in 1982
    $400 3
This TV series inspired an album featuring Ron Perlman reading Shakespeare's sonnets
    $400 11
Trompe l'oeil refers to deceiving this, especially in art
    $600 20
This Islamic title, meaning "sign from God", became well-known to the Western world in the 1970s
    $600 16
A very short-run play in 1963, written by D. Starkweather, was titled "So Who's Afraid of" this playwright
    $600 6
Though it owns them both, this company doesn't use a Fruit Loop filling for its Mrs. Smith's pies
    $600 5
The 2 Madonna albums whose titles begin with "Like A..."
    $600 25
Julia Child ended her show with this French phrase
    $800 21
He personally directed the amphibious landing at Inchon, Korea
    DD: $2,000 17
1953 Arthur Miller play inspired by the atmosphere of McCarthyism in the early 1950s
    $800 7
Coors beer is brewed in this Colorado city
    DD: $1,000 8
Controversial TV personality heard singing here his 1989 album:

"Mother-in-law says you're a no-good bum /
God I wish that woman would shut her trap /
But there's a sure-fire cure called the 'Loudmouth Method' /
I think you'd better give it a try!"
    $1000 22
In 1956 France gave this country its independence; in 1957 Sultan Muhammad V took the title King
    $1000 18
He wrote "Amadeus" & his twin brother, Anthony, wrote "Sleuth"
    $1000 12
Among the brand names in this Anglo-Dutch company's stable are Ragu, Close-Up, Q-Tips & Wisk
    $1000 9
Her "21 Hit Singles" album includes "Ave Maria", "Fire Down Below" &, of course, "Goldfinger"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gretchen Chris Terry
$4,700 $8,100 $4,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the last man holding the office of gov. when elected vice president of the U.S.

Final scores:

Gretchen Chris Terry
$0 $1,200 $8,300
3rd place: Dessert of the Month Club 2nd place: a La-Z-Boy Signature II sleep sofa New champion: $8,300

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gretchen Chris Terry
$4,700 $6,900 $4,100
14 R,
1 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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