Suggest correction - #6617 - 2013-05-28

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    $200 9
The first book in the "Guardians of Childhood" series gives the back story of Nicholas St. North, aka this 5-letter name

Show #6617 - Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Jason Parker, an electrical engineer from Spring, Texas

Elizabeth McCullough, a freelance researcher and administrative assistant from Lowell, Massachusetts

Mike Lewis, a systems engineer from Bloomington, Minnesota (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $92,401)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the city that lost a professional team.)
(Alex: The "I-M" will come up at the end of each correct response.)
    $200 9
The first book in the "Guardians of Childhood" series gives the back story of Nicholas St. North, aka this 5-letter name
    $200 20
This government-owned body has ads boasting of "a simpler way to ship"
    $200 29
No joke - this fish is also known as an anemonefish
    $200 1
The NFL's Colts
    $200 28
In this 2012 movie CIA officer Jessica Chastain makes it her mission to track down & kill Osama bin Laden
    $200 2
To put ornaments on a Christmas tree
    $400 10
In a picture book by Janell Cannon, Verdi is a yellow one of these who can make a figure 8 & slither up trees
    $400 21
The 2 words that conclude the U.S. Department of Transportation slogan "Friends don't let friends..."
    $400 30
This fish bears the name of the king of beasts on land
    $400 5
The NBA's
    $400 27
U.S. diplomatic missions in Turkey include the embassy in Ankara & this office in Adana
    $400 3
This adjective meaning stiffly formal is often paired with "proper"
    $600 11
In a classic by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne is adopted by the Cuthberts & comes to live with them on this title farm
    $600 22
In 2012 the CDC spearheaded a new campaign against this activity with new, even more horrific images
    $600 17
(Sarah of the Clue Crew is snorkeling in the water off Baja California, Mexico.) The black spots at the rear of the butterflyfish act as a decoy set of these organs. They trick predators into attacking the tail rather than the head, allowing the fish a better chance to get away.
    $600 6
(1 of 2)
    $600 13
In a 1980 comedy blockbuster, this musical twosome declared, "We're on a mission from God"
    $600 4
A fedora's edge
    $800 12
Some of what this title character eats: "one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake" & a slice of watermelon
    $800 23
Navy ads once noted that "it's not just a job, it's" this
    $800 18
Careful - as an adult, this aquarium favorite is cannibalistic and must be separated from its young
    $800 7
The NHL's
    $800 15
This co.'s mission is "to organize the world's information & make it universally accessible & useful"
    $800 25
A sudden caprice or desire
    $1000 14
In this Margery Williams classic, a boy's love helps a stuffed animal become real
    DD: $2,000 24
Looking to get away? This government agency of volunteers up "The toughest job you'll ever love"
    $1000 19
In many ecosystems it's both the most prized game fish and the top predator
    $1000 8
The NBA's Grizzlies
    $1000 16
Unomil was the U.N. peacekeeping mission to this West African country from 1993 to 1997
    $1000 26
It means "stopgap"; an institution might have this type of president until a new one is found

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mike Elizabeth Jason
$2,000 $2,000 $4,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mike Elizabeth Jason
$7,400 $4,200 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 4
I will use the energy of Niagara Falls to carry power to Buffalo by 1896! C'mon, my coil worked! Trust me!
    $400 27
Many forgotten composers set Schiller's "Ode To Joy" to music before this man showed how in his 9th symphony
    $400 17
His syndicated talk show allowed viewers at home to interact "live" via Skype, Twitter, text & email
    $400 12
Ethiopia's official language, Amharic, is the world's second most-widely spoken Semitic language; this is first
    $400 3
To breathe abnormally fast & deep, as from anxiety
    $400 22
Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital
    $800 5
Invest in my 1888 adding machine! Bonus--my same-named grandson eventually writes "Naked Lunch" & will autograph it
    $800 18
Known for his light concert music, Leroy Anderson featured this non-musical instrument in the piece heard here
    $800 13
More people speak this language than any other that uses the Cyrillic alphabet
    $800 6
Not much to be done about these "differences", often the basis for a divorce
    $800 23
The Truman administration
(1 of 2)
    $1200 7
OK, my 1839 screw propeller for steamboats was a few months late at the patent office, but help me fire up my 1862 machine gun
    $1200 1
This former 10,000 Maniacs frontwoman sings e.e. cummings & other poets on the album "Leave Your Sleep"
    $1200 19
He co-wrote & directed the quirky films "The Royal Tenenbaums" & "Moonrise Kingdom"
    $1200 14
Spanish, Dutch & Belarusian are all part of this family of languages; Estonian isn't
    $1200 9
It's the belief that all conduct should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
    $1200 24
New Hampshire
    $1600 8
I'm more than just an elevator guy! In 1857 I patented a steam plow! In 1868, a bake oven! Gimme some money, please!
    DD: $4,800 2
The novel on which this movie musical was based was by Phil Stong, whose grandfather ran the swine division at the Iowa one
    $1600 20
He was the first baseball manager to win the World Series in both the American & National Leagues
    DD: $2,000 15
This language's many dialects include Bergen, Telemark & Helgeland
    $1600 10
An eye doctor uses this hand-held device to peer into the eye & examine its structures, especially the retina
    $1600 25
Sinking Spring Farm, about 20 miles south of Fort Knox
    $2000 28
Heard here is Ralph Vaughan Williams' fitting music to accompany this Aristophanes play
    $2000 21
It's affirmative--Jon Anderson sang lead on this group's "Owner Of A Lonely Heart"
    $2000 16
When the Philippines became independent in 1946, this was the official language; it's now called Filipino
    $2000 11
Adjective for the most typical example or the essence of something in its purest form
    $2000 26
The middle of World War I

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mike Elizabeth Jason
$15,000 $9,800 $2,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Reflecting a long friendship dating to a 1962 film they did together, Brock Peters gave the eulogy at this star's 2003 funeral

Final scores:

Mike Elizabeth Jason
$10,399 $4,599 $2,393
4-day champion: $102,800 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mike Elizabeth Jason
$14,000 $9,800 $9,200
16 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
21 R,
3 W
15 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $33,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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