Suggest correction - #1246 - 1990-01-22

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    $100 12
In a recent autobiography, ex-wife Cyndy claims that she wrote college term papers for this ball player

Show #1246 - Monday, January 22, 1990


Dan Bowman, a letter carrier from Dixon, Illinois

Mike Yanochik, a law student from Austin, Texas

Steven Kurtz, a columnist originally from Michigan (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We will give you the name of a person, you have to tell us the form of capital punishment.)
    $100 17
The L.A. Times called this "original party animal" "a canine cross between Bruce Willis & John Belushi"
    $100 22
Argentina has won 2 of the last 3 World Cup titles in this sport, the country's most popular
    $100 12
In a recent autobiography, ex-wife Cyndy claims that she wrote college term papers for this ball player
    $100 1
According to "The Music Man", "Ya got trouble" in this place
    $100 8
It puts the fizz in a gin fizz
    $100 2
Joan of Arc
    $200 18
Ibuprofen product that says it's "advanced medicine for pain"
    $200 23
Candidates for president & vice president must be citizens by birth & of this religion
    $200 13
Much of President Bush's anti-drug program is attributed to this man, his drug czar
    $200 7
Professor Henry Higgins asks, "Why can't the English teach their children how to" do this
    $200 26
A favorite drink in colonial New England was "Blackstrap", a mixture of molasses & this potent potable
    $200 3
Mata Hari
    $300 19
Speaking of this cereal, Kellogg's urges, "Taste Them Again for the 1st Time"
    $300 24
These cowboys were the rank & file of the army that won independence from Spain
    $300 14
In a renewed effort to stop poaching at Tsavo Nat'l Park, this country named Richard Leakey as wildlife dir.
    $300 9
Line you'd sing in a Frank Loesser duet if your partner started with "I really can't stay"
    $300 27
From the Latin for "openers", they include Campari & Dubonnet
    $300 4
    $400 20
Of bottom left, top left or top right, the most valuable part of a two-page spread for advertising
    DD: $300 25
In 1983 Raul Alfonsin was elected president, handing this party its 1st defeat
    $400 15
If you were invited to Tangier for a $2 mil. weekend birthday bash in August '89, it was probably his
    $400 10
"South Pacific" song that begins "We got sunlight on the sand, we got moonlight on the sea"
    $400 28
Korbel, Cook's & Piper-Heidsieck
    $400 5
Louis XVI
    $500 21
Roads are wider, traffic's faster; to bring back these signs would court disaster
    $500 30
This almost treeless region of Argentina is the agricultural & industrial heart of the nation
    $500 16
On July 28, 1989 Israeli forces went to Jibchit, Lebanon & carried this man back to Israel
    $500 11
1 of 3 cities mentioned in the 1st line of the song "Another Op'nin', Another Show"
    $500 29
Federal regulations say it must be distilled from a mash of not less than 51% corn
    $500 6

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Steve Mike Dan
$2,300 $900 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Mike Dan
$3,800 $1,000 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Counting military & civilians, this large country suffered the most fatalities in the war, over 20 million
    $200 12
In "Advice to a Young Tradesman" Benjamin Franklin wrote, "Remember that time is" this
    $200 26
Belleek china, famous for its hand-painted shamrock pattern, was 1st made in this country
    $200 19
To make way for a railroad, Missouri's Cape Girardeau on this river was blasted out of existence
    $200 5
This bird was named for Roman Catholic officials whose bright red robes its plumage resembles
    $200 10
It inspired 2 operas named "Esmeralda" & one called "Quasimodo"
    $400 2
U.S. WWII general who said, "I am a soldier, I fight where I am told & I win where I fight"
    $400 13
Over 300 yrs. ago British poet George Herbert wrote that this "is the best revenge"
    $400 27
Some early Spode patterns were inspired by this country's Imari ware
    $400 20
East Chicago is located in this state, not Illinois
    $400 7
The great horned & screech varieties of these birds are noted for their ear tufts
    $400 16
Prokofiev spent over 10 years turning this Tolstoy epic into an opera
    $600 3
Invading American forces 1st set foot on the European mainland in this country, not France
    $600 14
St. Jerome said, "Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest...someone...say...'Why do you not practice' " this
    $600 28
East Germany's Meissen factory used to make an imitation of this English company's Jasperware
    $600 21
This state's Panhandle limits Alabama's Gulf of Mexico coastline to the area around Mobile Bay
    $600 8
A "fever" transmitted to humans by various birds, ornithosis is most associated with these birds
    $600 18
Scotsman whose novel, "The Bride of Lammermoor" inspired "Lucia di Lammermoor"
    $800 4
1 of 2 U.S. islands attacked by the Japanese on December 8, 1941
    $800 15
Dutch Jewish philosopher who coined the phrase "nature abhors a vacuum"
    DD: $300 29
Goebel of West Germany is the exclusive manufacturer of the figurines based on this nun's designs
    $800 23
Mt. Hood, the highest Oregon mountain, is in this range
    $800 9
Sensitive to poison gases, these small birds were used as gas detectors in coal mines
    $800 22
He died before "The Trial" was published, so he never got to see the opera version either
    $1000 6
After he led its recapture, Louis Mountbatten was named 1st earl of this Asian country
    $1000 17
Originally, he wrote, "I think, therefore I am" in a French, not a Latin, book
    $1000 30
This city has been the center of France's porcelain industry since the 1770s
    $1000 24
About 70,000 now live in this planned "new town" founded in 1967 between Baltimore & D.C.
    DD: $1,000 11
Country which is the native habitat of the flightless bird seen here:
    $1000 25
The Benjamin Britten opera based on this Herman Melville work climaxes with a hanging

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Mike Dan
$4,600 $7,200 $8,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last full-length cartoon feature Walt Disney supervised personally, it was set in India

Final scores:

Steve Mike Dan
$9,100 $11,200 $14,401
3rd place: Landes 5-piece Coffee & Tea Service 2nd place: Maytag Washer & Dryer Combo New champion: $14,401

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Mike Dan
$4,600 $7,200 $9,400
15 R,
2 W
18 R,
1 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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