Suggest correction - #6741 - 2013-12-30

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    $1000 10
"The only one for me is you, and you for me", the Turtles sang in this 1967 No. 1 hit

Show #6741 - Monday, December 30, 2013

Jerry Slowik game 3.


Alexis Browsh, a teacher and tutor from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Armen Terjimanian, a web content producer originally from Troy, Michigan

Jerry Slowik, a writer from Arlington Heights, Illinois (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $49,998)

Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970s
    $200 15
In 1919 John Alcock & Arthur Brown made the first nonstop one of these flights; Lindbergh's in '27 was the first solo
    $200 26
Fallbrook's festival devoted to this fruit includes a contest for the best guacamole
    $200 1
AKA a pancake or hotcake (26 points)
    $200 2
On Jan. 2, 1974 President Nixon signed a bill lowering the maximum speed limit on the highways to this
    $200 16
Can you pick me up a little
pick-me-up from this chain?
    $200 6
It made The Fonz a star
    $400 22
In 1889 they began publishing a weekly Dayton, Ohio newspaper called the West Side News
    $400 27
Pismo Beach has been honoring this creature for 67 years with digging & chowder cook-offs
    $400 11
To make the pressure between 2 forces the same (26 points)
    $400 3
This third-largest U.S. automaker needed & got a $1.5 billion federal loan guarantee
    $400 17
It's the high-flying company whose logo is seen here
    $400 7
Adam Sandler comedy about a hockey player turned golf pro
    $600 23
In the 1920s she wrote an aviation column for Cosmopolitan Magazine
    $600 28
A visit to Gilroy's celebration of this stinking rose wouldn't be complete without a scoop of ice cream flavored with it
    $600 12
Like a bold, impulsive quest or a man of La Mancha (26 points)
    $600 4
On June 30, 1971 the Supreme Court upheld the right of the N.Y. Times & the Washington Post to publish these classified papers
    $600 18
This company's logo
celebrates 60 years in 2013
    $600 8
"Gray skies are gonna clear up", so put on one of these
    $800 24
In 1933 this mogul took a job at American Airways as a co-pilot using the pseudonym Charles W. Howard
    DD: $1,400 29
An Oxnard festival for this condiment advertises that it celebrates "the food, the music, the dance"
    $800 13
Rusted, from a chemical point of view (26 points)
    $800 5
In June 1978 California voters overwhelmingly approved this amendment to slash property taxes
    $800 19
It went live
March 21, 2006
    $800 9
Will Smith starred in this 2006 film about an aspiring stockbroker & his son
    $1000 25
After the 1922 crash of the airship Roma, the U.S. Navy switched to this safer but more expensive gas
    $1000 30
At the "Spitway" at Sunland-Tujunga's celebration of this food, you can spit 3 seeds for a buck; longest in each age group wins
    $1000 14
8-letter adjective describing the science of animals (20 points)
    $1000 21
In 1975 this nation captured the U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez & its crew in the Gulf of Thailand
    $1000 20
Get up to speed
with this speedy automaker
    $1000 10
"The only one for me is you, and you for me", the Turtles sang in this 1967 No. 1 hit

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jerry Armen Alexis
$2,800 $1,400 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jerry Armen Alexis
$8,000 $3,400 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
One of the best resources for family history is this, the latest released with personal data being the 1940 one
    $400 16
Ikaria is named for this mythical aeronaut who plunged to his death
    $400 6
A botanist & chemist: "Wizard of Tuskegee"
    $400 1
Director Mel Brooks plays 2 roles in this 1974 comedy: Governor William J. Le Petomane & an Indian chief
    $400 11
This word is from the Latin for "to work with"
    $400 24
Her mom dies in paragraph 1, her 2 evil stepsisters arrive in No. 2, but it works out; in the end, pigeons peck out their eyes
    $800 22
(Kelly of the Clue Crew presnts the clue on a monitor.) Anne and Oscar share
the same grandfather, John. Therefore,
Oscar is this relation to Anne
    $800 17
In 2010 Giorgio Armani bought Skorpios for $190 million from heirs of this billionaire who married Jackie Kennedy
    DD: $2,200 7
An explorer: "The Man Who Presumed"
    $800 2
Though he didn't speak,
this man helped deliver laughs in comedy classics like "Horse Feathers"
    $800 12
Concealed or sheltered, perhaps like some government "ops"
    $800 25
Unable to spin straw into gold, a woman barters her firstborn kid to this guy, a psycho with name issues
    $1200 23
Celebrities whose family history has been traced on this TV series include Reba McEntire & Helen Hunt
    $1200 18
At 8,058 feet, Mount Ida is the highest point on this island & was once a holy mountain in Minoan culture
    $1200 8
A British film director: "The Dark Side of Genius"
    $1200 3
Melissa McCarthy steals Jason Bateman's name to become the title character of this 2013 film
    $1200 13
From the French, it's a synonym for "a flirt"
    $1200 26
As proof this girl is dead, the huntsman brings a boar's lung to the stepmom, who later dances herself to death
    $1600 29
This man's "peerage", dating back to 1826, is a guide to the noble families of the United Kingdom
    $1600 19
This island in the Aegean was the birthplace of such poets as Alcaeus, Terpander & Sappho
    $1600 9
An American novelist: "Just One Catch"
    $1600 4
Billy Wilder's first choice for the role of Sugar Kane in this film was Mitzi Gaynor, but Marilyn Monroe got the part
    $1600 14
Congo & Zambia have more than half the world's reserves of ores of this element, atomic number 27
    $1600 27
2 of these animals were harmed big-time in "Little Red-Cap"; one by a rough diet of stones, the other by drowning
    DD: $2,000 30
With over 10 billion genealogical records. this website says it's the "largest online family history resource"
    $2000 20
Today, the only statues you'll find in its Mandraki harbor are 2 statues of a deer species unique to the island
    $2000 10
A religious leader: "Here I Stand"
    $2000 5
In this 1994 film Jeff Daniels' tongue gets fused to a frozen metal pole
    $2000 15
It's a constant placed before & multiplying another quantity, as 5 in the expression 5x
    $2000 28
A dad steals food for his dying wife, gets caught & must give away his kid, this girl who gets locked in a tower

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jerry Armen Alexis
$21,600 $10,600 $2,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

When evidence was lacking, juries of yore would reply with this Latin word meaning "we do not know"; now it means a dunce

Final scores:

Jerry Armen Alexis
$21,902 $5,600 $400
3-day champion: $71,900 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jerry Armen Alexis
$21,000 $10,600 $4,600
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
12 R,
1 W
12 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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