Suggest correction - #1250 - 1990-01-26

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    $800 24
In the 18th C. about 60 million people died from this disease for which a vaccine was found in 1796

Show #1250 - Friday, January 26, 1990


Debbie Howe, an education administrator from Rochester, New York

Rob Lasker, a humanities student from Detroit, Michigan

Ray Baxter, a lawyer from Boston, Massachusetts (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $3,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
This work shift begins late at night & it doesn't have to start in a cemetery
    $100 21
"The Golden Gate City"
    $100 7
Ginger Alden, Miss Memphis Traffic Safety, was this rock star's fiancee at the time of his death in 1977
    $100 6
He's "In the swing, he ain't too hip about the new breed babe, he ain't no drag (he's) got a brand new bag"
    $100 1
One of the symbols used in his campaign was "AuH2O"
    $100 26
People who rode on the earliest flume rides complained when this didn't happen -- so now it usually does
    $200 17
The kind of knot you'd expect your mother's mother to tie
    $200 22
"Big D"
    $200 8
In 1975 Mr. Blackwell called this "Cuchi Cuchi" girl "Carmen Miranda with cleavage"
    $200 12
In 1967 Ed Ames said his "cup runneth over" with this, not "red, red wine"
    $200 2
Richard Nixon used this term to describe the people who quietly supported his Vietnam policy
    $200 27
The part of Florida's Walt Disney World that's similar to California's Disneyland is called this
    $300 18
It was the nickname of Admiral Edward Vernon, who had the rum ration watered down
    $300 23
"The Mile-High City"
    $300 9
When Paramount asked him to tone down the ending of "Do The Right Thing", this director took it to Universal
    DD: $500 13
Group heard here who had their 1st No. 1 hit a year before the Beach Boys:

"Two girls for every boy... I've got a '34 wagon..."
    $300 3
French for "reduction in pressure", it described Henry Kissinger's policy toward the Soviet Union
    $300 28
No matter how many hills a roller coaster has, this one is always the highest
    $400 19
Figuratively speaking, to prepare for action you do this to your loins
    $400 24
"The Eternal City"
    $400 10
This chief foreign correspondent for ABC was recently married for the 4th time
    $400 14
In 1964 the Ventures had a hit with "Walk, Don't Run" & she hit the charts with "Walk On By"
    $400 4
In 1936 Republicans said, "Let's get another deck" in response to this program
    $400 29
This company's Great America Park in Gurnee, Ill. has the world's fastest steel roller coaster
    $500 20
As a noun, it's a game bird; as a verb, it means to grumble or complain
    $500 25
"The City of Light"
    $500 11
Michelle Pfeiffer & Jeff Goldblum starred in his '89 Central Park production of "Twelfth Night"
    $500 15
In 1965 the appropriately named Seekers sang, "I Know I'll Never Find" this
    $500 5
Opponents of this 1807 act directed at France & Britain called it "o grab me"
    $500 30
This park's theme is Pennsylvania's, German, Dutch & English heritage as well as chocolate

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Ray Rob Debbie
$1,300 $700 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Rob Debbie
$2,900 $1,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: What can you do with mushrooms? We'll find out.)
    $200 8
This flashy pianist who cut out the dull parts & played the "Minute Waltz" in 37 seconds, died
    $200 1
This Greek god controlled the thunderbolt, signifying his irresistible power over gods & men
    $200 16
This word for a cantankerous personality is a variation of "ordinary"
    $200 21
It was used as a medicine from 600 B.C. until 2nd century A.D., when people began to wash with it
    $200 6
Kate Hepburn's troublesome grandson in "A Matter of Gravity"; he later played Superman on film
    $200 26
A mushroom, when it's ready to reproduce, releases millions of these
    $400 9
On Jan. 1, 1987 Chinese students staged a major demonstraion in Tian An Men Square in favor of this leader
    $400 2
All the girls loved Narcissus, but this is who Narcissus loved
    $400 17
Mussolini coined this word from the bundles of sticks that were a symbol of every Roman authority
    $400 22
Carl Wunderlich introduced the use of this instrument to modern medicine in the 1850s, not 1898.6
    $400 7
Tho the N.Y. Times called this erotic revue a "silly little diversion", it lasted over 5,000 shows
    $400 27
It's orange, it glows in the dark & it's a mushroom, as well as the name of a Halloween prop
    $600 10
After the Senate rejected Bork, Reagan nominated this man -- didn't work
    $600 3
In ancient Egypt the god called "Khepera" at dawn & "Atum" in the evening was known by this name at noon
    DD: $1,500 18
Asked if he were a wise man, Pythagoras supposedly said, "No, I'm a lover of wisdom", giving us this word
    $600 23
The Greeks thought a man's body had 4 humors: phlegm, yellow bile, black bile & this fluid
    DD: $1,000 13
"Hello, Dolly!" was based on his play, "The Matchmaker"
    $600 28
There is no simple test to distinguish between these, so leave it to the pros
    $800 11
This baby was awarded to her biological father, William Stern
    $800 4
Venus drove a flying chariot pulled by these elegant white birds
    $800 19
This popular slang expression of the early 20th century is probably just a shortened form of magnificent
    $800 24
In the 18th C. about 60 million people died from this disease for which a vaccine was found in 1796
    $800 14
It's what Sheba is in "Come Back, Little Sheba"
    $800 29
A disused one of these in Pennsylvania now contains the largest mushroom farm in the world
    $1000 12
In May, 1987, 2 Iraqi missiles hit this U.S. Navy frigate
    $1000 5
Greek goddess of marriage, she was fiercely jealous of her husband's frequent infidelities
    $1000 20
Irritable or peevish, from the Latin "petere", to attack
    $1000 25
The family of this "Father of Anatomy" was from Wesel, from which he took his name
    $1000 15
Langdon Mitchell based this 4-act comedy on William Makepeace Thackeray's "Vanity Fair"
    $1000 30
A circle of mushrooms in a grassy area named for the belief it's where magic beings danced

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Rob Debbie
$5,500 $6,300 $5,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He died at age 28, just 5 years after his Civil War novel was published

Final scores:

Ray Rob Debbie
$10,900 $11,000 $10,700
2nd place: Trip to Puerto Rico & St. Kitts New champion: $11,000 3rd place: Pinseeker Golf Clubs

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ray Rob Debbie
$5,500 $6,200 $5,400
19 R,
1 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $17,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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