Suggest correction - #6596 - 2013-04-29

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    $1000 22
Ohhh yeah... Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs and" this examines environmental factors in history

Show #6596 - Monday, April 29, 2013


Larry Krajewski, a postal worker from Safety Harbor, Florida

Kathy DeLozier, an elementary school principal from Louisville, Kentucky

George McAleese, a political researcher from Washington, D.C. (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $56,402)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
Let's turn the lights low & give thanks to this man who also gave the world the first industrial research lab
    $200 8
Very simply, this state takes its name from the country to the south of it
    $200 6
    $200 13
Al Pacino helped design his character's creepy look for this 1990 comic strip film
    $200 1
The creature kills his creator's bride as revenge for not getting his own mate in this 1818 novel
    $200 23
This dish is raw beef topped with an egg yolk, so it won't keep long, not even in the fridge
    $400 19
That's right, baby, in 1534 Suleiman the Magnificent conquered Iraq in leading this empire against Persia
    $400 9
Fort William, later to be known as Fort Laramie, was this state's first permanent settlement
    $400 7
This word is frequently used to describe approaching traffic
    $400 14
For "Looper" this actor was altered into a convincing young Bruce Willis
    $400 2
To get revenge on Odysseus, Polyphemus prayed to this sea god, his dad, who made it hard for Odysseus to get home
    $600 20
Let's mix business with pleasure... this alphanumeric co. is known for Scotch tape, but its first product was sandpaper
    $600 10
It's the only state that is divided into 2 peninsulas, upper & lower
    $600 15
Dustin Hoffman was aged to 121 for this 1970 western
    $600 3
In this novel, Edmond Dantes plots revenge on the people whose treachery landed him in prison
    $600 28
Scandinavian is a salt-cured type of this, aka smoked salmon
    $800 21
He was Harding's first confirmed Supreme Court justice, & at 300-plus pounds, that was a lot more to love
    $800 11
The first Pony Express run started from a city in this state in 1860
    $800 25
Rochester, Albany & Syracuse are located in this part of New York
    $800 16
In 2001 "Planet of the Apes" made a monkey out of this British actress who played Ari
    $800 4
Jilted on her wedding day, in revenge she teaches her ward Estella to torment men in "Great Expectations"
    $800 27
Dairy Queen makes a "peanut buster" version of this layered dessert
    $1000 22
Ohhh yeah... Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs and" this examines environmental factors in history
    $1000 12
It's the fifth-most populous state overall & the most populous in the Midwest
    $1000 24
It's a doctor who specializes in treating cancer
    $1000 17
This slender actress "felt humiliated" wearing her "Shallow Hal" fat suit around town
    DD: $400 5
Roger Chillingworth seeks revenge for his wife's adultery in this classic American novel
    $1000 26
This Latin American appetizer is raw fish marinated in lime juice; the acid in the lime juice "cooks" the fish

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

George Kathy Larry
$1,600 $2,000 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

George Kathy Larry
$5,600 $800 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, we want you to name the singer or group that entertained us as we deal with [*].)
    $400 6
In 2005 this Venezuelan began using the term "21st c. socialism" to describe the kind of govt. he wanted to create
    $400 16
This agency with a plural name includes the Center for Global Health & the National Center for HIV/AIDS
    $400 1
A destructive insect:
    $400 21
At 10, this mineral is the hardest on the Mohs scale
    $400 15
In a 1964 address LBJ called for an "unconditional war on" this "in America"
    $400 26
"Ooo I wanna take you down to Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow"
    $800 7
Though never an Olympian, this Brazilian was named Athlete of the 20th Century by the Intl. Olympic Committee
    $800 17
TV's Special Agent Gibbs works for this agency that investigates threats to the Navy & Marine Corps
    $800 2
A deadly sin:
    $800 22
(Sarah of the Clue Crew steps on a carpet and taps a metal table.) We all know what it feels like to get shocked... & though the tension of the spark contains several thousand volts... it's harmless due to its small amount of this 7-letter word
    $800 14
Under these 1978 peace accords, Israel agreed to return the Sinai to Egypt
    $1200 8
In 1955 the Roman Catholic Church broke with this Argentine leader after he legalized prostitution & a few other things
    $1200 18
Although Stephen Ayers has this title, he did not design the U.S. Capitol; he's responsible for its maintenance
    $1200 3
A Renaissance painter:
    $1200 23
The most common drug used to treat bipolar disorder is a compound of this light metal
    $1200 13
In May 1963 L. Gordon Cooper became the last of 6 astronauts to fly in this project
    DD: $4,000 9
In June 1990 Alberto Fujimori beat novelist Mario Vargas Llosa for the presidency of this country
    $1600 19
This Cabinet department was created in 1849 & originally included the General Land Office
    $1600 4
A Protestant denomination:
    DD: $3,000 24
Examples of this type of soft-bodied invertebrate include the snail & the octopus
    $1600 12
Early in the century, Irish nationalism coalesced around this party whose name means "we ourselves"
    $2000 10
This novelist's "News of a Kidnapping" is a nonfiction account of kidnappings in Colombia in 1990-91
    $2000 20
We live in a world that has walls, & those walls have to be guarded by men with guns, like CBP, short for Customs & this
    $2000 5
A winter Olympic sport:
    $2000 25
This lens that uses a series of rings to concentrate a beam of light is named for a French physicist
    $2000 11
From April to October 1980, a flotilla of Cubans seeking freedom in the U.S. fled this Cuban port

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

George Kathy Larry
$3,600 $4,400 $18,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2013, 5280 Magazine is a guide to this city

Final scores:

George Kathy Larry
$5,201 $1,599 $21,600
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $21,600

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

George Kathy Larry
$3,600 $5,000 $19,200
13 R,
3 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $27,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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