Suggest correction - #6802 - 2014-03-25

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    $1200 8
Gustav Hasford's Vietnam War novel "The Short Timers" shot up the silver screen as this Stanley Kubrick film

Show #6802 - Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Nathan Chadwick, a public librarian from Germantown, Maryland

Matt Prasse, an attorney from Needham, Massachusetts

Nancy Akerman, a science policy fellow from Arlington, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,799)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
Check it out--the sign here indicates one of these is nearby
    $200 2
I will be your this, a man functioning emotionally as your male parent
    $200 1
This famous footwear from "The Wizard of Oz"
    $200 6
Before becoming royalty, she was a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico
    $200 16
It's fitting that this matronly character who dates back to the 1600s is often depicted riding a flying gander
    $200 11
This second-most populous Chinese city
    $400 23
The sign seen here helps those journeying in this capital city
    $400 3
Urging by a teen's set of pals to conform to be socially accepted
    $400 5
Logically, one of these weapons from "Star Trek"
    $400 7
He was arrested in February of 1956 for organizing a bus boycott; his $500 fine was suspended on appeal
    $400 17
A real trumpet is used by E.B. White's title fowl in the story called "The Trumpet of" this bird
    $400 12
This city that in 1900 had about 6,000 people
    $600 24
It's the 3-word instruction that often accompanies this sign
    $600 4
At Petoskey United Methodist Church, it starts for kids at 10 A.M. on the Lord's day
    $600 19
Vince & Larry, 2 of these developed to save drivers' lives
    $600 10
North Korea's press said this leader played his very 1st round of golf in 1994 & did okay--a nifty 38 under, with 5 aces
    $600 18
This doctor asks his duck friend Dab Dab "to fly up and tell the swallows that pirates were coming after them"
    $600 13
This country, a neighbor of Latvia & Ukraine
    $800 25
Yes, Pumbaa, the South African sign is warning of the presence of this animal
    $800 20
Say, kids! It's this title puppet from Bob Smith's 1950s TV show
    $800 8
In 1964 this Russian-Jewish painter made a stained-glass window for New York's U.N. building
    DD: $1,000 27
When Babe the pig can't find Farmer Hogget's "mechanical rooster", one of these, Ferdinand the duck helps
    $800 14
This landlocked kingdom of the Himalayas
    $1000 26
The sign seen here in Washington State is a tribute to this late musician
    $1000 21
Julie Newmar's costume as this character on the 1960s TV series "Batman"
    $1000 9
After her 1978 death, it was revealed that this ex-prime minister of Israel had leukemia for 12 years
    $1000 28
This Marvel Comics hero is a stranger in a strange land, but he did manage to fall in love with human model Beverly Switzler
    $1000 15
This unincorporated area, home to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Nancy Matt Nathan
-$600 $3,200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nancy Matt Nathan
$2,400 $3,800 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
"The Fifth Estate", with Benedict Cumberbatch as this man, is partly based on "Inside WikiLeaks"
    $400 1
Some believe that Cretan, spoken mainly on an island of this country, is Europe's oldest living language
    $400 23
In the early 1980s, Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim attained this status
    $400 19
Wilhelm I,
    $400 12
In 2009 this hedge-fund manager pleaded guilty to 11 felonies in one of the biggest swindles in Wall Street history
    $400 11
This line follows "Mary had a little lamb"
    DD: $2,200 7
Nicholas Pileggi's "Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family" got this title on the big screen in 1990
    $800 2
Still spoken by 10,000 in Spain, Aragonese developed in these mountains of the northeast
    $800 20
Boutros Boutros-Ghali,
    $800 13
Oh, so close--the ball was under the middle this, a "game" that was a specialty of Old West con man Soapy Smith
    $800 15
This large-footed mammal, Lepus americanus, has white fur in the winter & brown fur in the summer
    $1200 8
Gustav Hasford's Vietnam War novel "The Short Timers" shot up the silver screen as this Stanley Kubrick film
    $1200 3
Romansh is an official language of the Canton of Graubunden in this country
    $1200 21
Pontius Pilate in Judea,
    $1200 14
Working in France after WWI, Victor Lustig was known as "the man who sold" this landmark to a scrap metal dealer
    DD: $2,000 16
This Robert Frost poem says, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep"
    $1600 9
This Shakespeare play was updated to a high school in 1999 & hit cinemas as "10 Things I Hate About You"
    $1600 4
Corsican is related to the dialect of this Italian region, birthplace of Galileo, Leonardo & the Renaissance
    $1600 22
Book of Common Prayer
author Thomas Cranmer,
    $1600 17
This Maine senator is only the fourth woman in history to serve in both houses of Congress
    $2000 10
1990 & 2012 films with this title were based on the Philip K. Dick story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale"
    $2000 5
Sail north from Estonia & you'll soon find people speaking this, one of the few close linguistic relatives of Estonian
    $2000 24
In the cabinet, Alphonso Taft,
    $2000 25
Often preying on seniors, this type of phone-sales scam operation shares its name with part of a ship
    $2000 18
After he married Princess Margaret in 1960, Antony Armstrong-Jones became Earl of this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nancy Matt Nathan
$7,600 $1,400 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Because of where in the body it is produced, this hormone's name comes from the Latin for "island"

Final scores:

Nancy Matt Nathan
$11,201 $0 $3,601
2-day champion: $14,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Nancy Matt Nathan
$9,600 $1,400 $5,200
12 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
7 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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