Suggest correction - #6929 - 2014-10-30

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    $400 10
It's a person unusually skilled in a particular activity such as cards or pool

Show #6929 - Thursday, October 30, 2014

Last show with tying co-champions.


Allison Solomon, a management consultant originally from Brooksville, Florida

Eileen Dreyer, an author from St. Louis, Missouri

Ryan Alley, a patent attorney from Alexandria, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...we want you to name the artist for us.)
    $200 19
On January 1, this telephone giant was broken up into 7 smaller regional companies
    $200 14
This Rat Packer gained prominence in the singing group The Hoboken Four
    $200 1
This blue stone, the Smithsonian Natural History Museum's premier attraction
    $200 3
Off "Nevermind":
"Stay Away"
    $200 7
Exclusive, or the one & only
    $200 24
Andorra is nestled among the peaks of this mountain range
    $400 20
Lace up your skates! This Andrew Lloyd Webber musical rolled into London's Apollo Victoria Theatre on March 27
    $400 15
Unlike his brother, he surrendered to Missouri authorities in 1882
    $400 2
A chunk of this piece of American history, chipped off by a descendant of William Bradford
    $400 8
Off "Piano Man":
"Stop In Nevada",
"Ain't No Crime"
    $400 10
It's a person unusually skilled in a particular activity such as cards or pool
    $400 28
September 8 is Our Lady of Meritxell Day, a national holiday commemorating a 1278 apparition of this woman
    $600 21
This "doctor" struck out 11 batters on September 7, giving him a MLB rookie record for a season
    $600 16
He was the subject of a book subtitled "The Story of America's Only Left-Handed, Gay, Jewish Congressman"
    $600 4
Nickname of this building, home to the Smithsonian Information Center
    $600 9
Off "Oops!... I Did It Again":
"Dear Diary",
"What U See (Is What U Get)"
    $600 11
It's the fish seen here; elsewhere in the animal world, it's the sound made by a hog
    $800 22
In a first in Communist Poland, state agents were tried for killing Jerzy Popieluszko, a beloved man in this job
    $800 17
You can see the preliminary sketches for the Panama Puente de Vida Museo on this architect's website
    $800 5
10-letter adjective for the park that exhibits Bao Bao
    $800 27
Off "Beauty and the Beat":
"Skidmarks On My Heart",
"Can't Stop The World"
    DD: $1,000 12
In this mid-air position, a diver will bend at the waist while keeping her legs together & straight
    $800 26
The capital is Andorra la Vella, "Andorra the old" in this official language also spoken in northeast Spain
    $1000 23
In a fateful move on June 5, she ordered an attack on Amritsar's Golden Temple
    $1000 18
Among this graphic novelist's revisions to the Batman story was making Robin a teenage girl
    $1000 6
At the American Art Museum, 34 of his photos, including several of Yosemite
    $1000 13
From the Old Norse for "brag", it means to complain or find fault in a petty way
    $1000 25
Britannica dates the end of this European "system" to the 12th c. but in Andorra to 1993 & a new constitution

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ryan Eileen Allison
$2,400 $2,600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Eileen Allison
$3,400 $2,800 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of it created by Nathan Sawaya.)
(Alex: These are words whose meanings change when you capitalize that word. We are going to want both words and both pronunciations from you.)
    $400 27
This personification of the government "is watching you"
    $400 4
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a photograph on the monitor.) Photographer Thierry Legault traveled to Oman to get a photo of a partial solar eclipse; an added bonus was capturing this craft in the image
    $400 16
"Come and knock on our door, we've been waiting for you"--Jack & the girls, that is
    $400 26
This cinematic master began his career as a designer of film titles during the silent era
    $400 1
November 20, 1942
in Scranton, Pennsylvania
    $400 9
A substance that makes shoes shiny, or a Slavic language
    $800 5
The only permanent feature on a comet is this central part, also part of an atom
    $800 24
"Baby, if you've ever wondered, wondered whatever became of me", I became a DJ here
    $800 20
A Lego version of this kind of book was built to commemorate Waldo Hunt, a maker of them
    $800 2
May 8, 1884
in Lamar, Missouri
    $800 11
Pleasing & agreeable, or a French resort
    $1200 23
These cops are the enforcers of mental & political correctness
    $1200 6
Asteroid 1998 QE2, which buzzed by the Earth in 2013, surprised scientists who discovered it had one of these in tow
    $1200 21
"I can't count the reasons I should stay, one by one they all just fade away" (it should be the Greendale fight song)
    $1200 17
Feel the salt spray of "Breaking Wave" by Hokusai, a 19th-century artist in this country
    $1200 3
January 5, 1928
in Ceylon, Minnesota
    $1200 12
Easily capable of moving from place to place, or an Alabama port city
    $1600 7
Our closest galactic neighbors are two little satellite galaxies known as "the Clouds of" him
    $1600 22
"Until I'm one with you my heart shall not pass through"--a reference to the U.S./Mexico border?
    $1600 19
A prominent skateboarder commissioned this bird
    $1600 10
February 4, 1947
in Indianapolis, Indiana
    $1600 13
A public recitation of a will, or a Pennsylvania city named for the ancestral home of the Penn family
    $2000 8
In 1992 astronomers Luu & Jewitt found the first of these "objects", KBOs for short
    $2000 25
These Comedy Central cubicle guys insist, "You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta be fresh"
    $2000 18
The creation seen here was made as part of this location's 100th-anniversary celebrations in 2011
    DD: $1,800 14
November 9, 1918
in Baltimore, Maryland
    DD: $1,600 15
Having sharper flavor, or a Moroccan seaport on the Strait of Gibraltar

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Eileen Allison
$10,200 $6,400 $12,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The fifth king & the eighth king of this name share the distinction of both having been proclaimed king but never crowned

Final scores:

Ryan Eileen Allison
$20,200 $12,600 $20,200
2-day co-champion: $39,800 2nd place: $2,000 New co-champion: $20,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ryan Eileen Allison
$10,200 $6,200 $13,200
17 R,
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $29,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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