Suggest correction - #6806 - 2014-03-31

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    $800 1
Josephine & Daphne in "Some Like It Hot"

Show #6806 - Monday, March 31, 2014

Battle of the Decades: The 2000s game 1.


Tom Nissley, a writer from Seattle, Washington

Celeste DiNucci, a manager of corporate and foundation relations at a music school from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Colby Burnett, an AP world history teacher from Chicago, Illinois

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Keep your iPhone from dying with a Jonathan Adler Stepped Diamonds one of these
    $200 1
This big man lived up to his name & led the Sixers to the promised land
    $200 18
Since the advent of liquid & gel soaps, this 3-letter word has come before "soap" when it comes in cake form
    $200 6
The young girl in this 1958 Truman Capote work is described as having "a face beyond childhood"
    $200 11
The new century put encyclopedia salesmen out of a job as January saw the arrival of this "free encyclopedia"
    $200 26
The surface of Jupiter's moon Io is continually re-formed by flows of this, hotter than the same stuff on Earth
    $400 17
Si, ich bin tres continental, I carry a murse, short for this
    $400 2
This Tar Heel proved his merit for the Lakers
    $400 19
It's a 6-letter retronymic type of transmission in a car
    $400 7
In 1834 Charles Dickens began using this pseudonym, a joking nickname for his youngest brother
    $400 12
Robert Hanssen, one of its agents, was charged with spying for the KGB for 20 years
    $400 27
When real, this phenomenon is caused by atmospheric dust; when part of a metaphor, it refers to a rarity
    $600 13
Rommy Revson patented this elastic hair band
    $600 3
He was the first European-born MVP
    $600 20
This scriptural work is also called the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh
    $600 8
This utopian farm in West Roxbury, Mass. counted among its members Nathaniel Hawthorne
    $600 23
A U.S.-led coalition invaded Afghanistan on October 7, under the banner "Operation Enduring" this
    $600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) The pale blue dot off in the distance that is dwarfed by Saturn's rings is actually Earth,
& the photo was taken from this orbiter with an Italian name
    $800 14
In 1937, long before its instant cameras, Polaroid began making these
    $800 4
This Laker had a few logo-worthy performances
    DD: $1,200 21
The arrival of SiriusXM means the good old dial in your Ford Falcon now plays this Earth-bound type of radio
    $800 9
Jack London wrote that he "was neither house-dog nor kennel-dog. The whole realm was his"
    $800 24
Over Catholic Church opposition, the Netherlands became the first country to legalize medically assisted this
    $800 29
Astronaut Chris Hadfield revealed they don't do laundry in space, they eject old clothes & this happens to them
    $1000 15
8-letter word for a scarf that forms a closed loop
    $1000 5
He thought he was a loner but got back as the Finals MVP
    $1000 22
Giving off both heat & light, your old-school everyday light bulb is this type, from the Latin for "to glow"
    $1000 10
This 1945 Evelyn Waugh novel is subtitled "The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder"
    $1000 25
Economic riots forced successive presidents of this South American nation to resign in December 2001
    $1000 30
(Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) A pillar was formed by radiation and charged particles from stars within the Carina one of these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Colby Celeste Tom
$1,600 -$400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Colby Celeste Tom
$5,600 $1,200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the actor for us.)
    $400 6
The Minotaur's mother was Pasiphae, the Queen of Crete, & his father was this animal with whom she fell in love
    $400 26
An unchanging way of speaking without variations in pitch or inflection
    $400 11
His arguments for accepting his unjust death sentence were noted in Plato's "Crito"
    $400 5
Brandon Teena in "Boys Don't Cry"
    $400 16
The island of Socotra, 200 miles south of the coast, is part of this Arabian Peninsula nation
    $400 21
This 11-pointed Canadian national symbol got official status from Elizabeth II in 1965
    $800 7
About once every 500 years, it builds a funeral pyre & allows itself to be consumed by the flames
    $800 27
A vocal range one deeper than tenor
    $800 12
In 1494 he called Jamaica "the fairest isle that eyes have beheld"
    $800 1
Josephine & Daphne in "Some Like It Hot"
    $800 17
There's the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea & this national body of water indicated here
    $800 22
This pit stop offers "Brazilian dark roast" coffee that's "guaranteed fresh"
    $1200 8
In Norse mythology, Ratatoskr is this type of rodent that scurries up & down Yggdrasil, the World Tree
    $1200 28
Penance for doing wrong
    $1200 13
An accident on Nov. 5, 1909 put the U.S. military's entire supply of these out of commission
    $1200 2
Jill Sadelstein in "Jack and Jill"
    $1200 18
Indicated here is the location of this almost-17,000-foot peak
    $1200 23
From the 1950s, it was the first movie to win 11 Oscars
    DD: $1,200 9
This creature killed by Hercules during his second labor was the offspring of the 100-headed Typhon
    $1600 29
I love your dress; 18-5424 TCX in this color system really brings out your eyes
    DD: $5,000 14
An Italian bid for empire was ended by defeat at the 1896 Battle of Adwa in this African country
    $1600 3
Billy Kwan in "The Year of Living Dangerously"
    $1600 19
Recently damaged in the civil war, this city had been its nation's business capital & was once the end of the Silk Road
    $1600 24
EleVen is a clothing line from this female athlete/designer
    $2000 10
Represented as this canine, Anubis was gatekeeper of the underworld; statues of him often guarded tombs
    $2000 30
A high-protein diet can lead to the formation of these compounds that raise the risk of kidney stones
    $2000 15
IOC headquarters were moved from Paris to Lausanne in 1915 by this baron who founded the modern Olympics
    $2000 4
Bob Dylan in "I'm Not There"
    $2000 20
In June of 1942, Erwin Rommel captured this port city from the British, who took it back in November
    $2000 25
11 cards are dealt to each player in this South American game that uses a 108-card deck

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Colby Celeste Tom
$16,400 $16,200 $7,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

An aria in this Shakespeare-based opera says, "Di Scozia a te promettono le profetesse il trono... Che tardi?"

Final scores:

Colby Celeste Tom
$16,201 $14,801 $13,400
Quarterfinalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Colby Celeste Tom
$16,400 $12,800 $7,400
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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