Suggest correction - #1018 - 1989-01-25

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    $1000 19
In 1952 Einstein was offered & turned down the presidency of this country

Show #1018 - Wednesday, January 25, 1989

Brian Wangsgard game 4.


Lynn Sabin, a homemaker from Baldwin, Maryland

Jeff Stone, a lawyer from Buffalo, New York

Brian Wangsgard, a senior marketing representative from Redlands, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $48,198)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
You can wade across this mighty river where it's not so mighty at Lake Itasca, its source
    $100 25
In perfumery, "enfleurage" is a process of extracting oil from these by using fat & glass plates
    $100 6
The tournament held here each summer is considered the unofficial world championship of tennis
    $100 8
Also known as "Lemonade Lucy", Mrs. Rutherford Hayes was the 1st wife of a president to be called this
    $100 16
On SNL's "Weekend Update" segment, his trademark line was "Good evening, I'm" this actor "& you're not"
    $100 20
When hard boiling eggs, add a pinch of this to the water to keep the eggs from cracking
    $200 2
The land that is now Minnesota became part of the U.S. as a result of this sale
    $200 7
In this track & field event, the upper hand cannot move or climb after takeoff
    $200 9
After the 1906 earthquake, prisoners from S.F. city jails were sent to an army guardhouse on this island
    DD: $600 17
Actor who made this style of hat famous in the '80s:
    $200 21
"Joy of Cooking" says not to use a bowl made of this metal when beating eggs, as it will cause the eggs to gray
    $300 3
At the largest family-owned brewery in the U.S., you can see how they make this fire-brewed beer
    $300 11
Heisman Trophy winners Tim Brown, Marcus Allen & Bo Jackson all play for this team
    $300 10
The 1st U.S. use of military aircraft was against this Mexican revolutionary in 1916
    $300 18
Jackie Gleason, Piper Laurie, George C.Scott & Paul Newman all got Oscar nominations for this '62 film
    $300 22
If you buy a dozen eggs weighing 2 oz. each, they'll have this size designation
    $400 4
The 1st Europeans to arrive in Minnesota were explorers from this country
    $400 12
Once in 1934, he told each Dodger exactly how he'd pitch to them, & the Cardinals still won 13-0
    $400 13
John F. Dulles was Secretary of State & his brother Allen CIA director during this administration
    $400 19
Comedienne who's played a nun in "Nunsense" & dressed like one for 10 years to go incognito, ha, ha, ha
    $400 23
Of all reptile eggs, it's the type most commonly eaten
    $500 5
In 1982 this regional theater known for its repertory company was awarded a Tony
    $500 14
He's the only jockey to have ridden 2 triple crown winners--"Whirlaway" in '41 & "Citation" in '48
    $500 15
During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended this, which prevents a person from being detained illegally
    $500 24
Japanese savor the tiny eggs of this game bird & eat them raw on top of sushi

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Jeff Lynn
$1,300 $500 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Jeff Lynn
$1,300 $1,500 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
He was awarded the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize for nonviolent efforts to win Polish rights
    $200 12
Flowers with both stamens & carpels are bisexual, plants with them on separate flowers are this
    $200 20
In Judaism, it's the difference between a bar mitzvah & a bat mitzvah
    $200 1
The 3 U.S. states that begin with "O"
    $200 8
This city that's home to the Amateur Athletic Union lets amateurs compete in its 500 mile race
    $200 14
2 of the 3 countries of which Einstein was a citizen during his life
    $400 7
His 1940 survey showed 95% of males breaking laws & liable for prosecution for their sexual practices
    $400 13
The amniotic sac is filled with fluid to cushion this, protecting it from damage
    DD: $1,000 21
The last pope without John or Paul in his papal name
    $400 2
Lacking a keenness in comprehension, or an angle that has more than 90° but less than 180°
    $400 9
The English town for which this Connecticut capital was named spelled its name with an "e", not an "a"
    $400 15
Einstein's theory that this travels in a stream of particles led to the "electric eye"
    $600 22
He was elected president of France after Charles de Gaulle resigned in 1969
    $600 25
This part of the alimentary canal has the fortitude to absorb the products of digestion
    $600 28
The Catholic trinity is the Father, Son & Holy Ghost & the Hindu trinity is Shiva, Brahma & this deity
    DD: $1,500 3
Group singing the following song that was a hit from Atlantic to Pacific in '71:

"Put your hand in the hand of the man /
Who stilled the water /
Put your hand in the hand of the man /
Who calmed the sea..."
    $600 10
Located on Lake Champlain, this largest Vermont city was 1st surveyed by Ethan Allen's brother
    $600 16
Little Albert learned to play this musical instrument & was pretty good at it
    $800 23
The name of this 3rd Secretary-General of the U.N. translates roughly to "Mr. Clean"
    $800 26
This "system" helps you by killing viruses & hurts you when it rejects transplants
    $800 4
Small children should be kept away from this shrub with red or white blossoms--it's poisonous
    $800 11
Ben Hecht & Charles MacArthur were reporters in this city in which they set "The Front Page"
    $800 18
Barbara Feldon could tell you this is the atomic number of Einsteinium, the element named for him
    $1000 24
He served as Secretary of the Army under Kennedy & later as Sec'y of State for Carter
    $1000 27
The gastric pits in your stomach contain oxyntic cells that secrete this acid
    $1000 5
In printing, it's a dagger sign; in New York & London, it's Cleopatra's Needle
    $1000 17
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in this city
    $1000 19
In 1952 Einstein was offered & turned down the presidency of this country

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Jeff Lynn
$2,400 $6,900 $6,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

This U.S. poet laureate is the only writer who won Pulitzer Prizes for both poetry & fiction

Final scores:

Brian Jeff Lynn
$1,400 $1,399 $200
4-day champion: $49,598 2nd place: Zenith Data Systems portable computer & GTE Walkmate cord free telephone 3rd place: Broyhill entertainment center

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Jeff Lynn
$3,900 $5,900 $6,200
17 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
12 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $16,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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