Suggest correction - #4203 - 2002-12-04

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    $400 10
Ursula is the octopus-like sea witch who torments this Disney title character in a 1989 film

Show #4203 - Wednesday, December 4, 2002


James Pethokoukis, a journalist from Chicago, Illinois

Dorrie Crockett, a freelance writer from West Hollywood, California

Anne Cichocki, a recent law school graduate from Jacksonville, Florida (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,501)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to give each player's country of birth.)
    $200 7
For a 1981 staging of "Orlando", Peter Sellars made the hero an astronaut & set part of it on this red planet
    $200 1
Bjorn Borg
    $200 21
A "separated" one of these refers to a dislocation at the acromioclavicular joint
    $200 30
It's the sport you want tickets for if you're dialing 800-822-INDY
    $200 8
They can be fruit, free-tailed or vampire
    $200 2
In a Grimm fairy tale, this little girl pushes a witch into an oven
    $400 14
Called "America's most lurid talk show", it inspired a 2001 opera that took London by storm
    $400 3
Evonne Goolagong
    $400 22
It can mean to put metal restraints on a person, or to strike him
    $400 29
This cabinet department's number is 800-USA-LEARN
    $400 9
Guyana & Paraguay both border this nation
    $400 10
Ursula is the octopus-like sea witch who torments this Disney title character in a 1989 film
    $600 15
X marks the spot where the New York City Opera premiered "X: The Life and Times of" this activist
    $600 4
Ilie Nastase
    $600 23
This action of damaging a leg bone became a favorite tactic in political violence in Northern Ireland
    $600 28
You can reach the Texas State Elections Division at 800-252-THIS
    $600 19
(Jimmy in San Francisco) Naturally City Lights Books has a section for this literary group and Kerouac, Ginsberg & Burroughs are in it
    $600 11
This classic tale features 2 wicked witches & one good one named Glinda
    $800 17
A 1997 opera about this former first lady is set partly in Andy Warhol's New York studio
    $800 5
Monica Seles
    $800 24
15th century ruler Vlad earned a nickname by being partial to this method of execution
    $800 27
Not the Book of the Month Club but this "BOMC" can be reached at 800-609-ALES
    $800 20
She's the Republican Congresswoman representing Palm Springs, California
    DD: $1,000 12
Chapter one of this John Updike novel is called "The Coven"
    $1000 18
The 2000 opera "In the Penal Colony" is based on a gruesome 1914 novella by this author of "The Metamorphosis"
    $1000 6
Gabriela Sabatini
    $1000 25
2-word aeronautic term for the wrestling move of lifting an opponent, whirling & throwing him
    $1000 26
You can help end pet overpopulation by calling 800-248-7729, which logically enough is 800-248-THIS
    $1000 16
Used to measure heat, it's abbreviated B.T.U.
    $1000 13
Before battling the Philistines, Israel's King Saul visited this witch

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Anne Dorrie James
$2,000 -$1,200 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Anne Dorrie James
$5,200 $1,200 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
Georgia's Seminole County borders Alabama & this state's panhandle
    $400 1
DiCaprio wore an "iron" one
    $400 13
In 1691, after 71 years on its own, Plymouth became a part of this colony
    $400 11
In 1977 a Boeing 747 flew around the world in about 54 hours; in 1995 this airliner did it in about 31
    $400 18
Ever wished you could use just one product for photography & rainmaking? You can, with iodide of this metal!
    $800 7
The seal of this most populous Illinois county features Lake Michigan
    $800 2
"Shanghai Surprise" star (7)
    $800 14
This barrelmaker & future husband of Priscilla Mullens was hired at Southampton before the ship left England
    $800 12
The name of a "hill climb" Lionel Martin raced in, he used it in the name of the auto company he later founded
    $800 19
Act now for our low, low price on disodium phosphate! Make glazes! Enamels! Or the Romano type of this!
    $800 25
"Green Acres" star who took time out to design Hooterville monuments & write "Inside the Third Reich"
    DD: $3,600 8
This state's Hood River County is the world's largest producer of Anjou pears
    $1200 3
Mr. Helm, played by Mr. Martin (4)
    $1200 15
This Indian showed the Pilgrims how to plant corn & served as their interpreter in dealings with Massasoit
    $1200 22
Dennis Tito spent $20 million of his own money to train as one of these
    DD: $2,000 20
Use ferrous sulfate as a pigment in water treatment! But, wait, there's more! It helps in this medical deficiency!
    $1200 26
"Tin Drum" author worn by Hawaiian hula dancers
    $1600 9
Las Vegas, New Mexico is the seat of San Miguel County; Las Vegas, Nevada is the seat of this county
    $1600 4
It precedes "Burning" & "Masala" (11)
    $1600 16
This son of William & Susanna White was born on the Mayflower & grew up to be a captain in the colony's militia
    $1600 23
As seen in 1995's "The Straight Story", Alvin Straight rode one of these from Iowa to Wisc. to visit his brother
    $1600 21
Potassium dichromate is used in photography! Dyeing! Fireworks! & The "safety" type of these! Isn't that amazing?
    $1600 27
Winner of 3 Olympic golds in 1960, she sprinted to the plane as Hitler's deputy & flew to Scotland
    $2000 10
Counties in this state include Jefferson, Shoshone & Twin Falls
    $2000 5
Title prophecies to "Gere" up for (7)
    $2000 17
Plymouth's governor for over 30 years, he wrote "Plimoth Plantation", the main record of Pilgrim life
    $2000 24
Title of the book & of the 1951 Oscar-winning documentary on a Thor Heyerdahl expedition

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Anne Dorrie James
$11,600 $6,400 $9,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

In February 2000 the White House Press Briefing Room was named in this man's honor

Final scores:

Anne Dorrie James
$4,799 $900 $12,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $12,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Anne Dorrie James
$8,400 $6,400 $9,000
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
12 R,
4 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $23,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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