Suggest correction - #6788 - 2014-03-05

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    $1200 3
French kitchens use a lot of batter on Candlemas, also known as this day due to the consumption of a specific food

Show #6788 - Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Battle of the Decades: The 1990s game 3.


Shane Whitlock, a radiologist from Little Rock, Arkansas

Bob Harris, a writer from Los Angeles, California

Robin Carroll, an instructional designer and curriculum developer from Atlanta, Georgia

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, careful on this one...)
    $200 11
His birthplace; it's where he lived the first 7 years of his life
    $200 1
2013 brought the very rare coincidence of Thanksgiving & this religious holiday
    $200 16
Hyphenated term for any sycophant or toady
    $200 6
The arrow seen here is part of the logo of this retailer
    $200 21
On "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
    $200 26
On July 29, 1981 Johnny said these 2 had "a fairy-tale romance. Too bad they had to spoil it & get married"
    $400 12
The foreign school he attended from 1968 to 1970
    DD: $1,000 2
In 2011 the 250th edition of a real oldie hit parade marched up New York's 5th Avenue on this date
    $400 17
2-word nickname of 19th century Arkansas arbiter Isaac Parker, who favored capital punishment
    $400 7
This slender Russian dog is the logo of publisher Alfred A. Knopf
    $400 22
In Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue"
    $400 27
Can we talk? No! After this "Tonight Show" fixture got her own gig on Fox in 1986, Johnny never spoke to her again
    $600 13
The first statewide office to which he was elected, in 1976 3 years out of law school
    $600 3
March 2 is a holiday in this state, celebrating its 1836 independence
    $600 18
As we all learned in 2000, these dangle off incompletely punched paper ballots
    $600 8
The game is afoot at this company, begun in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1860
    $600 23
In "Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun"
    $600 28
Johnny's "Tonight Show" debuted on Oct. 1, 1962; guests included Groucho & this "Mildred Pierce" actress
    $800 14
In 1994 this ex-solicitor general was named independent counsel & became Bill's nemesis
    $800 4
There's a day of the week in this word, a synonym for Pentecost
    $800 19
Ray Guy's punts inspired the NFL to create a statistic for this
    $800 9
The Dunkin' Donuts logo has a picture not of a donut but of this
    $800 24
On "Be My Baby" by The Ronettes
    $800 29
On Carson in 1982 he said, "I'm from a predominantly black family, & I have yet to run into a relative named Buckwheat"
    $1000 15
The act Bill signed in his first month in office granting workers time off
    $1000 5
It's believed that Imhotep helped create this calendar in which new year is usually September 11
    $1000 20
Slang for one who passes bad checks
    $1000 10
Seen here is the logo for this cloud computing service that stores your photos, videos, & documents
    $1000 25
In "Pictures at an Exhibition"; it takes a bit longer in "Thus Spake Zarathustra"
    $1000 30
In his last monologue, Johnny said this huge corp. "named me employee of the month...that was a dream come true"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Robin Bob Shane
$3,200 -$800 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Bob Shane
$2,000 $1,200 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, we want you to...)
    $400 20
Stand back, mon ami; brandy or rum can be used when serving something this way, meaning "on fire"
    $400 21
Doc Brown created the flux capacitor, which is what makes time travel possible, in this film
    $400 26
Seat of Clark County, Nevada
    $400 1
The whelk is a gastropod with a shell described as this shape, like some staircases
    $400 9
On occasion he humorously signed autographs "Dr. John Watson"
    $400 14
OMG! The latest Mars rover landed on that feline
    $800 2
This French stew is made with eggplant, zucchini, tomato, peppers & onions--& hopefully no rodents
    $800 22
Dr. Ryan Stone is a medical engineer on her first shuttle mission in this 2013 film
    $800 27
Yee-ha! This city's convention center has a larger-than-life 49-head bronze cattle drive
    $800 5
The green or "giant" species of this water boa is found in the tropical rivers of South America
    $800 10
She's depicted
in the portrait seen here
    $800 15
A fighter pilot with at least 5 kills who's carrying heavy debts
    $1200 3
French kitchens use a lot of batter on Candlemas, also known as this day due to the consumption of a specific food
    $1200 23
An un-Gandhi-like Ben Kingsley takes a child chess prodigy under his wing in this 1993 film
    $1200 28
California peak--centerpiece of a national park seen in 1923 & today
    $1200 6
The soft underfur of this animal is known as qiviut & is prized as one of the lightest & warmest wools in the world
    $1200 11
Sadly, the daughter for whom he wrote the "Just So Stories" died at age 6
    $1200 16
Surrender Casper or Slimer
    $1600 4
Dishes made a la normande often include this apple brandy, a Normandy specialty
    $1600 24
Hugh Jackman is super-hacker Stanley Jobson in this 2001 film; give us the password
    $1600 29
Let's give a hand to this largest city in the Canary Islands
    DD: $2,800 7
A type of warship, or a soaring bird with a nearly 8-foot wingspan that might follow it
    DD: $2,000 12
In an 1890 letter, he called himself "a Polish nobleman, cased in British tar"
    $1600 17
Mick Jagger fails in his attempt to pick up supermodel Kate
    $2000 19
From cooking shows, you might know it's French for a seasoning mixture of minced onions, carrots & celery
    $2000 25
Coal miner's son Homer Hickam (Jake Gyllenhaal) takes up rocketry in this film
    $2000 30
It's the capital of the Isle of Man
    $2000 8
Jellyfish aren't fish but these, part of a phylum of creatures with one saclike body cavity
    $2000 13
His novel "Atonement" was turned into a 2007 movie with Keira Knightley
    $2000 18
Result when a player at each poker table has raised an opponent one fowl

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Bob Shane
$5,600 $6,000 $10,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

New research says this word that has become ubiquitous dates back to young men also called "macaronis"

Final scores:

Robin Bob Shane
$11,200 $0 $7,999
Quarterfinalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Robin Bob Shane
$5,200 $7,000 $12,800
14 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
14 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $25,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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