Suggest correction - #4429 - 2003-12-04

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    $600 17
This Frenchman had lots to write "Confessions" about, like sending 5 of his kids to a foundling hospital
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Show #4429 - Thursday, December 4, 2003


Jeffrey Burcaw, a vice president of an engineering firm from Warner Robins, Georgia

Ben Eggenberger, a technology manager from Alma, Michigan

Lillie Salsberry, a librarian from Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,700)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the movie that introduced each song.)
    $200 15
This man was hanged for murder & piracy May 23, 1701
    $200 6
    $200 26
At 33 this future vice president was the youngest man ever elected to the U.S. Senate from Indiana
    $200 11
The 1st president to hold a pilot's license, he learned to fly in 1939 while serving with MacArthur in the Philippines
    $200 21
Ben Lusbie, who could sell 6,000 tickets to this in an hour, was an attraction just like the animals & acrobats
    $200 1
It's a hill or mountain with a level top
    $400 16
Denounced as a magician in Venice in 1755, this famous lover was sentenced to prison but escaped to Paris
    $400 7
"The Bare Necessities"
    $400 27
The story of this lovely lady from "The Brady Bunch" begins in Dale, Indiana in 1934
    $400 12
In June 1910 this partner of Henry Royce became the first to fly non-stop across the English Channel & back
    $400 22
In 2002 the Philadelphia Mint produced about 540 million of these -- about $27 million worth
    $400 2
It's an act performed to show sorrow for having committed a sin
    $600 17
This Frenchman had lots to write "Confessions" about, like sending 5 of his kids to a foundling hospital
    $600 8
"Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)"
    $600 28
We assume his friends find this senior Indiana senator a real pistol
    $600 13
In July 1908 this science journal awarded a trophy to Glenn Curtiss for the first U.S. public flight of one kilometer
    $600 23
In 2001 the U.S. awarded IBM 3,411 of these & we're sure IBM's lawyers defend them vigorously
    DD: $1,000 3
This publication is credited to an imaginary astronomer & appeared from the early 1730s to 1757
    $800 18
1787 Mozart work often called a serenade; the "New Oxford Companion to Music" says it's, aptly, a nocturne
    $800 9
"I'm Easy"
    $800 29
He was first seen in Brazil, Indiana in 1913; he was last seen outside a Michigan restaurant in 1975
    $800 14
In 1933, 2 years before his death with Will Rogers, this pilot became the first to fly solo around the world
    $800 24
Vroom! Mattel introduced these in 1968 & says 2 of them are now sold every second
    $800 4
In I Corinthians he tells us that charity is the greatest virtue
    $1000 19
This German baron known for his fantastic tales died in 1797
    $1000 10
"Beautiful Maria of My Soul"
    $1000 30
A state historic site in Dana honors this news correspondent who was killed in the Pacific during WWII
    $1000 20
In 1935 transpacific air mail was begun by the "China" one of these, also a type of sailing ship
    $1000 25
The Nullarbor Plain in this country has a dead-straight stretch of railroad track 297 miles long
    $1000 5
It's a highfalutin' 6-syllable word for sleight of hand magic

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lillie Ben Jeffrey
$0 $3,200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lillie Ben Jeffrey
$1,800 $3,400 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
Ornithorhynchus anatinus is the scientific name for this egg-laying mammal
    $400 26
The only men to win 2 gold medals in this multi-event sport were Bob Mathias ('48 & '52) & Daley Thompson ('80 & '84)
    $400 12
In the exciting sequel, this Dr. Seuss title character "Comes Back"
    $400 6
Shakespeare's Macbeth succeeds this man as Scotland's king
    $400 1
This country in southwestern Africa gained independence from Portugal on November 11, 1975
    $400 20
13th century Venetian traveler who's a Ralph Lauren short sleeve top with a collar
    $800 3
The largest animals of this species, which is also the largest species of deer, are found in Alaska & Siberia
    $800 27
The only women to repeat as gold medalists in solo figure skating are Sonja Henie & this East German in 1984 & 1988
    $800 13
Beverly Cleary wrote "Socks" & this First Lady wrote "Millie's Book"
    $800 7
In 1975 Robert Morgenthau succeeded Richard Kuh in this Manhattan legal post -- he's still there
    DD: $1,200 5
A city on the Potomac founded in 1749 is named this, like a city on the Mediterranean founded in 331 B.C.
    $800 21
"Queen of Soul" who got R‑E‑S‑P‑E‑C‑T as the 32nd president of the U.S.
    DD: $800 4
The dermis of this mammal that comes in 3-banded & giant species ossifies to form bony plates
    $1200 28
[Video of Sarah in Squaw Valley, California]
Twenty years before the miracle of Lake Placid, the U.S. won its first hockey gold medal in this year, here at Squaw Valley
    $1200 14
A doggie turns up in his story "To Build a Fire" & in his novel "White Fang"
    $1200 8
James Cagney was a tough actor to follow as president of this, but George Murphy did it in 1944
    $1200 17
It's the capital of the state of South Australia
    $1200 22
Steinbeck classic in which Lennie & George are set adrift with Capt. Bligh in a sequel to "Mutiny on the Bounty"
    $1600 10
(Alright, here's our friend Jeff Probst [in the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil] with the clue)
A freshwater species, the pink river type of this mammal is found here, in the Rio Negro
    $1600 29
Since 1896 the record in this event has more than doubled from 36 feet, 9.75 inches to 73 feet, 8.75 inches
    $1600 15
This 1843 Poe tale might have crossed your path
    $1600 9
In 1998 David Remnick succeeded her as editor of the New Yorker
    $1600 18
This desert in northern Chile is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west & the Andes on the east
    $1600 23
TV talk show host & "Hairspray" actress who is an over 5,300-foot-deep Russian body of water
    $2000 11
I hate to name-drop but this mammal often has "mundi" dropped from its name
    $2000 16
"Moses the Kitten" was one of the small creatures this vet wrote about
    $2000 25
Following Georg Solti as its music director, Daniel Barenboim led a free concert in Grant Park Sept. 21, 1991
    $2000 19
Portugal's possessions in the north Atlantic include the Madeiras & this island group
    $2000 24
Kentucky city that's the setting of a children's book in which Sam-I-Am pushes an unusual dish

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lillie Ben Jeffrey
$2,600 $10,200 $13,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He called himself a "Cubano Sato", a phrase from the Cuban dialect meaning both "flirt" & "half-breed"

Final scores:

Lillie Ben Jeffrey
$4,900 $5,300 $6,399
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $6,399

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lillie Ben Jeffrey
$5,600 $10,200 $13,400
11 R,
4 W
(including 3 DDs)
13 R,
0 W
18 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $29,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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