Suggest correction - #2298 - 1994-09-07

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    $1000 16
On Dec. 1, 1946 King Michael opened this country's new parliament

Show #2298 - Wednesday, September 7, 1994

Steve Chernicoff game 5.
Alex explains that, henceforth, champions from the early months of the season leading up to the Tournament of Champions airing in November, and not just champions from the previous season, will be eligible for the tournament.


Rose Buetikofer, a music teacher from Harleysville, Pennsylvania

Tom Epstein, a financial consultant originally from Toronto, Ontario

Steve Chernicoff, a technical writer from Berkeley, California (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $59,202)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And yes, the dreaded spelling category!)
    $100 17
Jackson's heroic defense of this city came after the War of 1812 peace treaty had been signed
    $100 13
This state is home to the muumuu
    $100 4
In violin music martele means to accent the notes sharply, as if striking a nail with this tool
    $100 8
One of these is considered dormant if it has erupted in historic times & is likely to again
    $100 23
After her husband's murder in 1865, she became the 1st widow of a pres. to receive a yearly pension
    $100 1
"Nightline" night owl Ted
    $200 18
Jackson sat in the convention that framed this state's first constitution in 1796
    $200 14
They hold up your lederhosen
    $200 7
An instrumental composition that often features excerpts from ballets, like "The Nutcracker"
    $200 10
These masses of snow that move rapidly down mountain slopes can reach speeds of over 200 MPH
    $200 24
In 1932 Hattie Caraway from this "Land of Opportunity" became the 1st woman elected to the Senate
    $200 2
"Superman" Christopher
    $300 19
This party held its first national nominating convention in 1832 to name Jackson's running mate
    $300 28
A traditional sailor suit features trousers of this shape
    $300 9
A symphonic poem such as Liszt's "Die Hunnenschlacht" is also known as this kind of "poem"
    $300 11
This Rio de Janeiro landmark is an example of an inselberg or "island mountain"
    $300 25
Harriet Quimby was the 1st woman to fly over this body of water, long before Gertrude Ederle swam it
    $300 3
Mr. Trudeau, the daddy of "Doonesbury"
    $400 20
Jackson served in this war that began when he was 8 years old
    $400 29
One may be harem, hobble or hoop
    $400 16
It's the specific term for the person who writes the text of an opera
    $400 12
The landmass is the part of the continental crust above this level
    DD: $800 26
Antonia Novello became the 1st woman surgeon general when she succeeded this man in 1990
    $400 5
Willowy warbler Warwick
    $500 21
After his death in 1845, Jackson was buried in the garden of this plantation
    $500 30
Color of a priest's alb, the linen robe worn for mass
    $500 22
It's a fanciful or "humorous" French term for a composition; Dvorak wrote a famous one
    $500 15
The oldest & largest division of geological time is the Pre-this
    $500 27
Wounded during the Pearl Harbor attack, nurse Annie Fox was the 1st woman to receive this military medal
    $500 6
Movie mermaid Hannah

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Steve Tom Rose
$1,300 -$300 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Tom Rose
$5,800 $1,400 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Emi Koussi, an extinct volcano in Chad, is this desert's highest elevation
    $200 1
In 1967 Sopwith Camel hit No. 26 with "Hello Hello" & this group hit No. 1 with "Hello, Goodbye"
    $200 7
Geri & Freki are the 2 wolves who attend this greatest Norse god
    $200 12
This comedian known for his bulbous nose & penchant for liquor died on Dec. 25, 1946
    $200 17
The lowest recorded temperature in the U.S. was -79.8 degrees F. on Jan. 23, 1971, in this state
    $200 23
Nicol Williamson's onstage antics made headlines when he played this Barrymore's ghost in "I Hate Hamlet"
    $400 3
This country can be divided into 3 main regions: the Mountain Region, Tarai Region & Katmandu Valley
    $400 19
The name of the secretary R.B. Greaves asked to "Take a Letter"
    $400 8
In the legends of this country, a phoenix likes to roost in a woo-tung tree
    $400 13
This invention of Fred Schmidt debuted at an American Bowling Congress tournament in Buffalo
    $400 18
It's a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air
    $400 24
A 1927 play by Eugene O'Neill deals with the life of this man after he's resurrected by Jesus
    $600 4
The chief islands in this strategic gulf are Qishm & Bahrain
    $600 20
Color of the curtains in Cream's "White Room"
    $600 9
Ashur was the national god of this ancient Mesopotamian kingdom named for him
    DD: $3,000 14
In 1946 the Pope made Archbishop Spellman a cardinal & this American woman a saint
    $600 26
One type of this instrument measures wind speed by using sound signals
    $600 25
Tony Randall directed a 1992 revival of "The Master Builder" by this Scandinavian playwright
    $800 5
This country's 2 largest lakes, Vanern & Vattern, are linked by the Gota Canal
    $800 21
The colossal, colorful commercial character in the title of a 1965 Kingsmen hit
    $800 10
Like his sister Cassandra, Helenus possessed the gift of this
    $800 15
This German-turned-Swiss author of "Steppenwolf" picked up the Nobel Prize for Literature
    $800 27
Averaging 25,000 feet & above, it's the highest standard cloud form
    $800 29
This Italian form of improvised comedy featured tricks & stunts called lazzi
    $1000 6
Famed for its dancing & decorative arts, it's the most populous of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands
    $1000 22
Featuring Reg Presley's ocarina playing, this was The Troggs' biggest U.S. hit
    $1000 11
This Roman goddess of wisdom wears a helmet because she's also the Roman goddess of war
    $1000 16
On Dec. 1, 1946 King Michael opened this country's new parliament
    DD: $5,000 28
This calm area near the equator is the meeting place for the northeast & southeast trade winds
    $1000 30
The first production of "The Sea Gull" failed, but it became a hit at this Russian theatre in 1898

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Tom Rose
$18,200 $2,600 $1,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The novelist who wrote, "The beginning of the end of war lies in remembrance"

Final scores:

Steve Tom Rose
$24,700 $100 $3,199
5-day champion: $83,902 3rd place: DeLonghi espresso/cappuccino maker 2nd place: Gibson 3-piece kitchen + Aristokraff movable island work center

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Tom Rose
$16,800 $2,600 $1,600
41 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
2 W
7 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $21,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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