He wrote his first 2 novels, "A Time to Kill" & "The Firm", while working at a Southaven, Miss. law office |
(John) Grisham
"I made the change from a common thief/ to up close and personal with robin leach", rapped this "Notorious" guy |
Notorious B.I.G.
During the last 17 years of his reign, Spain's King Philip II also ruled as this neighboring country's King Philip I |
Caffe Americano is this strong coffee diluted with 3 parts water |
For 7 seasons she played Mary Richards |
Mary Tyler Moore
Ann Brashares' "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood" was a follow-up to this novel |
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
"Don't push me, 'cause I'm close to the edge/ I'm trying not to lose my head", rapped this pioneering "Grandmaster" |
Grandmaster Flash
The proper adjustment of a machine's components, like for the wheels of your car |
In May 1916 the British executed by firing squad 16 leaders from this rebellion of the month before |
the Easter Rebellion
It can mean "sour" or a small pie |
Since 1997 Mary Landrieu has represented this southern state in the U.S. Senate |
In a bestselling tale about high school, Bel Kaufman took us "Up the Down" this |
"Another plane, another train / another bottle in the brain", the Beastie Boys rapped in "No Sleep Till" here |
Things not to be talked of; more specifically, madame's underwear |
A 1995 peace plan signed in Dayton, Ohio called for dividing this nation into 2 parts: a Croat federation & a Serb republic |
(Sarah: What is Yugoslavia?)
It's the Friday evening foodstuff seen here |
The religious abbreviation BVM is short for this |
Blessed Virgin Mary
"The Coral Sea" & "Mutiny" were 2 of the stories in this 1947 James Michener work |
Tales of the South Pacific
In "Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang", this "Doctor" rapped, "Never let me slip, 'cause if I slip, then I'm slippin"' |
Dr. Dre
A dark gray with a bluish or purplish tinge, resembling a weapon |
The council of this Italian city was a series of conferences begun in 1545 to discuss Catholic doctrinal issues |
The University of Minnesota created the honeycrisp, a variety of this fruit |
an apple
Mary, daughter of England's James II, married this Dutch prince who became England's king |
William (of Orange)
This 1959 Philip Roth novella begins, "the first time I saw Brenda she asked me to hold her glasses" |
Goodbye, Columbus
Public Enemy: "You go ooh and ahh when I jump in my car/ People treat me like" this hall of fame L.A. Lakers center |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
In the lab, swirl liquids by hand with this flask |
From 1793 to 1794 the Committee of Public Safety ruled France with power in the hands of members of this "club" |
the Jacobins
Devised in Boston in 1946, the name of this juice brand combines patriotism & convenience |
Minute Maid
Her boarding house, where John Wilkes Booth hatched his plots, is now a restaurant called the Wok N Roll |
Mary Surratt