Suggest correction - #6676 - 2013-09-30

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    $400 4
He set many of his works, beginning with "Far From the Madding Crowd", in an area of England called Wessex

Show #6676 - Monday, September 30, 2013


Meredith Robinson, a retired naval officer from Gales Ferry, Connecticut

Fidelito Cortes, a writer from Port Jefferson Station, New York

Sarah Zucker, an Internet entrepreneur and screenwriter from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $1,799)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
This preposition starts the text of the King James Bible
    $200 6
this country
    $200 16
Even if they were Fulbright ones, no one would want to play for a team called these studious fellows
    $200 1
"Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt", starring this long-eared fellow
    $200 21
C'mon, get this, the bestselling women's fragrance in the Clinique line
    $200 26
(Alex delivers the clue from the foredeck of the U.S.S. Iowa.) Shortly after it
was commissioned in 1943, F.D.R. came aboard the Iowa and traveled to Tehran
for an important meeting with these two other world leaders
    $400 12
Get on the barge, Marge: they called "all" this
    $400 7
The Great Barrier Reef:
this ocean
    $400 17
The small, fixed amounts your health insurance company requires you to come up with for outpatient visits
    $400 2
"Tweetie Pie", co-starring this foe
    $400 22
Tattoo artist Kat von D has a scent called Saint as well as this alter ego
    $400 27
(Alex delivers the clue from the foredeck of the USS Iowa.) When it was recommissioned for the Korean War, the Iowa's wide decks made it ideal for retrievers like the Piasecki HUP-1, this kind of transport used to rescue downed pilots
    $600 13
In Latin it means "under"; in English it's a sandwich
    $600 8
Eau Claire, on the Chippewa River:
this state
    $600 18
This item seen here is a proposed non-intimidating team logo
    $600 3
"Walky Talky Hawky", starring this, I say, this rooster
    DD: $3,000 23
People have been obsessed by this designer's Obsession since 1985
    $600 28
(Alex delivers the clue from the atop the forward battery of the U.S.S. Iowa.) In 1986,
President and Mrs. Reagan stood on the bow of the Iowa in New York Harbor to watch
the celebrations marking the restoration and the centennial of this monument
    $800 14
In a Tom Hanks movie title, it comes between "Joe" & "the Volcano"
    $800 9
The International Court of Justice:
this city
    $800 19
These "rising" fungi are used to make bread & beer
    $800 4
"Swooner Crooner", starring th-th-this character as th-the supervisor of an egg factory
    $800 24
Tom Ford goes boho chic with a fragrance called "White" this, an essential oil long associated with hippies
    $800 29
(Alex delivers the clue from the box launchers of the U.S.S. Iowa.) One of the modernizations to the Iowa in the 1980s was the addition of these armored box launchers & their deadly cargo of the Tomahawk variety of these
    $1000 15
The pair that precedes "the call of duty" in the standard for receiving the Medal of Honor
    $1000 10
Fordham University, original campus: this borough
    $1000 20
Holden Caulfield said, "you never saw so many" of these insincere people (they could have been Hollywood's team)
    $1000 5
"For Scent-imental Reasons", starring this early example of Eurotrash
    $1000 25
The garden where the love of Shah Jahan & Mumtaz blossomed inspired the name of this classic fragrance by Guerlain
    $1000 30
(Alex delivers the clue from the foredeck of the U.S.S. Iowa.) In the Pacific
during World War II, the Iowa's 16-inch guns
were fired many times
against Japanese positions, like those on Enewetak Atoll, in these islands that are today an independent republic

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sarah Fidelito Meredith
$3,600 $1,200 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Fidelito Meredith
$8,800 $4,200 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 15
This Arizona city got its name from chuk-son, an Indian word meaning village of the dark spring at the foot of the mountains
    $400 18
To put in the ground, or a small, juicy fruit
    $400 4
He set many of his works, beginning with "Far From the Madding Crowd", in an area of England called Wessex
    $400 1
In his 1972 hit "Rocket Man", he sings, "it's lonely out in space"
    $400 9
"Flying may not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price", said this woman, who would know
    $800 16
Raleigh & Durham were named for people; this third leg of "the Triangle" got its name from a small church
    $800 19
To accumulate a lot of stuff, or a "Golden" mongol group
    $800 5
"Ivanhoe" was an immediate success when released in 1819, & this author soon became a baronet
    $800 2
A movie bio of Andy Kaufman got its title from this R.E.M. song
    $800 10
In 1892 this founder of Christian Science moved to a house called Pleasant View in Concord, New Hampshire
    $1200 23
Three Forks, Wash. changed its name to honor this sleeping car inventor who had given it an endowment
    $1200 20
A painter's material, or to solicit votes
    $1200 6
"A Novel Without a Hero" is the subtitle of this Thackeray work
    $1200 3
Astronaut Chris Hadfield made a video of this Bowie song while floating around the International Space Station
    $1200 11
She earned Oscar nominations for her screenplays for "When Harry met Sally" & "Sleepless in Seattle"
    $1600 24
This city that developed around Northwestern University was named for one of the school's benefactors
    $1600 21
A group of female deer, or to sleep lightly
    $1600 7
This author's 1860 novel "The Woman in White" was loosely based on a French case
    $1600 14
Little Feat was glad to see you with its song rhymingly called "Rocket In" here
    $1600 12
She & Harriet Beecher Stowe corresponded by letter, discussing such things as her portrayal of Jews in "Daniel Deronda"
    DD: $7,000 25
Once called Buffalo City, this Wild West Kansas town was named for the commander of the nearby fort
    $2000 22
An old bowed musical instrument, or a small glass container for medicine
    DD: $4,400 8
Amy is the real name of this Dickens title character who was born in the Marshalsea debtor's prison
    $2000 17
This No. 1 hit by the Starland Vocal Band mentions "sky rockets in flight"
    $2000 13
She was the queen consort of Louis VII of France & Henry II of England

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Fidelito Meredith
$7,000 $21,400 $4,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 4 men on Mount Rushmore were born in Virginia; these 2 states were the birthplaces of the other 2 men

Final scores:

Sarah Fidelito Meredith
$4,399 $20,000 $7,800
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $20,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sarah Fidelito Meredith
$11,600 $19,000 $4,800
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
9 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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