Suggest correction - #2632 - 1996-01-30

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    $200 17
The city of Damascus gave us the name Damask & the city of Mosul gave us the name of this fabric

Show #2632 - Tuesday, January 30, 1996

Bill Sloan game 2.


Jim Mehl, a geologist from Alexandria, Virginia

Ellen Mandell, an attorney from Beechwood, Ohio

Bill Sloan, a real estate broker from Mission Viejo, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
The Algonquians gave us the name for this black animal with white stripes down its back
    $100 26
It's the numerical alternate name for blackjack
    $100 1
As a teenager in the 1940s, this president of the Philippines attended convent schools in the U.S.
    $100 16
In 552 Emperor Justinian sent 2 monks to China to discover the secret of this fabric
    $100 3
It precedes -bill, -bar & -bone
    $100 11
Cakes rise in an oven because baking powder or yeast in the batter produces this gas
    $200 22
Plains Indians usually stretched these animal skins over frames to make bullboats & tepees
    $200 27
At the end of this classic children's game, whoever holds the odd queen loses
    $200 2
She gave birth to her 1st child, a son, during her successful 1988 campaign to become P.M. of Pakistan
    $200 17
The city of Damascus gave us the name Damask & the city of Mosul gave us the name of this fabric
    $200 5
An FBI agent is popularly referred to as this type of "man"
    $200 12
Navigational instruments are displayed at the Maritime Museum near Franklin Court in this Penn. city
    $300 23
This future chief of the Menominee helped the English capture Fort Mackinac, b'gosh
    $300 28
Played by 2 sets of partners, it's the most popular form of bridge
    $300 4
In 1956 Time reported that during the Suez crisis this Egyptian president attended a Jane Russell movie
    $300 18
The chief hair fiber used in textiles today comes from this kind of animal
    $300 8
It's the Roman numeral for 500
    $300 13
On Jan. 16, 1969 Metroliner high-speed train service began between New York City & this city at the other end
    DD: $600 24
The Navajo learned sand painting from these Indians whose name is Spanish for "village"
    $400 29
This gambling game popular in Europe is called "chemmy" for short
    $400 6
This 1st president of Indonesia was the son of a Javanese school teacher & his Balinese wife
    $400 19
A true Donegal type of this fabric will have flecks of many colors in the weave
    $400 9
On a 1970s sitcom, Penny Marshall frequently wore this letter on her blouse
    $400 14
Cumberland Falls in the southeast of this state is called the "Niagara of the South"
    $500 25
Thomas Jeffords befriended this Apache leader in the 1860s & later became the tribe's agent
    $500 30
Bolivia & samba are variations of this game that originated in South America
    $500 7
This was Jose Lopez Portillo's 1st elective office; he was sworn in in 1976
    $500 20
Count Hilaire de Chardonnet is considered the father of this regenerated cellulose fiber
    $500 10
These 2 letters do not appear on the buttons of a telephone
    $500 15
Neewollah, a festival for this holiday, is observed each year in Independence, Kansas

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bill Ellen Jim
$1,500 $1,700 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Ellen Jim
$4,500 $1,300 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
N.Y. governor William Tryon put a reward of 100 pounds on the capture of this Green Mountain Boys leader
    $200 20
The Colorado River enters this national park at Marble Canyon
    $200 1
In the 1966-67 season, this Adam West superhero series aired 2 nights a week
    $200 11
Emanuel Leutze used the Rhine as a model for his painting of "Washington Crossing" this river
    $200 2
The Physician's Oath named for this "Father of Medicine" is probably not his work
    $200 24
This "Don Quixote" author's first published work was "La Galatea", a pastoral novel
    $400 17
Crispus Attucks was living under the name Michael Johnson when killed in this 1770 "massacre"
    $400 23
Upper Geyser Basin in this park has dozens of thermal features
    $400 3
Lisa Kudrow plays twin sisters, one on "Mad About You", one on this series
    $400 12
A pieta now in the cathedral of Florence was originally meant for this artist's tomb
    $400 7
According to Colossians 4:14, this fellow worker & companion of St. Paul was a physician
    $400 25
Fanny Price falls in love with her cousin Edmund in this "Pride & Prejudice" author's "Mansfield Park"
    $600 18
After his surrender at Yorktown, this general reformed colonial administration in India
    $600 28
Palatial bathing establishments line Bathhouse Row in this Arkansas park
    $600 4
George Clooney has been a regular on 2 medical shows with this 2-letter title
    $600 13
He painted a series of "Haystacks" before turning to water lilies
    $600 8
This doctor who invented many foot care products published his "Dictionary of the Foot" in 1916
    $600 26
"The Adventures of Philip" was the last completed novel by this "Vanity Fair" author
    DD: $1,500 19
In 1779 he married 18-year-old Peggy Shippen, a close acquaintance of Major John Andre
    DD: $1,500 29
This state's 2 national parks are Guadalupe Mountains & Big Bend
    $800 5
He was the second person to play Chester A. Riley on TV; Jackie Gleason was first
    $800 14
His "Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp" established him as one of Amsterdam's great portrait painters
    $800 9
Anatomist Andreas Vesalius was physician to King Philip II of this country
    $800 27
This "Of Human Bondage" author's experiences as a spy inspired his "Ashenden: Or the British Agent"
    $1000 21
This designer of Washington, D.C. was wounded during the French-American attack on Savannah in 1779
    $1000 22
The Hall of Mosses Trail lies in the Hoh Rain Forest of this Pacific Northwest park
    $1000 6
It was the second anthology series hosted by Rod Serling
    $1000 15
"Northeaster", an 1895 painting by this American artist, depicts the ocean striking the Maine shore
    $1000 10
Medieval Jewish physician & philosopher Moses Ben Maimon is better known by this name
    $1000 30
Sonia Marmeladovna is the heroine of his 1866 novel "Crime And Punishment"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Ellen Jim
$14,700 $7,500 $1,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Also known as New Sarum, this city famous for its cathedral is just a stone's throw from Stonehenge

Final scores:

Bill Ellen Jim
$14,300 $2,500 $0
2-day champion: $20,900 2nd place: 5-piece tea service & china set 3rd place: PeopLoungers quality chaise lounger

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bill Ellen Jim
$13,100 $7,500 $1,200
35 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W
17 R,
2 W
6 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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