Suggest correction - #4665 - 2004-12-10

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    $400 8
Dorothy Parker & Humphrey Bogart lived (separately) in this Hudson-bounded "Upper" area with a 3-word name

Show #4665 - Friday, December 10, 2004

Sofia Lidskog’s last game as a member of the Clue Crew.


Colette Moran, a stay-at-home mom from Chicago, Illinois

Robert Bowsher, a software engineer from Hilliard, Ohio

Tom McCudden, a law student from Durham, North Carolina (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $40,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Though the Pres. doesn't have to okay amendments, Lincoln approved the 13th amendment, outlawing this
    $200 16
The Stowe Mercantile General Store in Vermont has a barrel with a board for this game set up on it
    $200 21
This "popular" magazine's first cover, dated Jan. 11, 1902 showed the inner workings of a submarine
    $200 6
The Haiyuan fault slices through the Gansu Province of this Asian country
    $200 11
The famous definition of golf attributed to Mark Twain is "a good" one of these "spoiled"
    $200 26
Super-sized Creole stew with okra
    $400 2
This 45-word portion of the Constitution guarantees the right "peaceably to assemble"
    $400 17
It uses a table 5 feet wide, 9 feet long & 30 inches high that's stained a dark, non-reflective green
    $400 22
This national magazine bestowed the enduring label "the love goddess" on Rita Hayworth in 1947
    $400 7
The great Sumatran fault lies within this fourth-most populous country
    $400 12
This lawn grass, genus Lolium, is not to be confused with the cereal grass, genus Secale
    $400 27
A rippled sauce for meat, or a once popular Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor
    $600 3
Article VI says no test of this kind shall ever be required as a qualification for office... Amen!
    $600 18
In January 2002 Ronnie O'Sullivan was the top-ranked player in this game that involves 15 red balls
    $600 23
(Hi, I'm Tucker Carlson of CNN's Crossfire.) One of the many publications I've written for is this "condensed" magazine that began publication in 1922
    $600 8
The Ovindoli-Pezza fault runs through this earthquake-prone Mediterranean country
    $600 13
In Wimbledon you'll find the "All England Lawn Tennis and" this game "Club"
    $600 28
It's one of the leaner types of chopped beef for hamburgers
    $800 4
Article I, Section 8 says congress can grant letters of marque & reprisal or declare this
    $800 19
Edmund Hoyle wrote a 1743 treatise on this board game in which you bear off all your pieces to win
    $800 24
Stories by Jules Verne & H.G. Wells graced the April 1926 premiere issue of this U.S. sci-fi pulp magazine
    $800 9
Alpine fault runs almost the entire length of South Island in this country
    $800 14
A large grassy plain like the Russian one that the Cossacks called home
    $800 29
A throng of pumpkins or squash
    $1000 5
The first of these was to be held within 3 years of the first meeting of congress; then every 10 years
    $1000 20
In the regular block & draw version of this game, the 2 players begin by drawing 7 bones each
    $1000 25
In 1857 Oliver Wendell Holmes helped launch this "monthly" magazine in Boston
    DD: $4,000 10
The North Anatolian fault stretches along this country's Black Sea region to Georgia
    $1000 15
In November 1988 President Reagan signed a law banning the sale of these outdoor toys in the U.S.
    $1000 30
A large Smyrna or mission fruit

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Robert Colette
$9,000 $2,200 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Robert Colette
$12,200 $6,000 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
Dorothy Parker & Humphrey Bogart lived (separately) in this Hudson-bounded "Upper" area with a 3-word name
    $400 10
This country is Suiza
    $400 23
Woodward & Bernstein's political detective story featuring agents J & K who unearth aliens in the White House
    $400 15
The name of this sign of the Zodiac means "Goat's horn"
    $400 2
C.J. can stand for circuit judge or for this person much higher up in the profession
    $400 1
In 1983 her ride at Disneyland got the word "Scary" added to its name
    $800 9
(Sofia of the Clue Crew strolls down along a Manhattan sidewalk.) A young street singer named Irving Berlin is one of many immigrants who got started in this area with a 3-word name
    $800 11
This fiber is lana; the steel kind is lana de acero
    $800 24
Life story of a black rights activist & religious leader who shows where treasure is buried on a map
    $800 16
Scientists have implanted a spider gene into a goat to have it produce the same proteins spiders use to make this material
    $800 3
Done to the other party's witness, it can be abbreviated CX
    $800 7
Bonhomme, the symbol of Quebec's winter carnival, is a cute one of these
    $1200 28
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew walks past a curbside restaurant with green, white, and red banners.) There's no shortage of good food in this ethnic-named neighborhood once home to Martin Scorcese
    $1200 12
In Spanish it means "without"; pronounced a bit differently in English, "go against moral law"
    DD: $1,000 25
Vonnegut novel in which Dresden is firebombed & Jack Nicholson orders a chicken salad sandwich, hold the chicken
    $1200 17
This musical features the tune "The Lonely Goatherd"
    DD: $7,000 4
These 3 letters refer to a company's liability, or an old Ford
    $1200 20
Some say that Ernest Hemingway considered this 1936 tale his finest story
    $1600 29
To help Lower Manhattan recover from 9/11, Robert De Niro founded the film festival named for this area
    $1600 13
The traditional mariachi tune "Cielito Lindo" addresses a woman as "Beautiful little" this
    $1600 26
Ralph Ellison's musical about a nameless black man & Don Quixote
    $1600 18
Appropriately, Oklahoma's Tyny Goat Ranch specializes in this breed of goat
    $1600 5
Hurt in a car wreck? Try a P.I. lawyer, short for this
    $1600 21
A woman raised in Greenland is an expert on all things icy in this 1993 novel by Danish author Peter Hoeg
    $2000 30
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands outside an a balconied edifice at dusk.) This area in New York is neither too far up nor too far down, but just right for men like Henry Luce & Donald Trump
    $2000 14
Frijoles are these and they can be refried
    $2000 27
Dashiell Hammett's "Thin Man" detective couple who sip cocktails, solve crimes & write books like "Bleak House"
    $2000 19
This sure-footed wild goat with back-curving horns can be found between the timber & snow lines of the Alps
    $2000 6
Your copyright violated? Try an I.P. lawyer, short for this
    $2000 22
Listening to this famous piece of ballet music makes me think of a flurry of little dancers

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Robert Colette
$12,800 $16,000 $400

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This is a toughie.)
2 of the 5 states whose mottoes aren't in English or Latin

Final scores:

Tom Robert Colette
$2,800 $6,399 $400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $6,399 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Robert Colette
$16,800 $16,000 $1,400
30 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
3 W
4 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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