Suggest correction - #6895 - 2014-08-01

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    $800 10
Dances with repetitive names include the cancan & this lively Cuban dance

Show #6895 - Friday, August 1, 2014

2014 Teen Tournament final game 2.
Last game of Season 30.


Jeff Xie, a junior from Edison, New Jersey (subtotal of $15,000)

Alan Koolik, a junior from Boca Raton, Florida (subtotal of $25,000)

Cooper Lair, a sophomore from Little Rock, Arkansas (subtotal of $200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Meaning "I approve", "coo" is short for this; saving 1 keystroke adds up
    $200 1
Boulder, Colorado is in the Flatiron Range, part of these mountains
    $200 7
It's said that "it takes two to" do this dance that evolved in Buenos Aires
    $200 12
It's a singing twosome
    $200 21
"A Journey" (maybe a short one on a speed skating track)
    $200 26
"Jaws", about one of these sea creatures, kept lots of folks out of the water
    $400 17
"GTG" can mean "good to go" or this parting phrase
    $400 2
What the Arabs call Jebel Musa, "Mountain of Moses", is better known as this
    $400 8
This dance that was popular in the 1920s is named for a city in South Carolina
    $400 16
A mineral deposit from which metal can be extracted
    $400 22
An actor turned politician:
"Total Recall"
    $400 27
You can see this monster from Egypt's past in a film from back in 1932 or at Universal Studios
    $600 19
Someone who types "sup" to you is contracting these 2 words
    $600 3
You must be 42" tall to hop on this Disneyland ride; its 14,692-foot namesake in the Pennine Alps is tougher sledding
    $600 11
A pair of quick steps are followed by a pair of slow ones in the dance called the Texas this
    $600 15
Hold your horses & give me this synonym for sadness
    $600 25
A playwright:
"The Kindness of Strangers"
    $600 28
"AVP" is short for "Alien vs." it
    $800 18
In "kk", the first K replaces this letter
    $800 4
This peak is the only mountain in North America that exceeds 20,000 feet
    $800 10
Dances with repetitive names include the cancan & this lively Cuban dance
    $800 13
In a fairy tale, a princess can feel it through 20 mattresses
    DD: $2,000 24
A Pennsylvania businessman:
"Young Chocolatier"
    $800 29
This lovestruck giant ape ends up far from Skull Island, his home
    $1000 20
Writer Adam Gopnik was among parents who made their kids snicker by thinking "LOL" meant this, not "laugh out loud"
    $1000 5
Not quite 14,500 feet, this California peak is named for geologist Josiah
    $1000 9
Polite society was shocked to see couples in close contact for this ballroom dance that has a Viennese type
    $1000 14
The last class of the day seems to last this long, the longest division of geologic time
    $1000 23
An electrical genius from Europe:
"My Inventions"
    $1000 30
Abe Sapien helps this well-"red" guy who went from the Dark Side to working for our side

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Cooper Alan Jeff
$200 $2,200 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$1,600 $4,600 $9,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
He's the president seen here signing into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    $400 4
December is a good time to see this 1892 ballet that features the Sugar Plum Fairy
    $400 26
One symptom of love is a loss of this, the desire for food
    $400 13
Lewis Morgan said we've progressed "from savagery through barbarism to" this sophisticated stage
    $400 21
Incorporating part of an old song into a new song, or trying a free piece of cheese at the deli
    $400 16
For very low temperatures, these may use magnets instead of mercury
    $800 7
In the early '80s it was sometimes called "GRID", gay-related immune deficiency
    DD: $4,000 5
Praise the Lord! Over a century old, this American form of Christian music combines elements of blues, jazz & spirituals
    $800 27
Xerostomia means a dry one of these; try not to put your foot in yours when you talk to your crush
    $800 12
"Bougie", slang for upscale or snobby, comes from this class described by Karl Marx
    $800 22
If your iPod display reads "Drake f/ Majid Jordan", the f/ stands for this
    $800 17
Name of a city in southern Colorado as well as Tobago's partner island
    $1200 8
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) On the morning of June 25th, 1950, forces in the north stormed across the 38th parallel, beginning this 3-year-long conflict
    $1200 1
Donatello sculpted a marble statue of this biblical youth almost 100 years before Michelangelo
    $1200 30
When your beloved is near, you hear the 1824 "Ode to Joy" by this composer
    DD: $3,000 11
Elsie Parsons studied these "apartment"-dwelling Indians of the Southwest, including the Zuni
    $1200 23
An album that sells 10 million copies is certified this gem
    $1200 18
Look out, this type of small family store, here comes Walmart
    $1600 9
This senator from Wisconsin is best remembered for his Communist "witch hunts" of the 1950s
    $1600 2
This city's pops is affectionately known as "America's Orchestra"
    $1600 29
Poor coordination & tingling--could be love or a lack of thiamine, also called this alphanumeric vitamin
    $1600 14
A classic work of cultural anthropology is antonymically titled this "and the Cooked"
    $1600 24
"AC" stands for this radio format favored by some folks of a certain age
    $1600 19
A relaxing type of herbal tea from celestial seasonings
    $2000 10
In 1972 terrorism by a group of Palestinians marred the Olympic Games in this German city
    $2000 3
At the Louvre, 16th century Italian tapestries depict scenes from this poet's "Metamorphoses"
    $2000 28
Forms of this abnormality of the heartbeat include "skipping a beat", fibrillation & tachycardia, beating too fast
    $2000 15
In 1925 she set out for the South Pacific to study adolescent girls
    $2000 25
A songwriter can make money writing these; they are brief catchy tunes to sell cars, tissues or prunes
    $2000 20
Meaning "city", this word comes before "Juarez" & "de Mexico"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$15,600 $14,600 $19,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

There were no winners for this award from 1939 through 1943; in 1944, it was won by the International Committee of the Red Cross

Tiebreaker Round

The battles of Shiloh & Collierville were fought in this state

Final scores:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$31,000 $29,200 $39,200

Cumulative scores:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$31,200 $54,200 $54,200
2nd runner-up: $31,200 1st runner-up: $54,200 Tournament champion: $75,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Cooper Alan Jeff
$12,400 $14,600 $16,600
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R,
0 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $43,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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