Suggest correction - #4076 - 2002-04-29

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    $800 2
Later a pro heavyweight boxing champ, this man won a light heavyweight gold medal in 1960

Show #4076 - Monday, April 29, 2002

Ben Sternberg sets a new single-day cash winnings record of $38,400.


Elizabeth Mouzon, an e-mail administrator from Washington, D.C.

Scott Hatton, a pastor from Mundelein, Illinois

Ben Sternberg, an investment banker from San Francisco, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $41,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
A trip to Florence wouldn't be complete without seeing this 17-foot-tall Michelangelo creation
    $200 26
On Feb. 12, 2001 Kelly Ripa became his permanent co-host
    $200 11
He was informed April 14, 1789 that back on February 4, the Electoral College had elected him President
    $200 6
His home was a castle in San Simeon, Calif. complete with indoor & outdoor pools & a private airstrip
    $200 21
The most common pointing device for computers; it first came to fame on the Apple Macintosh
    $200 1
David Strickler of Latrobe, Pennsylvania is credited with inventing this fruit & ice cream treat in 1904
    $400 17
During WWII the only one of these spared in Florence was the historic Ponte Vecchio
    $400 27
This TV host took part of her catchphrase from an Irish aunt who dismissed visitors with "Thank you. Goodbye"
    $400 12
He signed the Education Act of 1965 in his old elementary school near Stonewall, Texas
    $400 7
This movie star couple's Pickfair estate included canoe ponds & a stable
    $400 22
He finished the 1986-87 NBA season with a whopping 3,041-point total
    $400 2
"Don't have a cow, man" is one of his expressions
    $600 18
This fashion giant has made a lot of "G's" since setting up shop in Florence in 1921
    $600 28
In June 2001 Matthew Broderick & this man hosted the Tony Awards
    $600 13
After being sworn in April 12, 1945 he said he felt as if "The moon, the stars, and all the planets" had fallen on him
    $600 8
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from a living room with an antique TV in it.) When she was home here in Gettysburg, Mamie Eisenhower's day often revolved around watching this show, her favorite soap
    $600 23
Kendra gave this other slayer her lucky stake, "Mr. Pointy"
    $600 3
This rock & roll hall of famer is the pride of Freehold, New Jersey
    $800 19
Tell, tell, tell us the name of this composer who died in 1868, & now rests in the Church of Santa Croce
    $800 29
He's the host of MTV's "Total Request Live"
    $800 14
After receiving his B.A. at the university in this New Jersey city in 1771, Madison stayed on to study Hebrew
    $800 9
Her Silver Spring, Maryland home where she wrote "Silent Spring", is now a national landmark
    $800 24
West Point is predominantly on the west bank of this New York river
    $800 4
Used in the 1940s & '50s, this was slang for a teenage girl
    $1000 20
Now an art museum, it was originally built as the government judiciary's offices, hence its name
    $1000 30
He hosts the PBS show "Reading Rainbow"
    DD: $1,600 15
Before he was shot at the Temple of Music, McKinley spent the day touring this romantic landmark
    $1000 10
Notables who have called this NYC apartment building home include Judy Garland, John Lennon & Lauren Bacall
    $1000 25
From the Girl Scouts, they're credits earned with your boss for favors done unasked
    $1000 5
When combined with an acid ingredient, this compound, NaHCO3, produces gas bubbles, causing batter to rise

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Scott Elizabeth
$4,400 $200 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Scott Elizabeth
$7,400 $2,800 $6,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
In "Growing Up Brady", Barry Williams admits he had "a case of the hots for" this actress, his TV mom
    $400 5
The tank respirator Philip Drinker invented helped polio patients & was nicknamed this
    $400 1
It's the only Olympic track & field event with the word triple in its name
    $400 10
Saladin gave the Crusaders rights of pilgrimage to this city, but they still wanted to capture it
    $400 26
This Middle Eastern flat bread is also called pocket bread
    $400 16
Malevolent Mr. Manchu (2)
    $800 22
In 1988 she was right on track as the Associated Press' Female Athlete of the Year
    $800 6
Irish geologist Richard Oldham discovered these have primary & secondary waves
    $800 2
Later a pro heavyweight boxing champ, this man won a light heavyweight gold medal in 1960
    $800 11
The Crusaders were sure they'd win at Antioch once they found this holy relic that pierced Christ's side
    $800 27
Widely used to add flavor, this member of the mint family is grouped in song with parsley, sage & rosemary
    $800 17
It precedes glove & trot (3)
    $1200 23
When this president died in 1923, rumors circulated that his wife Florence had killed him
    $1200 7
In 1974 Sherwood Rowland & Mario Molina showed that these man-made chemicals were destroying the ozone layer
    $1200 3
The modern version of this Olympic event consists of fencing, riding, shooting, running & swimming
    $1200 12
Completes the English translation of the crusader motto Deus vult, "God..."
    $1200 28
Named after the capital city of Veracruz, these smooth, dark green peppers range from hot to very hot
    $1200 18
Significant Sigmund (5)
    $1600 24
After divorcing director King Vidor, silent film star Florence Vidor married this Lithuanian-born violinist
    $1600 8
Augustin Jean Fresnel used this treatment of light to make new lighthouse lenses; Edwin Land built a company on it
    $1600 4
It's the host city where the Olympic torch relay came to an end in the year 2000
    $1600 13
All crusading Europeans were called these people, like the ancestors of present-day Frenchmen
    $1600 30
Cheese & crackers are a simple example of this type of food served before a meal to stimulate the palate
    DD: $3,000 19
"Highland" dance, or brief romance (5)
    $2000 25
English novelist & poet Florence Margaret Smith used this more masculine-sounding first name
    DD: $3,000 9
Police radar guns owe their existence to the "effect" this Austrian physicist discovered
    $2000 15
There are 50- & 20-kilometer events of this grueling Olympic track & field specialty
    $2000 14
The slaying of Conrad of Montferrat was pinned on these Hashish freaks whose name means "murderers"
    $2000 29
Italian for "little tongues", these narrow, flat noodles are also known as flat spaghetti
    $2000 20
Enrico's element (7)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Scott Elizabeth
$21,200 $8,000 $19,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

He said, "My own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about... I would never... exhaust it"

Final scores:

Ben Scott Elizabeth
$38,400 $15,995 $38,399
3-day champion: $79,600 3rd place: trip to Orlando, Florida 2nd place: trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben Scott Elizabeth
$19,800 $8,000 $17,600
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R,
0 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $45,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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