Suggest correction - #6702 - 2013-11-05

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    $1000 16
This activity that omits a key piece of equipment has been called the most physically demanding event in rodeo

Show #6702 - Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rani Peffer game 1.


Carole Furr, an accountant from Richmond, Vermont

Rani Peffer, a corporate finance manager from Crittenden, Kentucky

Woody Houchin, a medical assistant from Chico, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,100)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the genre in which our Jeopardy! theme song is being performed.)
    $200 12
Rich Little, this type of performer, says modern stars like Brad Pitt & Matt Damon aren't distinctive enough to imitate
    $200 6
A brief sharp sound, or slang for nothing at all
    $200 26
Dolvett Quince, a star of this show, says he helped one client shed 325 pounds
    $200 2
Lively up yourself with this style that developed from ska & rock steady
    $200 17
When traveling, this man sometimes uses an Alitalia jet dubbed "Shepherd One"
    $200 1
Pi is the ratio of this measurement of a circle to its diameter
    $400 13
The swinging pocket watch is a traditional tool to use on the subject in this profession
    $400 7
The abominable snowman also goes by this name
    $400 3
This music genre preceded "Duck" & "Inferno" in song titles
    $400 18
This Old Testament book says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want"
    $400 21
Numerically, pi is considered this, like a type of "meditation"
    DD: $1,800 14
If you had this job in Japanese Bunraku theater, it was common to spend 15 years as a left arm operator
    $600 8
Traditional dance music of southern Louisiana
    $600 4
Lars Ulrich's band has 6 Grammys for this genre; here's our version of it
    $600 19
Don't steal the shepherd's hook-ended long staff with this name or you might be called the same
    $600 22
For about $19,100 x pi, this "Black Swan" director made "Pi", his 1998 debut film about a math whiz
    $800 15
Fruity term for the straight man in a comedy duo
    $800 9
Not a slang shoutout to your male pal, it's a petty officer in the navy
    $800 27
One tagline for this Mary Popp--er, Jo Frost show was "saving the world one family at a time"
    $800 5
In 1916 Nick La Rocca formed the "Original" this music style "Jazz Band"
    $800 20
Historically, California sheep herding was dominated by this ethnic group from the Pyrenees
    $800 23
In the 100s A.D. this Alexandrian astronomer calculated a more precise value of pi, the equivalent of 3.14166
    $1000 16
This activity that omits a key piece of equipment has been called the most physically demanding event in rodeo
    $1000 11
He was the de facto leader of China from 1977 until his death in 1997
    $1000 28
Bravo! for Ted Allen & Carson Kressley, 2 of the stars who dealt with food, fashion & other issues on this show
    $1000 10
"Blame It On" Brazil, the source of this style we steal here
    $1000 25
Daphnis the shepherd is paired with this title gal in a pastoral ballet with music by Ravel
    $1000 24
You can find the area of this oval geometric shape with pi x A x B, if A & B are half of its longest & shortest diameter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Woody Rani Carole
$200 $3,800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Woody Rani Carole
$2,800 $6,400 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ben Brantley: I'm theater critic Ben Brantley and I'll share some great and not-so-great Broadway memories.)
    $400 13
The 19 Nazis convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg in October 1946 included this obese Reichsmarschall
    $400 6
This sacred river flows about 1,500 miles from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal
    $400 1
It's a heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design
    $400 11
50 & Counting...
    $400 14
At a ballpark you might hear "get your" these, also the nickname of diminutive 1940s major leaguer Harry Lowrey
    $400 27
(Ben Brantley gives the clue.) Based on a movie, this musical about an Irish guy & a Czech girl uses song & dance in a way I've never experienced in an American musical: to convey a beautiful shimmer of might-have-been regret
    $800 22
Leon Jaworski, who had worked as a lawyer at the trials, was the special prosecutor investigating this scandal in 1973
    $800 7
The Gulf of Finland is an arm of this sea
    $800 2
One who campaigns vigorously for an idea or cause, or an 11th century Christian fighting to take Jerusalem
    $800 12
Red Tour
    $800 15
In 1932 Walter & Olive Beech began to craft these transports
    $800 26
(Ben Brantley gives the clue.) In 1996 I reviewed the revival of this Kander & Ebb musical whose jaded take on celebrity worship & a fractured justice system were timely then; I said I hoped it would run for a long time--little did I know it would still be playing today
    DD: $1,000 8
In 2011 about 20% of globally traded oil left the Persian Gulf region through this strait
    $1200 3
Wesley Snipes has played this Marvel comics vampire slayer in 3 films
    $1200 19
Songs from St. Somewhere
(with the Coral Reefer band, 2013)
    $1200 16
MacArthur's former Chief of Staff Edward Almond commanded X Corps at the Inchon landing in this war
    $1200 25
(Ben Brantley gives the clue.) When it comes to Shakespeare, I must have seen at least a dozen productions of this tragedy, with everyone from Liev Schreiber to Jude Law as the prince
    $1600 9
This inlet of the Tasman Sea was named for the abundance of plants found on its shores
    DD: $2,400 4
"Haffner" & "Colloredo" are 2 of these compositions by Mozart
    $1600 20
Femme Fatale
    $1600 17
"Star Trek" has been rebooted on the big screen with this actor in command
    $1600 23
(Ben Brantley gives the clue.) Tom Hanks made his Broadway debut playing tabloid columnist Mike McAlary in "Lucky Guy", written by this late woman, a close friend of Hanks; unlike some of the movies she wrote & directed, her play feels only newsprint deep
    $2000 10
This "silvery river" is the estuary formed by the confluence of the Parana & Uruguay rivers
    $2000 5
This word for rhythm or beat also refers to the type of military call heard here

"Up in the morning, march all day /
(Up the morning, march all day) /
"Keep on marching your life away..."
    $2000 21
The Truth About Love Tour
    $2000 18
In 1974 Tanzanian track star Filbert Bayi set a world record of 3:32.2 at this metric distance
    $2000 24
(Ben Brantley gives the clue.) A 1997 revival of this Ibsen classic made me remember why I love the theatre; the play is more than a century old but it felt like the part of Nora had only just been written, & written specifically for Janet McTeer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Woody Rani Carole
$10,600 $7,200 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Sasha & Malia Obama are the first presidential children who were not old enough to vote for Dad since this one

Final scores:

Woody Rani Carole
$6,799 $14,311 $3,999
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $14,311 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Woody Rani Carole
$13,200 $6,000 $5,600
16 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $24,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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