Suggest correction - #6558 - 2013-03-06

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    $1200 14
For Buffalo dial 716; for this city of 2.6 million 100 miles away, dial 416

Show #6558 - Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Drew Horwood game 2.


Lorraine Donahue, a document services supervisor from Shadyside, Ohio

Jon Gucinski, a security engineer originally from Naperville, Illinois

Drew Horwood, a business analyst from Minneapolis, Minnesota (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,998)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: "Cross" will come up in each correct response.)
(Alex: Well, please give us the main occupation.)
    $200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew observes a bear at Pavlof Harbor in Alaska.) Despite their name, brown bears can have black or brown fur, & the brown bear here has a conspicuous shoulder hump & silver-tinted fur, which gives it this name, meaning "gray," not "gruesome"
    $200 4
It's the horizontal part atop a soccer goal
    $200 16
Dame Antoinette Sibley & "Lord" Michael Flatley
    $200 9
A national symbol, the shamrock is a variety of this plant
    $200 14
This movie theme says, "kick off your Sunday shoes. Please, Louise, pull me off-a my knees"
    $200 1
In the center of Lafayette Square you'll find not Lafayette but this Tennessean seventh president
    $400 27
(Sarah of the Clue Crew holds a crab at Lake Eva in Alaska.) In Alaska, only male Dungeness crabs are legal to catch; you know a male because of the triangular shape of this, the third major part of a crab's body, along with head & thorax
    $400 5
A lawyer tries to discredit a witness called by the opposite side by doing this
    $400 17
Diane Arbus &
Richard Avedon
    $400 10
Treasure of the leprechauns found at the end of the rainbow
    $400 15
As Billy Joel put it, "everybody's talkin' 'bout the new sound / funny, but it's still" this
    DD: $200 2
73 years after his death, a statue of this musician was unveiled outside the band hall at the Marine Barracks
    $600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Glacier Bay in Alaska.) The straw-colored plumes that curve backwards from behind the eyes are part of the breeding ornamentation of the tufted variety of this auk family member
    $600 6
One factor in the demise of chivalry & knighthood was the development of this weapon
    $600 18
Brady Hoke &
Rex Ryan
    $600 11
To say something is "black '47" is a reference to the worst year of this calamity
    $600 21
It's the 2-word title of the Lady Gaga song that includes "ro mah, ro-mah-mah, gaga, ooh-la-la!"
    $600 3
A bronze boy scout stands on the site where the first of these national scout gatherings was held in 1937
    $800 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Glacier Bay in Alaska.) With dense populations in coastal habitats, the murre is vulnerable to oil spoils; an estimated 185,000 murres were lost when this tanker spilled off Alaska in 1989
    $800 7
This constellation is between Centaurus & Musca
    $800 19
Herbert Putnam & Melvil Dewey; you might wanna concentrate on Dewey
    $800 12
Irish cudgel wielded by leprechauns & warriors
    $800 22
From this 1991 hit: "I thought that I heard you laugh-ing, I thought that I heard you sing, I think, I thought I saw you try"
    $800 24
"Viva" this revolutionary who stands life-size on the lawn in front of Mexico's embassy
    $1000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew goes whale watching at Wachusett Cove in Alaska.) Humpbacks uniquely hunt using what's called a bubble net; the whales release a circle of bubbles under a school of fish, & as the air rises, a net forms, trapping the fish; the whales then swim up the net with open mouths, filtering food through these jawlike plates
    $1000 8
In 1843 Benedict J. Fenwick founded it as a men's college in Massachusetts
    $1000 20
Renzo Piano &
Walter Gropius
    $1000 13
3-word phrase meaning "Ireland forever"
    $1000 23
This Elvis song says, "We're caught in a trap, I can't walk out"
    $1000 25
The statue of this president in the Capitol rotunda represents the state of Ohio

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Drew Jon Lorraine
$2,600 $3,000 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Drew Jon Lorraine
$3,800 $5,600 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This'll be fun...)
    $400 6
In November 2010 WikiLeaks, founded by this man, began publishing an estimated 250,000 confidential U.S. diplomatic cables
    $400 22
He was appointed envoy for peace efforts in the Middle East after resigning as British prime minister
    $400 17
Steal someone's ideas & pass them off as your own
    $400 12
712 gets you Iowa, 412, Pennsylvania & 212, this state
    $400 1
"Gin was mother's milk to her", says Eliza of her aunt in this Shaw play
    $400 7
Tess Trueheart; Chief Brandon; Pruneface
    $800 27
Washington Post nickname of the White House informant whose I.D. was kept secret for 33 years, until 2005
    $800 23
Anthony is the middle name of Samuel Alito; it's also the first name of this current benchmate
    $800 18
The one for the movie "Burlesque" features 8 songs by Christina Aguilera & 2 by Cher
    $800 13
313 will call up this Great Lakes state's eastern edge; 616, its western
    $800 2
Boswell quotes him: "claret is the liquor for boys; port, for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy"
    $800 8
Daughter Cookie; neighbor Herb Woodley; Mr. Beasley, the mailman
    DD: $2,500 28
In 1774 he became a past postmaster after leaking letters from British loyalist Thomas Hutchinson
    $1200 24
He's the successful entrepreneur & breathtaking athlete seen here
    $1200 19
Last name of singer-songwriters Loudon III & Rufus; it's also the term for a wagon maker
    $1200 14
For Buffalo dial 716; for this city of 2.6 million 100 miles away, dial 416
    $1200 3
This poet wrote, "Go fetch to me a pint o' wine... that I may drink, before I go, a service to my bonnie lassie"
    $1200 9
Fiercely feminist friend Andrea seen here
    $1600 29
The 2003 leaking of this CIA agent's name led to the end of her career, a prison term for a White House staffer & a movie
    $1600 25
This author is best known for his series of detective novels featuring Navajo tribal policeman Jim Chee
    $1600 20
It's a beauty product such as Nair that removes unwanted hair
    $1600 15
This state's 201 was the first area code to be used, in 1951
    $1600 4
Before lapsing into a coma, this Welsh poet supposedly said, "I've had 18 straight whiskies; I think that's the record"
    $1600 10
Rev. Scot Sloan; Zonker; B.D.
    $2000 30
Evidence suggests in 1848 Secretary of State James Buchanan leaked the terms of this Mexican-American War treaty
    $2000 26
This playwright's "Millennium Approaches" was the first part of his "Angels in America"
    $2000 21
This branch of zoology studies insects & related bugs like ticks & mites
    $2000 16
Give Akron a jingle with this area code, the lowest sequential one
    DD: $2,000 5
The title character of this Eugene O'Neill play says, "Gimme a whiskey--ginger ale on the side. And don't be stingy, baby"
    $2000 11
Fritzi Ritz; Sluggo; Rollo

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Drew Jon Lorraine
$9,800 $9,600 $9,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

Congress has passed 11 of these: the first in 1812, the last in 1942

Final scores:

Drew Jon Lorraine
$19,201 $18,601 $17,800
2-day champion: $36,199 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Drew Jon Lorraine
$10,000 $9,600 $13,800
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
1 W
17 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $33,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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