Suggest correction - #6756 - 2014-01-20

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    DD: $2,000 20
Punning on a newsreel name, this charity that helped defeat polio made its first appeal in 1938

Show #6756 - Monday, January 20, 2014

Sarah McNitt game 5.


Jon McGuire, a software development manager from Matthews, North Carolina

Blake Perkins, an environmental scientist from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Sarah McNitt, a study-abroad advisor originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $69,199)

Jeopardy! Round

1970s NO. 1 HITS
    $200 26
It takes your belongings to a new home
    $200 12
In 1973 "Crocodile Rock" became this artist's first No. 1 hit; it sure wasn't his last
    $200 1
    $200 7
To be "read" this, meaning to get a stern reprimand, comes from an old English law used to disperse mobs
    $200 17
Many donate to the United Way thanks to Nnamdi Asomugha, a player in this league
    $200 6
The Sabine-Neches waterway links Port Arthur, Texas with this gulf
    $400 27
To be this is to be embarrassed
    $400 13
This family group had 4 No. 1s in 1970 alone, including "ABC"
    $400 2
    $400 8
This czar with anger issues killed his own son & heir in a fit of rage in 1581
    $400 18
Help the Nature Conservancy by adopting one of these diverse offshore ecosystems off Palau
    $400 22
The Gulf of Finland is bordered by Finland, Estonia & this country on its eastern end
    $600 28
A classic beauty treatment
    $600 14
The very first No. 1 hit of the 1970s was this "weathered" tune from the "Butch Cassidy" soundtrack
    $600 3
    $600 9
The King James Bible often uses this word for anger; Elihu's "was kindled" before he teed off on Job
    $600 19
The wife of the CEO of this company donated $90 million to the Salvation Army to start Kroc Centers
    $600 23
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) In 1906, Roald Amundsen entered the Beaufort Sea via the gulf now named for him as he became the first to sail all the way through this famous sea route
    $800 29
A sky diver in this position encounters more air resistance
    $800 15
Did you think Gloria Gaynor would crumble? Lay down & die? Oh no, not her, she had this No. 1
    $800 4
    $800 10
Epinephrine, a hormone released when you're yelling at that car that cut you off, is more commonly called this
    DD: $2,000 20
Punning on a newsreel name, this charity that helped defeat polio made its first appeal in 1938
    $800 24
Jordan's only seaport shares its name with this gulf on which it lies
    $1000 30
I need to draw some right angles; hand me this tool
    $1000 16
"You'd think that people would have had enough of" this 1976 hit, but Wings looked around & saw it wasn't so
    $1000 5
    $1000 11
Anger about the first of these established by federal law spurred violent protests in NYC in July 1863
    $1000 21
You can donate to this charity mainstay, but when you shop at its retail stores, it sounds like that Affleck/Damon film
    $1000 25
The Gulf of Sidra indents the coast of this North African country

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sarah Blake Jon
$3,800 $1,800 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Blake Jon
$8,800 $3,400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Ray Charles was born in this city but in Georgia, not New York
    $400 26
Published in 1909, "The Road to" this fabled land featured Dorothy & her new friends Shaggy Man & Button Bright
    $400 16
This man came & went in the highest office in the land
    $400 7
"If I'm doing a fake movie, it's going to be a fake hit"
    $400 2
Scots love these "planetary" chocolate bars--deep fried
    $400 21
This citrus fruit is slang for something that is unsatisfactory or defective
    $800 12
Far from Mississippi, it's the site of Michigan's first state prison
    $800 27
Sinclair Lewis' first critical & commercial success, this 1920 novel satirized small-town small-mindedness
    $800 17
A dissenting faction led by John L. Lewis left the AFL & founded this group
    $800 8
"I am Merida, and I'll be shooting for my own hand"
    $800 3
Blood & pork are featured in "black" this, so it's not a dessert like the kind Bill Cosby enjoys
    $800 22
This beer mug usually holds about a pint
    $1200 13
With the same name as the capital of a Carolina, this Maryland city was founded by the granddad of actor Edward Norton
    $1200 28
In 1987 Erskine Caldwell, who created this impoverished title road, died of lung cancer
    DD: $4,000 18
A photographic plate taken at the Lowell Observatory on January 23, 1930 helped identify this object
    DD: $2,600 9
"Why are you here then?" "Because I bloody well stammer!"
    $1200 4
It's said the Thames used to be so dirty only this fish could live in it, & the jellied version remains a U.K. staple
    $1200 23
It's any object carried on one's person to ward off evil & bring good luck
    $1600 14
Missouri, Kentucky & Wisconsin all border this state & all have communities with the same name as its capital
    $1600 29
His play "The Prisoner of Second Avenue" tells the sad but funny tale of a fired exec having a nervous breakdown
    $1600 19
In 1928 he won the general election for Louisiana governor with 96.14% of the vote
    $1600 10
"You're one of those a cappella girls. I'm one of those a cappella boys & we're gonna have a-ca children"
    $1600 5
Someone who uses the word "mushy" in his order in Liverpool is likely getting these legumes
    $1600 24
Let's all lounge upon this piece of furniture
    $2000 15
Hormel Foods is based in Austin in this state
    $2000 30
Frank & April Wheeler start out as a model 1950s couple in this Richard Yates novel made into a 2008 film
    $2000 20
On April 15, 1929 police raided this woman's birth-control clinical research bureau in NYC; charges were later dropped
    $2000 11
"No one's ever been loved so much by the people. Don't waste that power"
    $2000 6
A Scotch this is boiled, wrapped in sausage & deep fried until golden brown
    $2000 25
This black volcanic glass is named for a Roman who supposedly discovered it

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Blake Jon
$22,200 $5,000 $10,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Begun as part of a 1930s project to reclaim Maryland mountain land, it's officially "Naval Support Facility Thurmont"

Final scores:

Sarah Blake Jon
$20,199 $0 $8,380
5-day champion: $89,398 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sarah Blake Jon
$19,600 $5,000 $7,200
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
4 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $31,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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